Debut Author Spotlight + Giveaway: C.F.E. Black

Posted 14 August 2019 by Katie in Author Interview, Book Spotlight, Christian Fiction, Science Fiction, Speculative, Young Adult / 2 Comments

Welcome, book lovers! I’m so pleased to be introducing you to my debut author for August, C.F.E. Black—especially if you’re looking for your next YA or sci-fi read!

Mind of Mine released last week, and as soon as I read the description, I knew it was a book I wanted to read. I’ll have my review for you at the end of the month, but in the meantime, let me introduce you to the author!

About the Author

C.F.E. Black learned her love of literature from her two professor parents and a handful of excellent English teachers. She now pours this love back into young people by writing novels for teens. She lives in north Alabama with her husband, son, two droopy hound dogs, and a cat named Sprinkles.

Connect with C.F.E. Black:
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Thanks for joining me today! What’s the first story you remember writing?

The first story with a plot that I remember writing was in second grade. We had to write a “book” for class and present it to our fellow students and their parents. They gave us little hardback books that we could write and color in. Mine was about a unicorn, naturally. 

When did you begin to pursue writing seriously?

In my head, I always considered writing to be a “serious” pursuit. There was never a time when it wasn’t going to be something I did professionally. However, I began the actual push toward finishing and publishing a book while in college. Yes, I am one of the many who can thank NaNoWriMo for this. However, my first published novel did not start as a NaNo project.  

Who or what has influenced you most as a writer?

Jean Craighead George’s novels taught me that stories can transport readers. Ray Bradbury’s novels taught me that stories can transform readers. Scripture teaches me that stories can transcend all our varied backgrounds and experiences to bring us together.

What genre do you write, and what is it that draws you to this genre?

I write YA because I teach teenagers and because I love capturing all the magic and change and discovery that takes place during the teenage years. We are who we are because of what we went through as teenagers. I hope to encourage teens through my stories while providing them with clean entertainment. I write sci-fi because I’m a nerd—it’s that simple. 

What would you say has been your steepest learning curve on your path to publication?

Marketing. That is not so much a learning curve but a wall to scale. But before the contract? The steepest part of the journey was the submission process. You have to be okay with rejection after rejection.

What is the most daunting thing about being a debut author?

Although it is true that letting my book into the wild is terrifying (read Anne Bradstreet’s “Author to Her Book” poem), the scariest part for me is the question: Will readers pick up my book? I feel a bit like I’m in gym class again waiting to get picked for dodgeball. And I was generally chosen last for that, so I’m hoping my book has a better experience! 

What has been the most encouraging thing you’ve experienced as a debut author?

My students’ excitement over my book. There’s no replacement for their enthusiasm. To all the other debut authors out there, believe me, there is an audience for your book, you just have to find them!

Briefly share your book’s life story. When was the story conceived, and how long has its journey been to release day?

Oh boy. The initial idea came to me in 2011, but I was a first-year teacher and free time was not a thing. I wrote the book during the 2014-2015 school year after a harrowing near-death experience that left me too shaken to begin full-time teaching again. That’s a story for another day, but I was ready to make my lifelong dream a reality and write, finish, and publish a novel. I began teaching again when the book was done, and it took until 2018 to land a contract! Full-time teaching and preparing for release day (all while being a new mom) have made this past year a definite whirlwind.

How did you celebrate release day? 

Honestly, by taking a deep breath and thanking the Lord. I’ve wanted this for so long, prayed for the Lord to open the doors for this if He willed, and now He has. Everything remains in His hands, and I am rejoicing in this dream come true. And I can’t think of a better way to celebrate release day than worshipping with my church family at our regular midweek gathering. And eating a little extra chocolate!

About the Book

Mind of Mine
C.F.E. Black
Speculative Fiction (SciFi)
Illuminate YA
Release date: 
5 August 2019


Amazon US  |  Amazon AU

Mind of Mine

Raised to put science over self, V must link her brain with fifteen other people, making her one of the world’s smartest humans. With this privilege comes a life dedicated to continual research inside a secluded facility, a life devoid of freedom. 

But V is losing her identity and unable to predict which face will peer back at her from the nearest mirror. Escaping this life will mean freedom to think for herself—and abandoning everything and everyone she’s known and loved. 

When your thoughts and speech are no longer private, freedom comes at a price. But for V the price may be her life.


C.F.E. Black is graciously giving away an eBook copy of Mine of Mine to one lucky commenter!  Comment below and let us know which genre you would write if you were writing a debut novel. Or you can just say hi and tell us how much you love us! 🙂

Giveaway ends at 11:59pm on 20 August 2019 (EST). For full terms and conditions, see Disclaimers & Privacy Policy.

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