Top Ten Tuesday – Books I Need to Read Again

Posted 23 January 2018 by Katie in Christian Fiction, Top Ten Tuesday / 0 Comments

Hello, book lovers! Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday brought to you by That Artsy Read Girl. Today’s official topic is Books I Really Liked But Can’t Remember Anything/Much About. In my world, that translates to Books I Really Need to Read Again, hence my tweaking of the topic today. And if I was going to give today’s topic a subtitle, it would be Hurrah for Goodreads! 😃 I mean, this topic is like saying, “Quick, tell me all the things you’ve forgotten.” 😵 So, yeah. Goodreads to the rescue!
Just for fun, I’ve included what I remember about each book beside it. Apologies to the authors—I promise my poor memory is not a reflection on your book! For most of these, it’s been several years since I read them, and I’ve read hundreds of books since. But I definitely remember loving them, so back on the TBR they go!

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All for Anna ~ Nicole Deese 
Okay, I remember Anna isn’t actually the name of the main character, and I remember the main character (Toni? Tori?) runs a lot. And she’s sad about Anna, I just can’t remember why. And I really like the hero. 😉
Stuck in the Middle ~ Virginia Smith
Oddly enough, the thing I remember most about this book is that I loved the writing style. But the main character kind of has middle-child syndrome. She fades into the background, still lives at home. And cute eligible bachelor moves in next door.
Ring of Secrets ~ Roseanna M. White
Um… there were spies… it was historical romance… and now that I’m much more familiar with Roseanna White’s writing and characters, I’m pretty sure that would have figured into my enjoyment too.
Sway ~ Amy Matayo
I saw this in my Goodreads list and thought, “I’ve read this one?” Seriously no recollection. Couldn’t tell you a thing about it. But I gave it five stars, and it’s Amy Matayo, so again, I’m guessing the writing has at least something to do with it. Definitely going to need a reread on this one!
Dogwood ~ Chris Fabry
Okay, I’m going to have to be careful what I say about this one, because I have a feeling I could inadvertently give spoilers. I’m pretty sure there’s a bit of a twist at the end, or that all is not what it seems or something. And there’s a car accident, or something to do with a car.
Leaving Carolina ~ Tamara Leigh
Well, it’s Tamara Leigh, which probably explains why I enjoyed it! 😁 Other than that… something about a house and a gardener?
There You’ll Find Me ~ Jenny B. Jones
I think this takes place in Ireland, because she’s making the journey to find peace after her brother’s death there, or finishing a trip he wanted to make or something. I think he’s a movie star, or famous for some reason. Maybe they meet on the plane? And it’s Jenny B. Jones, so I’m guessing there’s some humour in it.
A Most Inconvenient Marriage ~ Regina Jennings
Well, it’s Regina Jennings, so I’m guessing there’ll be a bit of humour here, too. She marries a soldier (maybe?) on his deathbead so he can leave his stuff to her or something, only when she gets to his home, she finds a man going by that name very much alive and well. I’m pretty sure there were some little rascals in this too, including Betsy Huckabee from For the Record.
Dead Reckoning ~ Ronie Kendig
I’m almost embarrassed to admit there’s one of Ronie’s books that I don’t know inside out and upside down. Although this one’s been revised and expanded since I read it, so that’s my flimsy and only-partial excuse. I remember Shiloh’s a diver and… I’m coming up blank. I do remember some great action scenes, but it’s Ronie Kendig, so that’s a given! 🙂
In My Father’s House ~ Bodie & Brock Thoene
This is the first book in a trilogy, and I think it’s probably at least twenty years since I read the series (obviously I was a child prodigy, because I could only have been about five at the time, right? 😉) It’s a sweeping saga of several interconnected people/families, and I know that racial tension played a part in it. Set in the 1920s I think, or just after the end of World War I.

So there you have it. Have you read any of these books? Which books do you need to read again?

0 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Books I Need to Read Again

  1. Thank you for this post. I have a few books mentioned here, but haven’t read them.
    I made a top 15 post listing books I need to reread.

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