Looking Forward to Thrillers/Suspense/Mystery in 2020

Posted 10 January 2020 by Katie in Christian Fiction, Contemporary, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller / 6 Comments

Hello, reader friends. Following on from yesterday’s post filling you in on all the romantic suspense releases you can look forward to in the first half of 2020, I’m going to give you a run-down on what’s releasing in the thriller, suspense, and mystery genres. While some of these releases will still have an element of romance, they differ from the romantic suspense genre in that the thriller/suspense/mystery plot is the primary focus of the story.

You can check out the other posts in my series here:

Contemporary Romance
Romantic Suspense
Historical Romance
Biblical Fiction
General and Time-Slip Fiction
Speculative and YA Fiction

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New Releases

Here’s a quick rundown on forthcoming releases from the major Christian publishers for the first half of 2020.


Kings Falling by Ronie Kendig (31 March 2020)


Collision of Lies by Tom Threadgill (4 February 2020)
Chasing the White Lion by James R. Hannibal (3 March 2020)
A Dream Within A Dream by Mike Nappa (2 June 2020)


Promised Land by Robert Whitlow (14 January 2020)


The Jerusalem Assassin by Joel C. Rosenberg (10 March 2020)
Where Tomorrow Leads by DiAnn Mills (9 June 2020)


The Crow’s Call by Wanda E. Brunstetter (1 March 2020)
When I Meet You by Olivia Newport (1 May 2020)
Dead Silence by Robin Caroll (1 June 2020)

And, of course, there are some indie (independent) and small press titles releasing too! 

Note: Indie and small press releases are not usually available for pre-order as far in advance as traditionally published novels, so there will likely be more releases available in this category in the next couple of months.

A Firm Place to Stand by Lori Altebaumer (25 January 2020)
All That She Saw by Alana Terry (25 January 2020
Belinda Blake and the Birds of a Feather
by Heather Day Gilbert (4 February 2020)
Ishmael Covenant by Terry Brennan (18 February 2020)

Tears of Terror by Alana Terry (20 February 2020)
You Raise Me Up by Alana Terry (20 March 2020)
by Vannetta Chapman (6 April 2020)

Katie’s TBR and Reading Goals

When it comes to my thriller/suspense/mystery TBR, I have one I’ll die if I don’t read this book, one I’ve been waiting two years to read this book, and two I’d really like to read this if I can squeeze it in books. And they’re listed below in that order.

I also want to read James R. Hannibal’s 2019 release, The Gryphon Heist, which is handy since it’s on our book club’s list for this year!

I also LOVE legal thrillers and am determined to make inroads into Randy Singer and John Grisham’s backlists. 

Which thriller/suspense/mysteries will be on your TBR in 2020?

6 responses to “Looking Forward to Thrillers/Suspense/Mystery in 2020

  1. Amy M.

    I have been not so patiently awaiting the next Coffey & Hill book from Mike Nappa so I was THRILLED to see book #3 listed. And of course Ronie Kendig…ALWAYS Ronie! 🙂

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