Top Ten Tuesday – My Kids’ Favourite Reads

Posted 2 July 2019 by Katie in Children's Fiction, Top Ten Tuesday / 5 Comments

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, brought to you by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s topic is Childhood Favourites, but since I’ve done that topic a few times (for example, Books and Series I Enjoyed in My School Years) I thought I would ask my kids this week for their favourite books. So, without further ado, here are my kids’ favourite books. This week, anyway. 😂

Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

I knew this would be at the top of the list. Miss 13 and Master 11 have just finished reading the entire series, and when Miss 6 got a bit despondent because it was taking her so long to get through the first book, (😂 – so cute!) we decided to listen to them together as a family courtesy of Stephen Fry and Audible. We’re currently up to book three (The Prisoner of Azkaban, which happens to be Master 11’s specific favourite), and I guess that’s my Audible subscription taken care of for the next several months!

The Kingdom series by Chuck Black

I inherited this fantasy series from my dear friend Rel at Relz Reviewz, and Master 11 has read it at least twice now and says his favourite of the series is Kingdom’s Quest. He loves pointing out the parallels he sees between these characters and biblical characters he’s familiar with. He also recently got his twin sister, Miss 11, reading them, and she’s nearly finished the series too!

Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

I can remember Miss 13, as a six-year-old, sitting at the breakfast table with her head stuck in one of these books, and they’re still favourites even now. I haven’t checked recently, but last I knew, The Horse and His Boy was her favourite from the series—the one I think I enjoyed the least! It’s certainly the one I’ve read the least, so maybe I should give it another go…

The Famous Five series by Enid Blyton

I’m sure there are some people out there who’ve never read The Famous Five, but it seems like EVERYONE read these when they were younger, and my kids are no exception. This one was particularly Miss 13’s choice, but all of our kids enjoy watching the BBC TV series that was made in the 70s. Ah, that takes me back…

Winnie, the Horse Gentler series by Dandi Daley Mackall

When I asked Miss 11 what her favourite books were, her first answer (accompanied by a huge grin) was Winnie, The Horse Gentler. Miss 11 is the horse lover in our family, and she’s collected this whole series over a couple of birthdays and Christmases. They get read regularly!

Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans

Miss 11’s other choice was Madeline. She’s loved Madeline ever since we first discovered her at the local library, and she’s collected several of her own since then, plus a DVD of the animated series.

The Treehouse Series by Andy Griffith

Master 9 was the least forthcoming when I asked him about his favourite books. He still loves a bedtime story (mostly picture book favourites from when he was younger—personally, I think he just likes the cuddles and listening to my voice <3 ) and there are plenty of audio books he’s loved listening to (Roald Dahl, Harry Potter, etc), but when pressed to actually name something, he was non-committal. He’s also my hands-on, busy boy who only tends to read at bedtime, as opposed to my other children who often need to have their noses pulled out of books several times a day. I’m really not sure where they got that from… 😊

Anyway, he can often be found giggling over one of Andy Griffith’s Treehouse books after he’s ready for bed, so that’s my contribution on his behalf.

The Incomplete Book of Dragons by Cressida Cowell

This book is Miss 6’s best friend. She takes it EVERYWHERE with her. She knows the whole thing back to front, regularly asks me which dragon I would rather meet (or not meet), gives me pop quizzes, and can spout a whole lot of facts you never needed to know about these completely mythical creatures (particularly while you’re trying to make dinner). It’s probably the most-loved Christmas present we’ve ever bought her, and we had to buy it twice because the first one got vomited on when she was sick. Let me tell you, if there’s one thing more traumatic than being sick when you’re a six-year-old, it’s vomiting on your favourite book and having to live without it for THREE WEEKS while you wait for a new one to arrive!

And I know that’s only eight, but there were several double-ups from among my five kids, so I guess that’s it for this week.

What are your kids’ favourite reads?

5 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – My Kids’ Favourite Reads

  1. Despite re-watching the VHS tape COUNTLESS times, I’m not sure if I ever read the Madeline books. I suppose I read one some time or another. But I do remember loving the first three books from the Narnia series. Makes me want to go back and finish the rest of the books. 🙂

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