Looking Forward to Historical Romance in 2020

Posted 13 January 2020 by Katie in Christian Fiction, Historical, Romance / 14 Comments

Hello, reader friends! If you’re a historical romance lover you are definitely in luck when it comes to Christian fiction. There are so many fabulous historical romance books coming your way in the first half of 2020—seventeen from Bethany House alone!

Just a quick note on what you WON’T find in today’s post. Historical romances which include suspense (such as Barbour’s True Colors series) are included in my Romantic Suspense post. Biblical fiction releases will be listed in a separate post tomorrow, and time-slip novels and general historical fiction will also be listed in a separate post later this week. As you’ll see below, limiting myself to historical romance was quite enough for one post!

And if you haven’t read them yet, why not check out the other posts in my Looking forward to… series:
Contemporary Romance
Romantic Suspense

Biblical Fiction
General and Time-Slip Fiction
Speculative and YA Fiction

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New Releases

Here’s a quick rundown on forthcoming releases from the major Christian publishers for the first half of 2020.


Forever Hidden by Tracie Peterson & Kimberley Woodhouse (7 January 2020)
On Wings of Devotion by Roseanna M. White (7 January 2020)
Veiled in Smoke by Jocelyn Green (4 February 2020)
Selah by Lisa T. Bergren (3 March 2020)

Woman of Sunlight by Mary Connealy (3 March 2020)
The Runaway Bride by Jody Hedlund (3 March 2020)
Secrets of My Heart by Tracie Peterson (3 March 2020)
A Mosaic of Wings by Kimberly Duffy (5 May 2020)

Unyielding Hope by Janette Oke & Laurel Oke Logan (5 May 2020)
Storing Up Hope by Jen Turano (5 May 2020)
A Gilded Lady by Elizabeth Camden (2 June 2020)
A Single Spark by Judith Miller (2 June 2020)

The Way of Love by Tracie Petersen (2 June 2020)
At Love’s Command by Karen Witemeyer (2 June 2020)
Love’s Mountain Quest by Misty M. Beller (30 June 2020)
Line by Line by Jennifer Delamere (30 June 2020)

A Bride of Convenience by Jody Hedlund (30 June 2020)


An Uncommon Woman by Laura Frantz (7 January 2020)
The Brightest of Dreams by Susan Anne Mason (4 February 2020)
The Land Beneath Us by Sarah Sundin (4 February 2020)
Out of the Embers by Amanda Cabot (3 March 2020)

A Reckless Love by Beth White (2 June 2020)
An Appalachian Summer by Ann H. Gabhart (30 June 2020)


The Thief of Lanwyn Manor by Sarah E. Ladd (7 January 2020)
The Socialite by J’Nell Ciesielski


If I Were You by Lynn Austin (2 June 2020)


Homefront Heroines Novella Collection (1 January 2020)
The Blizzard Bride by Susanne Dietze (1 February 2020)
The Mail-Order Standoff Novella Collection (1 February 2020)
The Heart’s Stronghold Novella Collection (1 March 2020)

A Teacher’s Heart Novella Collection (1 April 2020)
The Chisholm Trail Bride by Kathleen Y’Barbo (1 April 2020)
The Mail-Order Standoff Novella Collection (1 February 2020)
Carousel Dreams Novella Collection (1 June 2020)


The Lost Lieutenant by Erica Vetsch (21 April 2020)

And, of course, there are some indie (independent) and small press titles releasing too! 

Note: Indie and small press releases are not usually available for pre-order as far in advance as traditionally published novels, so there will likely be more releases available in this category in the next couple of months.

Uncharted Promises by Keely Brooke Keith (1 January 2020)
Leaving Texas by Caryl McAdoo (13 January 2020
Freedom in the Mountain Wind
by Misty M. Beller (14 January 2020)
The Prodigal by Jennifer Lynn Cary (20 January 2020)

Waltz in the Wilderness by Kathleen Denly (4 February 2020)
Her Rebel Heart by Sharlene MacLaren (4 February 2020)
Three Little Things
by Patty Stockdale (4 February 2020)
Promised by Leah Garriott (18 February

Love in the Ballroom by Kasey Stockton (20 February 2020)
Draw Me to Your Side
 by Marguerite Martin Gray (25 February 2020)
Her Rebel Heart by Sharlene MacLaren (4 February 2020)
The Earl’s Winning Wager
by Jen Geigle Johnson (1 May 2020)

Katie’s TBR and Reading Goals

With a list of releases like that, it is soooooo easy for my TBR to get out of control. So I’m dividing my TBR today into must reads and hope to reads. Here are my must read releases:

And here are my hope to read releases. Some of these have had to be relegated to this list simply because I’m already committed to so many other releases around the same time!

And don’t even get me started on all the authors who have debuted in the last few years that I STILL haven’t managed to read yet. Or the books from last year that are still sitting in my TBR. 😩

Which historical romances are you most anticipating?
And how out of control is your historical romance TBR?

14 responses to “Looking Forward to Historical Romance in 2020

  1. I think I am going to read Promised by Leah Garriott the story seems very interesting and uncharted promises by keely brooke keith. I have recently finished On wings of devotion 🙂

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