First Line Friday – Simply Starstruck (Aspen Hadley)

Posted 10 April 2020 by Katie in Contemporary, First Line Fridays, Humour, Romance / 8 Comments

Happy Friday, book lovers, and welcome to First Line Friday hosted by Hoarding Books. I’ve found today to be a strange Good Friday, having been unable to go to church for our usual Good Friday service. I know we can commemorate Good Friday wherever we are, but for me, being able to attend a service where I can gather with others who are remembering the significance of today is very much a part of the holiness of the day. What’s more, in the years I’ve been doing First Line Friday, I seem to have exhausted my collection of novels that tell the Easter story in some shape or form. Obviously I will need to rectify that for next year!

In spite of all that, I hope and pray that you will all have a wonderful, if isolated, Easter break as we remember all that it means to be redeemed by Christ’s death.

While I’m finding myself relatively at peace with my own situation (when I’m not breaking up sibling screaming matches), I am finding I’m gravitating towards light-hearted reads more frequently than usual, and this week I’m featuring a contemporary romance that came to my attention thanks to Nicole at Christian Fiction Girl. Simply Starstruck is by Aspen Hadley, and you can read Nicole’s review here. I’m really looking forward to this one!

About the Book

It’s been two years since Kate Evans unexpectedly lost her husband and one year since her aunt Cassandra stepped in and moved Kate and her son back to Colorado to start a new life.

Just when Kate is starting to get comfortable in her new reality, three very different men enter her life. Alec is young, easygoing, and up for anything. Nate is a divorced dad who is steady, reliable, and everything Kate should want. Jess is quite literally the boy next door, not to mention a real-life movie star straight from every girl’s dreams.

Is she really ready to jump into the dating scene again? Or does she stay in the same safe place free from heartache? In between braving water slides to cheating at croquet, Kate is forced to confront things she’d rather leave buried, along with the possibility of a new love that is exactly what she needs.

First Line

I’d love it if you’d share the first line of whatever you’re currently reading in the comments. And don’t forget, you can find out what other bloggers are sharing for First Line Friday by going over to Hoarding Books blog and finding all the links. If you’ve got your own blog, why not join in and add your link over there. 🙂

8 responses to “First Line Friday – Simply Starstruck (Aspen Hadley)

  1. Kirby preppybookprincess

    Happy Good Friday!

    I’m very intrigued by Simply Starstruck, and I may have to end up picking this one up.

    I’m feeling the same way you are about Good Friday being different this year without being able to attend church services.

    My first line on my blog this week comes The Truth in Tiramisu by Rachael Bloome:

    “Every time Eliza Carter closed her eyes, she saw his face.”

    Hope you have a lovely Easter Weekend 🙂

  2. Paula Shreckhise

    My book this week is THE HOUSE AT THE END OF THE MOOR by Michelle Griep.
    March 1861 Dartmoor Prison, Devon, England

    Death prowled the cell block like a dark animal seeking prey— especially the weakest.

  3. Happy Good Friday! On my blog, I’m featuring The Shotgun Proposal by Barbara Goss. Here, I will share the first line of my current read, The Trouble with Patience by Maggie Brendan. Trying to beat the rain, Patience Cavanaugh hurried up the single main street of raw Nevada City. Wishing you a Happy Easter!

  4. lelandandbecky

    Happy Friday! My first line is from “The Color of Love” by Kimberly Rae Jordan:

    “Charles Beaumont Allerton Junior tugged at the hem of his button-up shirt, hoping to work out some of the wrinkles that his rapid – and poor – packing job had created.”

  5. I hope you enjoy this book. It’s so good!

    Happy Friday!
    Today I’m sharing from chapter 27 in The Happy Camper by Melody Carlson.
    “Still needing to get groceries for tonight’s dinner with Jordan, Dillon was tempted to skip the Silver Slipper altogether.”
    Hope you have a great Easter weekend. 🙂❤📖

  6. Happy Friday!
    Today on my blog I shared the first line from The Lost Lieutenant by Erica Vetsch but I’m currently reding The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck by Bethany Turner so I’ll share the first line from chapter 11 here: “Since our Sunday lunch had been so rudely interrupted by, you know…reality, Ben and I decided our first date called for a do-over.” Happy reading!

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