Top Ten Tuesday – Books I Could Re-Read Forever

Posted 27 February 2018 by Katie in Christian Fiction, Top Ten Tuesday / 0 Comments

Happy Tuesday, book lovers! Are you a re-reader? I am, although I confess I don’t have as much time for re-reading as I would like to. There are so many great books releasing all the time it’s hard enough to keep up with them, let alone re-reading my favourites as well. Nevertheless, there are some books that I have re-read numerous times, and there are others that I know I would re-read numerous times if I had more hours in my day.
As I compiled this list, I learned that loving a book doesn’t necessarily mean I could re-read it forever. Sometimes, once is enough, because you can’t recreate the experience of reading it for the first time; sometimes it’s just too emotionally intense to submit yourself to the story over and over.
But sometimes there are books you just want to immerse yourself in again and again. Maybe it’s the beauty of the writing, maybe it’s the emotional pull the characters have on you, or maybe it’s just the sheer delight and enjoyment that never grows old, no matter how many times you read it. These are those books.

These are the books that get me smiling and laughing no matter how many times I read them. Some comedy grows old once you know the punchline, but the best comedy is funny every. single. time. It’s all in the delivery, folks!
Sometimes it’s the characters that keep me coming back, and most often for the compelling way in which they’re written. The only way to spend time with them in the pages of their book! Morgan Spencer (Breath of Dawn), Max Jacobs (Nightshade), and Suzanna Wilton and Paul Rustin (Reclaimed) fall into this category.
Sometimes it’s the world of the story I want to immerse myself in. (In the case of Tamara Leigh, you could pick any of her Age of Faith series. The Unveiling is simply the first.)

And sometimes it is the magic of the writing.

What’s one of your re-read forever books?

0 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Books I Could Re-Read Forever

  1. Nina VanderVaart

    My favorite author,Charles Martin. I own all of his books and have read most of his books more than once.

  2. Amy M

    Only one??? Ouch! I will pick “Lady at Arms” by Tamara Leigh, but what I really mean is ANYTHING written by Tamara Leigh. And since I just can’t help myself I’m also picking “Operation Zulu Redemption” by Ronie Kendig because Ronie Kendig wrote it for goodness sake! These two ladies take up the majority of my bookshelf space and I couldn’t be happier 🙂

  3. I love this list! And I so agree, I wish I had more time for re-reads… I really want to re-read the Lunar Chronicles because the story was so amazing, but it’s so long… and I have so many unread books waiting for me… the struggle is real.

  4. Jen

    Gasp!!! And Squeal!!! I’m so honored to see Paul and Suzanna up there. <3 And I completely agree with The Age of Faith Series (swoon and another sigh), and also Pride and Prejudice. 🙂 I really, really need to read Rhonda's. It's been on my TBR for far too long.

  5. I see some favorite authors there. I would add some of the books by Grace Livingston Hill. I was introduced to her books as a young girl and her books are like comfort food to me. 🙂

  6. Patsy Curry

    Only one?! I just re-read the Age of Faith series. Redeeming Love is another favorite. I still cry at the end! Last summer, I read The Emerald Ballad series by B.J. Hoff again after 20 years. They are a classic series of books.

  7. Redeeming Love is one of my favorites, along with Francine Rivers series, Mark of the Lion. Bodie Thooene’s Zion Chronicles, actually all her Zion Books. And at this time I have to add, excuse the sale’s pitch, my daughter’s new release, Faith’s Journey by Heather Greer. I’m a mom, I’m allowed.

  8. Janet W. Ferguson

    I’m not a re-reader but I loved Jennifer Rodewald’s Reclaimed and The Hobbit on your list. I hope I get to read the others for the first time!

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