Top Ten Tuesday – Bookmarks and Quitter Strips

Posted 12 November 2019 by Katie in Top Ten Tuesday / 10 Comments

Happy Tuesday, reader friends, and welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday post thanks to That Artsy Reader Girl. Today’s topic is Favourite Bookmarks, a topic that poses a bit of a dilemma for someone who reads about 95% of her books via Kindle. I very rarely need a bookmark these days, and I don’t have a big collection. But I do have a few to share with you. To round out my post, though, I do have an interesting collection of bookmark memes to share with you!

But first, the bookmarks. I have three bookmarks I’m going to share with you, all of which have been gifts from other bookish people in my life. 

Not only is this bookmark (one of those wonderful elastic ones that you can stretch around the pages) absolutely gorgeous, but it was a gift from one of my all-time favourite authors Ronie Kendig. And look how well it pairs with this Regency romance from another favourite author, Carolyn Miller. How can that not please a book-loving heart?

Ironically, sweet and floral is NOT the vibe I get when I read Ronie’s books, so here I have another elastic bookmark, this time from my dear friend Rel (Relz Reviewz), marking one of my favourite scenes from Ronie’s novel Fierian. I know Rel won’t mind her gift being used for this purpose at all, because she’s also a super-fan of Ronie’s books. And let’s face it. We booklovers all have those favourite scenes we like to revisit occasionally, even if we don’t have time to read the whole book.

My final bookmark is one I recently received from author Tari Faris for helping her launch her debut novel You Belong With Me. The photo on the right gives you a better picture of the actual bookmark—a hook that has charms related to the novel hanging off it. Such a creative way to say thank you to launch team members!

Of course, sometimes you don’t have a bookmark handy just when you need to put your book down. I’m pretty sure every reader has found themselves in a situation where they’re looking around for something to stick between the pages, giving rise to memes like the one on the right.

As for this one on the left, hopefully those reaching for the underwear are sitting near a pile of folded laundry…

Then again, it seems some people are smarter than others when it comes to picking impromptu bookmarks. I’m sure many of you have already seen pictures floating around the internet of this book, returned to a library in Indiana. Yes, that is indeed the imprint of a taco that had been placed inside the book. 🤦‍♀️

As this particular bookmark became more widely known, it gave rise to many related memes, like this one below.



Some food and beverage manufacturers even decided to capitalise on the expanding market… ↘️



…leading booklovers everywhere to nip the trend in the bud. ↙️

Of course, some readers would say bookmarks are for the weak anyway.

Personally, I only know one thing for sure:

If you’re still looking for a great bookmark idea, here’s one I stumbled across in my research for this post. Of course, that assumes that you’re the kind of reader who can actually stop IN THE MIDDLE OF A CHAPTER!!! Talk about quitter strip… 😉

Then again… ⬇️

Not that this meme works for Australians, for whom the lowest denomination of note is $5. Somehow, I don’t think a $1 coin is going to work quite as well!

In any case, I hope you’ve enjoyed this little chat about bookmarks!

Do you use quitter stri… er… I mean, bookmarks? Tell me about your favourites, or maybe even the strangest thing you’ve ever used for a bookmark.

10 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Bookmarks and Quitter Strips

  1. I’ve always wanted to get one of those elastic bookmarks! I haven’t added one to my collection yet though. I have a few but I’m such a pro at losing them 😅 Those food-marks though! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Don’t think I’d ever be desperate enough to do that unless the food is fully wrapped up! Haha great list!

    My TTT post

  2. I love your post today! Quitter strips, LOL. Although with some bricks I read, I don’t know if it’d be physically possible for me to read the whole thing in a day. Some of my magnetic bookmarks cost more than $1, but they’re much prettier.

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