Here’s something new for 2017! I’ve dubbed Wednesday ‘Word Nerd Wednesday’, which is hopefully fairly self-explanatory. If not, don’t worry. You’ll get the hang of it Hopefully I’ll also get the hang of actually posting them by Wednesday…
This week’s Word Nerd post is weather inspired. You see, while I have been sitting here roasting in the Australian summer heat, many of my northern hemisphere friends have been posting their winter wonderland pictures. One comment led to another (as it often does on Facebook), and had me asking one friend, “What do you call them?” Meaning:
I call them ‘gumboots’, but I know there are a lot of other names for them. Wellingtons. Wellies. Galoshes. (I love that last one. So onomatopoeic!) So what I want to know is, what do YOU call them? And tell me where you’re from, so we can get an idea of regional variation. *That’s your cue to post in the comments below*
But wait! Because I don’t just want to know what you call them. I want to know your style. Do you go for classic black, like above, or do you like to add colour and personality to your gumboots? Or whatever you call them…
Do you go for bright, solid colours?
Or rainbow stripes?
Maybe something patterned?
Or floral?
Are you all class?
Do you like to make a fashion statement?
Or do you seek to satisfy your arty soul?
What’s your style when it comes to gumboots? And what do you call them? Do let me know!
The ones I wear I call barn boots because they are for working in. They are black pull one like your first photo. Waterproof but no arch support. But I call the fancy ones Wellies.
Well, that’s a name I hadn’t thought of. But logical, I suppose
Oops. Posted without the smiley I was going to add.
That’s better!
I call them mudboots here in southern Illinois and I have a pair just like the first example except mine are blue! All the kids have the plain black because they wear them out or grow out of them so fast! The kids are responsible for taking care of our free range chickens so theirs get more use than mine
Oddly enough, it’s difficult to find the plain black here for children. We’ve often had a choice between blue or hot pink! My eldest actually went through a period of time when she was about 3 where she insisted on wearing on hot pink gumboot and one regular navy blue boot at the same time! Everywhere we went! It was quite the fashion statement
HAHAHA! I love that! When one of the boys was around 3 years old, he always wanted to wear a tshirt, undies, and bright yellow boots. KIDS!
In Mississippi, we call them rainboots or galoshes. I did buy my daughter an expensive pair from England called Wellies. Of course, I never splurge to buy myself any, usually just her, LOL. She’s had solid blue or patterned.
I love learning what other countries or areas call things!
Thanks for sharing. I love learning what other people call things, too. Stay tuned for more posts like this in the future!
So fun! I call them rainboots but I hate wearing them at all, no matter how cute they may be.
No splashing in puddles for you, then?
nooooo that would get my tennies wet
Lol! Can’t have that!
I’m from northern Utah, and I’d probably just call them boots. I like the fashion statement ones, but I’m not sure I’d get the red ones. I’d probably get black or brown as they would go with more things. I actually seldom wear boots unless the snow is unusually deep.
This is a fun post, Katie!
I guess if you’re only going to wear them when the snow is deep, it probably doesn’t matter what colour they are!
I currently live in the Pacific Northwest (originally from Florida) and I call them rain boots. I got a pair for my daughter for Christmas. They are green with owls on them. My son has a plain black pair that he inherited.
Ooh! I like the sound of green with owls!
We call ’em mud boots. Or muck boots. Because we wear them when we muck out the horse stalls. Which is why I always kind of chuckle when I see people wearing them around like they’re real, actual shoes!
But, if we lived in a wetter climate, I’d probably run around town in cute polk-a-dot pair!
Probably not much point going for pretty when you’re mucking in mud and goodness knows what else! But I do like the sound of polka dots
I definitely have a tendency towards pretty rather than practical, but I don’t have much call to wear them where we are 
I{ve always only heard them called rain boots or rubbers. If i had any I{d go for polka dots
ps please forgive my punctuation – keyboard gone wonky!!!
Lol! Don’t you hate it when technology doesn’t cooperate?
Polka dots seem to be a popular choice!
We live in the country and have lots of boots. My family (Missouri with Arkansas roots) call the ones you have pictured rubber boots and we wear them in summer–mine are black with pastel polka dots all over them.
Very cute! We also have insulated rubber boots for the freezing winter months. Then there are snow boots which are usually shorter than the insulated rubber boots–our mud
is usually deeper than our snow–and the snow boots might have faux fur lining and leather or other synthetic material uppers rather than all rubber. And then… there are the dress boots. My favorite kind of boot to pair with a cute outfit. 
Wow! You’re a boot expert! Thanks for stopping by and sharing
Our mild winters don’t produce anything more than mud, I’m afraid 
But, of course, one can never have too many dress boots!
I love the boots!
My dad always called them golashes ~Michigan~ but I call them over the shoe boots!
Lol! Call it like it is. I love it