Top Ten Tuesday – Books I’d Give Up Tomatoes (for a whole WEEK!) to Read Right Now

Posted 1 May 2018 by Katie in Christian Fiction, Top Ten Tuesday / 0 Comments


Happy Tuesday, book lovers! Today’s official topic from That Artsy Reader Girl is Books I’d Slay a Lion to Get Early. Putting aside for the moment the fact that I get books early all the time, (perks of book blogging, people!) let’s be real here: If I attempt to slay a lion, chances are I’m not going to survive in order to read these books I’m desperate to get my hands on.

So I thought, what’s the most drastic thing I can think of to demonstrate just how much I want to get my hands on these books? Well, as my husband will attest to, running out of tomatoes is on the same level as an international disaster in my books. (He, on the other hand, would quite happily live without them in their raw form. Can you believe some people? 😱)

So I am here today to solemnly swear that I would give up tomatoes for a WHOLE WEEK  to be able to read these books right now. (To be honest, even that length of time has me hyperventilating in the corner, but if I have a good book or twelve to distract me, I think I could do it.) Some are on this list because they’re yet far off and the wait is KILLING ME! Others are here because they’re sitting on my Kindle right now, seriously testing my self-discipline at sticking to a full blogging schedule that dictates what I read and when.

Here they are, in no particular order (except maybe the first one! 😉 )


Thirst of Steel (Ronie Kendig) – Probably my most anticipated read of 2018 because: TOX. And Ram. Releasing 31 July 2018

Wait For Me (Susan May Warren) – The conclusion of her Montana Rescue series and FINALLY the conclusion of Pete and Jess’s story. Releasing 6 November 2018

Sons of Blackbird Mountain (Joanne Bischof) – If you’ve ever read Joanne’s writing, you’ll know why I’m anticipating this read. And it’s sitting on my Kindle right now, taunting me… Releasing 3 July 2018


Where the Fire Falls (Karen Barnett) – I absolutely adored the first book in this series! Releasing 5 June 2018

The Solace of Water (Elizabeth Byler Younts) – To be honest, the title and the cover have totally captured my attention, and the description seals the deal. Promises to be a stirring read. Releasing 5 June 2018

Where Hope Begins (Catherine West) – This promises to be one of those emotional reads that holds you in its grip until the last page. I have my tissues ready. Releasing 22 May 2018


The Truth Between Us (Tammy L. Gray) – I’m absolutely hooked on this series. Well, on these characters, to be honest. And April and Sean’s story promises to be explosive and gripping! Releasing 12 July 2018

The Reckoning at Gossamer Pond (Jaime Jo Wright) – Another time-slip suspense from the author of The House on Foster Hill. Can’t wait! Releasing 3 July 2018

The Hidden Side (Heidi Chiavaroli) – I’ve heard so many good things about this novel! I’m ready for an emotionally gripping read. Releasing 8 May 2018


An Hour Unspent (Roseanna M. White) – I can’t believe we’re at the end of this series already! Love Roseanna’s books, and the WWI setting. Releasing 4 September 2018

Shelter of the Most High (Connilyn Cossette) – One of my favourite Biblical Fiction writers. I love the concept of this series, too, with the Cities of Refuge. Releasing 2 October 2018

Legacy of Mercy (Lynn Austin) – The sequel that wasn’t going to be…but then was! A follow on from Waves of Mercy, plus it’s Lynn Austin. Can’t wait to see where she goes with this one. Releasing 2 October 2018

Special mention (because they don’t have covers or release dates yet):

Sarah Monzon – the final book in her Carrington Family series
Tamara Leigh – book #8 in her Age of Faith series: The Raveling
Kara Isaac – All Made Up coming in September!
Crystal Walton – Livy and Chase’s story
Meghan M. Gorecki – The conclusion to Amongst the Roses. Don’t leave me hanging until October please! 😉

What would you give up to get a copy of your most anticipated reads right now? And what’s the book you’d do it for?

0 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Books I’d Give Up Tomatoes (for a whole WEEK!) to Read Right Now

  1. I neeeeeeeeeeed Joanne Bischof’s nooooooooowww!!! I’d give up . . . oh gawsh . . .gulp . . . COFFEE! (thanks for including TRAGP on the list. WOWSERS!!!)

  2. Winnie Thomas

    I’ll give up brussel sprouts! 😀 I have most of these books on my radar, and a couple of them are already in my greedy, read-y hands! Yay! It looks like a great reading summer, or in your case, a great reading winter! Thanks, Katie!

  3. haha! i’m totally with you on Meghan’s book – let’s start a petition! 😉 So many pretty books – can I have them all please? 😀

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