Weekend Book Buzz – 25/26 March 2017

Posted 26 March 2017 by Katie in Book Buzz, Christian Fiction / 0 Comments

Welcome to the Weekend Book Buzz! Thanks to very limited internet connection this week, this post has been a little harder to prepare for and I’m sure I will have missed finding out about some fabulous bookish news, but I thought I would post what I have anyway. Maybe you can all comment with the news I’ve missed!

I’ve also been busy editing this week, hence there have been less book reviews. But don’t worry, I have some great reviews coming up! And here’s something that will REALLY whet your appetite:


SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I can’t possibly tell you how much I’m looking forward to this novella, and it will release early in April!! So stay tuned, or ‘like’ Ronie’s Rapid-Fire Fiction page on Facebook to be in the know!

But for now, here’s a recap of what’s happened this week on Fiction Aficionado:

Book Review:
If I'm Found meme 2

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Sooooooo Could Have Read in One Sitting
Word Nerd Wednesday: Flat Out Like A Lizard Drinking
First Line Friday: The Memory of You – Catherine West

~ Blog Tours ~

There are currently a few tours underway with Celebrate Lit, and you can click on the graphic to be taken to the home page for each tour, where you’ll find the schedule for the blog tour, giveaways, and more. The blog tour for Buried Secrets wraps up later this week, while Murder for the Time Being continues until the beginning of next week:



There’s also a Celebrate Lit tour beginning for Baggage Claim on 28 March:


~ Facebook Parties ~

Here are this week’s Facebook parties, and a few that are coming up that you can put in your diary. Please note, there has been a time change for the Facebook party for The Memory of You; it will now begin at 8pm EDT rather than 7pm EDT.

Tuesday 28 March 2017 – 8pm-10pm EDT
The Memory of You party

And don’t forget, it’s never too early to RSVP:

Thursday 6 April 2017 – 8pm (ET)JTWYA party

~ Cover Reveals ~

Isaiah's daughterIsaiah’s Daughter – Mesu Andrews
Releasing: 3 October 2017
Isaiah adopts Ishma, giving her a new name–Zibah, delight of the Lord–thereby ensuring her royal pedigree. Ishma came to the prophet’s home, devastated after watching her family destroyed and living as a captive. But as the years pass, Zibah’s lively spirit wins Prince Hezekiah’s favor, a boy determined to rebuild the kingdom his father has nearly destroyed. But loving this man will awake in her all the fears and pain of her past and she must turn to the only One who can give life, calm her fears, and deliver a nation. Pre-order here.

~ Giveaways ~

Vannetta Chapman has a March Giveaway happening. Click on the image to enter:

Vannetta Chapman giveaway

Karen Sargent has a giveaway associated with the release of her debut novel, Waiting for Butterflies. You can find out more about her novel on her website, or click on the graphic to be taken to the giveaway:

Lisa Tawn Bergren is celebrating reaching the big 5-0 and has some big things to giveaway—books, gift cards, and even a Kindle Fire! This is the last round of giveaways and finishes on Tuesday 28th March. Click on the graphic to go to Lisa’s website:

And don’t forget that the Celebrate Lit has giveaways associated with their blog tours!

~ New Releases ~

Can you believe it’s the last week in March already? And there are some great new releases this week:

Brand New from Lynette Eason!

27 March 2017

28 March 2017

And here’s a reminder of the other new releases so far for March:

~ eBook Sales ~

Please check the prices before purchasing! These sale prices are according to the information I had to hand at the time I published the post (affiliate links).

Sales with unknown ending dates ($0.99)

On sale until 27 March 2017 ($1.99)

FREE until 29 March 2017
Soar Like Eagles

Monthly Specials
And here are the monthly specials that have appeared in previous Book Buzz editions this month, in case you haven’t gotten around to adding them to your collection yet! 😉





If you have any bookish news you would like to see in future editions of the Weekend Book Buzz, I’d love to hear from you! Have a great weekend 🙂 

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