Weekend Book Buzz

Posted 19 March 2017 by Katie in Book Buzz, Christian Fiction / 0 Comments

Welcome to another Weekend Book Buzz! It’s been another busy week, so let’s start with a recap of what’s happened right here at Fiction Aficionado this week (click on graphics to read the reviews):

Book Reviews
Why Not meme   Unquiet Ghosts plain

Top Ten Tuesday: My Spring TBR Part 2
Word Nerd Wednesday: Prestidigitation
First Line Friday: If I’m Found by Terri Blackstock

~ Blog Tours ~

There are currently a few tours underway with Celebrate Lit, and you can click on the graphic to be taken to the home page for each tour, where you’ll find the schedule for the blog tour, giveaways, and more. The blog tour for Buried Secrets wraps up later this week, while Murder for the Time Being continues until the beginning of next week:



A new blog tour for Chautona Havig’s Such a Tease also gets underway this week:


Singing Librarian Books also has a book tour this week, and you can access the tour page for more information by clicking on the graphic below. (Information will not be live until 11:30pm on 19th March):

A Second Chance banner

~ Facebook Parties ~

We’re making up for last week’s lack of Facebook parties this week—and that’s just on Monday! See you there!

Monday 20 March 2017 – 1pm-2:30pm PDT
Keli Gwyn facebook party

Monday 20 March 2017 – 6pm-8pm CDT (Book Banter with Jocelyn Green)
Book Banter with Jocelyn

Monday 20 March 2017 – 7pm-9pm CST
Girls Night

Thursday 23 March 2017 – 2pm-6pm AKDT
Alana Terry book chat

And don’t forget, it’s never to early to RSVP:

Tuesday 28 March 2017 – 7pm-9pm EDT
The Memory of You party

~ Cover Reveals ~

All This TimeAll This Time – Melissa Tagg
Melissa Tagg has revealed the cover of the final book in her Walker Family Series this week, and I cannot possibly express how much I am anticipating this release. August feels like sooooooo far away. But here it is, the cover for Bear and Reagan’s story!

It’s not up for pre-order yet, but you can mark it ‘want to read’ on Goodreads here, and follow Melissa on Facebook or sign up for her newsletter to be kept up-to-date on release information.

All of You – Sarah Monzon
Sarah Monzon has also revealed the cover on her upcoming release, All of You. This is the second in her Carrington Family series and releases on 15 May 2017. You can pre-order here for $1.99.

Sarah has also very generously decided to donate ALL proceeds earned from pre-order sales to the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, a non-profit organization that provides support to United States military personnel lost in service, those who are severely wounded as well as for veterans and their families.

A Rose So Fair – Myra Johnson
The third book in Myra Johnson’s Depression Era series, Flowers of Eden, has a cover, and just in time, too. This releases on 4 April 2017 and you can pre-order here.

~ Giveaways ~

Vannetta Chapman has a March Giveaway happening. Click on the image to enter:

Vannetta Chapman giveaway

Don’t forget the giveaway at Litfuse for Carolyn Miller’s debut release, The Elusive Miss Ellison, which is open until March 22:

Karen Sargent has a giveaway associated with the release of her debut novel, Waiting for Butterflies. You can find out more about her novel on her website, or click on the graphic to be taken to the giveaway:

Lisa Tawn Bergren is getting closer to the big 5-0, and she has some big things to giveaway—books, gift cards, and even a Kindle Fire! This round of giveaways finishes on Tuesday, but another lot of giveaways will start up for the final countdown! Click on the graphic to go to Lisa’s website:

And don’t forget that the Celebrate Lit and Singing Librarian have giveaways associated with their blog tours!

~ New Releases ~

First of all, a reminder of the new releases so far for March:

And now for this week’s releases:

21 March 2017

~ eBook Sales ~

Please check the prices before purchasing! These sale prices are according to the information I had to hand at the time I published the post (affiliate links).

Sales with unknown ending dates ($0.99)

On sale until 22 March 2017 ($1.99)

On sale until 26 March 2017 ($2.99)

On sale until 31 March 2017 ($0.99-$2.99)

Monthly Specials
And here are the monthly specials that have appeared in previous Book Buzz editions this month, in case you haven’t gotten around to adding them to your collection yet! 😉





If you have any bookish news you would like to see in future editions of the Weekend Book Buzz, I’d love to hear from you! Have a great weekend 🙂 

0 responses to “Weekend Book Buzz

  1. Winnie Thomas

    So many awesome books–so little time to read! Thanks for reminding us of all these amazing books, and FB parties, and sales, and giveaways!! Love it, sweet friend!

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