Top Ten Tuesday – Coming Up On My TBR!

Posted 19 June 2018 by Katie in Christian Fiction, New Releases, Top Ten Tuesday / 0 Comments


Happy Tuesday, book lovers! According to That Artsy Reader Girl, today’s post is technically Books to Read by the Pool or Summer TBR, but as I sit here shivering and listening to the rain pouring down outside, I can’t bring myself to even joke about this being a summer TBR. It is well and truly winter here in Australia!

BUT, I can still get very excited about the books that are coming up on my TBR over the next three months! If you want to know more about any of these titles, then clicking on the cover will take you to Amazon (affiliate links). I should also point out that, while these are all new releases or upcoming releases, I’m not necessarily reading them all in the month they release. However, this is roughly the order I will be reading them in.

I’m so excited about the variety and the stories that await me!





Are any of these on your TBR? I’d love to know which books you’re looking forward to!

0 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Coming Up On My TBR!

  1. Winnie Thomas

    Yes, most of these are on my reading pile for the summer. I’ve read some of them already–a Defense of Honor, Just Let Go, and Before We Were Yours. They are all excellent books. I’m looking forward to reading a lot of the others. We definitely have similar reading tastes, Katie!

  2. Thanks for adding Just Let Go to your list!! I hope you like it! 🙂 And I’m taking note of the others you’ve listed here…so many good ones, and I have lots of summer reading goals!!

  3. Jeanne Bishop

    Love your list. Three of your June reads are sitting on my shelf, and “A Defence of Honor” is wonderful! Kristi Ann Hunter has hit it out of the park again.

  4. Ahhhh! I can’t believe I left The Truth Between Us and Thirst of Steel off of my list. I’m really looking forward to them and several others you’ve listed today.

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