12 Days of Christmas Reads – The Twelfth Day: 'Lygos' by Ronie Kendig

Posted 15 December 2017 by Katie in Author Interview, Christian Fiction, Romance, Suspense / 0 Comments

Twelfth Day
Welcome to the twelfth and final day of Christmas reads! I hope you’ve enjoyed sharing Christmas with some of your favourite authors—I’ve sure enjoyed bringing them to you. And we’re going out on a bang with some Rapid-Fire Fiction from Ronie Kendig. For fans of Ronie’s Discarded Heroes series, today’s featured book is a must-have, but anyone who’s after an adrenaline-filled Christmas read will enjoy meeting Azzan and the Nightshade team.

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~ Christmas with Ronie Kendig ~

Favourite Christmas carol/hymn – August Burns Red’s Carol of the Bells
I love that carol. Can’t say I’ve ever heard it played on electric guitars before though! (Well, until now 🙂 )
My ideal Christmas Day weather – cold with perhaps some snow
Cold + Christmas = ERROR in my world! 😆
If I was sitting on Santa’s knee right now, I’d ask him for . . . a Christmas miracle for our family’s move to happen with no glitches—which would mean our home to sell, us finding and buying a new home, and getting moved lickety split.
For a guy who delivers presents world-wide in one night, you’d think those logistics would be a cinch!
If I was one of Santa’s elves, I would probably get the job of . . . wrapping gifts and tying bows (I mean, it’s not like I have a fetish for bows…it’s not my fault Kate Spade keeps putting them on her products…)
Lol. I could use an elf like you! I get so excited when I’ve finished the Christmas shopping . . . and then I realize I still have to wrap them all! 😳
Christmas isn’t Christmas without . . . family. Sounds lame, but I’ve been through enough to know that things are nice but they can’t compare to loved ones.
Not lame at all. <3
This year, I’ll be celebrating Christmas . . . in Florida with my “nuclear” family.
So, I’m guessing no ideal Christmas weather for you this year. 😊
This Christmas, I’m most looking forward to . . . the end of 2017 being so close. LOL
Send a brief Christmas message to all your readers: We live in an insane world and it’s easy to get caught up in the race to “next.” Take time for yourself, to refresh and focus on what is important—our Savior and loved ones!

~ About the Author ~

An Army brat, Ronie Kendig grew up in the classic military family, with her father often TDY and her mother holding down the proverbial fort. Their family moved often, which left Ronie attending six schools by the time she’d entered fourth grade. Her only respite and “friends” during this time were the characters she created.
It was no surprise when she married a military veteran—her real-life hero—in June 1990.  Married more than twenty years, Ronie and her husband  have homeschooled for the last eighteen years. Despite the craziness of life, Ronie finds balance and peace with her faith, family, and retired military working dog in Northern Virginia.

Connect with Ronie:  Website  //  Facebook  //  Twitter  //  Instagram  //  Pinterest

~ About the Book ~

Once nicknamed “Aladdin” by the Nightshade team, Azzan Yasir has found camaraderie–and a new callsign: LYGOS–in his six years with the Nightshade team. When Canyon Metcalfe recruits him to run security for his brother’s gubernatorial campaign, Azzan discovers how quickly long-buried secrets can devastate the best-laid plans.

Campaign manager Everly Sinclair has hidden from the limelight since her grandfather’s death. Assuming a nom de plume, she is out to prove her mettle in the contentious word of politics by launching her first candidate during a pre-Christmas event at an exclusive lodge in the mountains.
When Everly receives a mysterious envelope, she’s convinced the person who killed her grandfather now has her in his sights. But Azzan is convinced the killer is after him to settle an old score. Shedding their masks may be the deadliest move Azzan and Everly make this Christmas.

Amazon US  //  Amazon AU  //  Goodreads

~ Giveaway ~

Christmas Giveaway Ronie Kendig
Ronie is offering one lucky non-US reader a Kindle copy of Lygos, and one lucky US reader a paperback copy of Lygos.
To enter, comment on this post (even if it’s just to say ‘Thanks for the giveaway’!) and then click to enter the non-US giveaway or the US giveaway.
* This giveaway is run through Rafflecopter. See full Terms and Conditions here.
Thanks to Ronie for joining me today and generously providing the giveaway copies. And a final BIG thank you to all of the authors who joined me for the 12 Days of Christmas Reads and to all the readers who have come to visit. 🙂
PS – You can also find a comprehensive list of Christmas-themed releases for 2017 on my aptly-named page Christmas Releases for 2017.
Missed a previous 12 Days of Christmas Reads post? You can visit them via the links below:
4th December – Debra E. Marvin
5th December – Melissa Tagg
6th December – Erica Vetsch
7th December – Susan May Warren
8th December – Lucette Nel
9th December – Amber Lynn Perry
10th Decmber – Golden Keyes Parsons
11th December – Laurie Germaine
12th December – Michelle Griep
13th December – Erynn Mangum
14th December – Chautona Havig

0 responses to “12 Days of Christmas Reads – The Twelfth Day: 'Lygos' by Ronie Kendig

  1. I have always loved this series. So glad to see this character get his day! Thank you for the giveaway. Ronie, so sorry to see you moving away from our area but do hope it brings you and your family many blessings!!!

  2. Amy M

    Ronie Kendig is da bomb!!! The Discarded Series was my first introduction to her, and there was no turning back at that point. Getting to catch up with the team will be a great Christmas family reunion.

  3. Meg

    My sister loves Ronie Kendig’s books, I would love to win and be able to share the book with her. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Merry Christmas!

  4. Ronie Kendig sure knows how to pack a powerful, dramatic suspense novel….and now a Christmas one to boot! Woo Hoo! Thanks for the chance to win this book!!!

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