Weekend Book Buzz – 1/2 April 2017

Posted 3 April 2017 by Katie in Romance / 0 Comments

Hello readers, and welcome to another edition of the Weekend Book Buzz. This is going to be a shorter edition today because I’m flat strapped getting some editing finished, but fear not! Next week’s edition will come with a whole lot of new ebook sales for April, and all the other news about what’s going on in Christian fiction.

Here’s what’s happened right here at Fiction Aficionado this week:

The Memory of You meme   Miramar Bay meme

Top Ten Tuesday – Authors I Would Love to Meet
Word Nerd Wednesday – Kismet
First Line Friday – The Patriot and the Loyalist (Angela K. Couch)

~ Blog Tours ~

Look at these tours underway with Celebrate Lit! As always, you can click on the graphic to be taken to the home page for each tour, where you’ll find the schedule for the blog tour, giveaways, and more. The blog tour for Such a Tease wraps up on Monday, but the other tours continue through to next week:




And look which tour is starting up with Celebrate Lit later this week!


Waiting for Butterflies by Karen Sargent is currently on tour with Singing Librarian Book Tours. For more information, click on the graphic below:

Tour Header

~ Facebook Parties ~

There are two great parties happening this week that I know of. Hope to see you there!

Thursday 6 April 2017 – 8pm (ET)JTWYA party

Friday 7th April 2017 – 9am-7pm (UTC-06)
Patriot and Loyalist

~ Cover Reveals ~

A Season to Dance

A Season to Dance – Patricia Beal
What a gorgeous cover! This book will be releasing on 9 May 2017, and you can pre-order or find out more information here.

If you want to get up-to-date information you can follow Patricia on Facebook.



Right Where I BelongRight Where We Belong – Deborah Raney, Melissa Tagg, and Courtney Walsh
How exciting is this?! A collection of three novellas, coming to you 1 May 2017. This collection isn’t up for pre-order yet, but I will be sure to let you know when it is. In the meantime, you can keep up-to-date by liking Melissa Tagg or Courtney Walsh, or joining Deborah Raney‘s Readers Group (or all three!) on Facebook.


TitanisTitanis – Ronie Kendig
Remember I told you last week how I was excited about the fact that Titanis from Ronie’s Quiet Professionals series was about to get his own novella? Well, lookie here! It’s not up for pre-order on Amazon yet, but if you want to know more about this little beauty, you can go to Ronie’s website to find out more. And if you want to be the first to know when it’s available to order, then you can like Ronie’s Facebook page, or follow her on Amazon.


Finally, Rel over at Relz Reviewz did another of her fabulous cover reveal posts this week, this time for upcoming Indie novels. Click on the graphic to see her post:


~ Giveaways ~

Karen Sargent has a giveaway associated with the release of her debut novel, Waiting for Butterflies. You can find out more about her novel on her website, or click on the graphic to be taken to the giveaway:

There is an online, multi-author giveaway happening between 2 April and 9 April via a Facebook event page. Click on the graphic below for more information:

Multi author giveaway

Debra E. Marvin also has a giveaway associated with the release of her latest novella, Saguaro Sunset. Not only is she giving away a copy of her new release, but you could win a $25 Amazon gift card! Click on the graphic below to be taken to the Inkwell Inspirations blog, where you can find out how to enter!

Saguaro Sunset 3 (2)

And don’t forget that the Celebrate Lit and Singing Librarian Book Tours have giveaways associated with their blog tours!

~ New Releases ~

It’s a bumper week for new releases this week (plus one from the end of March that I missed!)

29 March 2017

1 April 2017

4 April 2017

6 April 2017

7 April 2017

If you have any bookish news you would like to see in future editions of the Weekend Book Buzz, I’d love to hear from you! Have a great weekend 🙂 

0 responses to “Weekend Book Buzz – 1/2 April 2017

  1. Winnie Thomas

    Thanks, Katie! Looks like there are a lot of great books coming up. I know my TBR list this month is going to test my reading speed. Yikes!

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