Top Ten Tuesday – Books I SOOOO Could Have Read In One Sitting

Posted 22 March 2017 by Katie in Christian Fiction, Top Ten Tuesday / 0 Comments


This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic, thanks to the girls at The Broke and The Bookish, is a Read In One Sitting theme. Gone are the days when I could read a book in one sitting! Reading a book in one day still happens occasionally (particularly if it’s a novella), although it’s usually more like 2-3 days, depending on what’s been happening on those days. But sometimes there are books that are REALLY hard to pull yourself out of; books that totally suck you into the world they create and leave you floundering in some strange alternate reality when a voice pipes up and says, “Mum, isn’t it lunchtime?” 😳

Those are the books I’m going to share with you today. Books that totally pulled me into their world or had me sitting on the edge of my seat. Here goes:

Conspiracy of Silence – Ronie Kendig
This was probably my most anticipated read of 2016, and I had to wait until DECEMBER to get it! But it was sooooo worth the wait. The first four words of my review say it all:
THIS. BOOK. IS. EPIC.  Read my full review.

He’d gotten into impossible scenarios before. Seen horrible things. Been the cause of deaths. Deaths that put him in federal prison. And they wanted to recycle all that? Do it again? No way.

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Begin Again – Crystal Walton
I have fallen in love with many characters over the years, but Ti and Drew have definitely taken a prominent place in my heart.  Their banter is some of the most enjoyable I have read in a long time, and their personalities burst from the page. I was hooked from the first page to the last! Read my full review.

Drew loosened his tense arms. “I’m not wound as tightly as you think I am.”
“Are you kidding? Even Oprah couldn’t get you to open up.”

Amazon //  Goodreads

Just The Way You Are – Pepper Basham
I’m really teasing you here, because this one isn’t released yet, but I’m already reading this for the second time! I have so much love for this book, and I can’t link you to my review yet (that will be up on 6 April 2017, so watch this space), but there is just soooo much to love about this couple!

“You do realize if you run away like Cinderella, I’ll pursue you. None of this waiting back at the castle like Prince Charming … And I’ll keep coming after you, all the way across an ocean.”

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The Unveiling – Tamara Leigh
I love this whole series so much! I first read it a couple of years ago, and recently picked up the first one in the series again because book #6 is going to release very soon! Full of fantastic action and tension, it was really difficult to put this book down—and I’d already read it before! Read my full review.

Unlike most women Garr had met, Annyn Bretanne was strong. If not for her purpose a Wulfen, he might admire her. Or perhaps in spite of it, he did.

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The Illusionist’s Apprentice – Kristy Cambron
The Illusionist’s Apprentice is a novel of suspense, revenge, heartache, love, and moments of breathtaking poignancy. It was impossible not to become fully immersed in the world of this story, and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Read my full review.

“She certainly isn’t like any witness we’ve had before. Someone will have to keep a keen eye on that one.”
“Yes.” Elliot nodded, watching as Wren eased into her next act onstage. “Someone will.”

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If I’m Found – Terri Blackstock
This is actually my most recently reviewed book, and I have been waiting for it ever since I finished it’s predecessor If I Run twelve months ago. The tension never lets up for a minute, and now I have another seemingly interminable wait for the conclusion! Read my full review.

I know I will find her again, and hopefully when I do, I can make it safe for her to come back and confront her accusers.

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A Portrait of Emily Price – Katherine Reay
This is another one of those novels that you open the pages and sink into. I loved the imagery, the ambiance, the emotion—everything about this novel. And I was more than a little in love with Benito Vassallo… Read my full review.

“Do you know Francesco Hayez? Il bacio?”
I shook my head, trying to think coherently.
“Look it up.” He touched his lips to mine again. “This was that moment.”

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The Progeny – Tosca Lee
I am soooo pleased it is less than two months until the release of the sequel to this book, because that last page… Wowser! This story is a riveting hybrid: A fast-paced thriller with historical roots and speculative overtones. And these two sentences from the novel tell you all you need to know: (Read my full review)

It’s hard to trust anyone you don’t know. Especially when that person is you.

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Keep Holding On – Melissa Tagg
Melissa has this way of capturing her characters’ hearts in all their contradictory, messy glory, and with her trademark mixture of humour, tenderness, and poignancy.  Read my full review.

She turned to see him watching her, and for at least the hundredth time since he’d whisked her away from Maple Valley, she smiled and blushed and gave him that look that honestly made him think maybe she saw him differently now.
And it—she—took his breath away.

Amazon  //  Goodreads

Then Came YouThen Came You – Becky Wade
I actually did read this in one sitting, although I hadn’t intended to! It just…kind of…happened. And with a first line like Sylvie left me today, it’s little wonder I was sucked straight in. Poor Garner experiences his fair share of heartache, but this is a great introduction to Becky’s new series! (Read my review at Goodreads)

You’re a gift I never expected. You’ve changed my life and made me believe in a future I couldn’t even imagine until I met you.

Amazon  //  Goodreads

What was the last book you read that sucked you right in and wouldn’t let go?

0 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Books I SOOOO Could Have Read In One Sitting

  1. pepperbasham

    LOVE your list, Katie!! I can’t wait to read Emily Price! and ANYTHING by Becky Wade has me swooning before I usually crack the spine of the book – but the cover already sends off awesome swoony vibes even before you open the book 🙂

  2. Great post! I love that you included quotes, and feature so many fabulous authors. Love Melissa’s books and Becky’s (both are my go-to romcom authors), and have heard amazing things already about Pepper’s new novel. 🙂

  3. Winnie Thomas

    I haven’t read all of these, but I’ll second the ones I have. I also have some of the others waiting on my TBR list. I would add The Memory of You by Catherine West and Maybe It’s You by Candace Calvert.

  4. This is a fabulous list! Melissa’s, Ronie’s, Katherine’s, and of course, Pepper’s are all binge-read material. I have several of the rest on my TBR shelf waiting! Another that comes to mind is Cold Shot by Dani Pettrey. It was one I couldn’t wait to get back to because of the action and intense plot.

    My TTT

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