Meet the Writer + Giveaway with Janet Ferguson

Posted 16 September 2017 by Katie in Author Interview, Christian Fiction, Contemporary, New Releases, Romance / 0 Comments

In light of the recent devastation caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, yesterday’s release of Janet Ferguson’s latest novel, Magnolia Storms, is very timely. I shared the first line of this novel yesterday in my weekly First Line Friday post, but today I thought it would be fun to learn a little bit more about the story and its author, Janet Ferguson. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end!

~ About the Author ~

Janet FergusonJanet W. Ferguson grew up in Mississippi and received a degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Mississippi. She has served her church as a children’s minister and a youth volunteer. An avid reader, she worked as a librarian at a large public high school. Janet and her husband have two grown children, one really smart dog, and a few cats that allow them to share the space.
Connect with Janet:  Website  //  Facebook  //  Twitter  //  Instagram

Quick Profile
Plotting = Work
Editing = Losing hair
Spelling and Grammar = Need much help
Reviews = More please 🙂
I am quite disciplined about my writing time = My dream

Full Scoop
What is your favourite part of the writing process?

Creating a new story!

What is your least-favourite part of the writing process?

Editing, then editing, then proofing and proofing and proofing… and proofing.

What is your worst habit as a writer?

I get stuck on some word or phrase in every novel. It’s usually a different one each time. In Leaving Oxford, it was leaning. In Tackling the Fields it was sucked in a deep breath. In this last one, Magnolia Storms, there seemed to be a lot tight throats. So, then I have to go back and change a bunch of them when I edit.

What is the average time it takes for you to write a first draft?

It’s crazy, but it varies wildly depending on what’s going on in my life. My first novel took three months for the first draft, but then I edited it for four years. This last novel took almost two years because I was so busy marketing the Southern Hearts series, but the editing was much easier and quicker, maybe a month.

What is the strangest thing you have ever researched?

Oh too many to choose from! Maybe hairless cats, bad dates, crazy fishing stories, hurricanes, football, head injuries, dengue fever, gunshot wounds, mission trips to Central America, planes landing in Honduras… So many rabbit trails. I recently downloaded a list of ways people are accidentally killed.

What is the strangest thing you have ever done in the name of research?

Mostly calling and emailing people who don’t know me, interviewing people I don’t know, asking strangers weird questions.

What is the best thing about being an author?

Working in yoga pants and big T-shirts.

What’s something you know now that you wish you had known when you first started?

How to write with deep point of view!

How do you celebrate typing THE END?

Ha! By that point, I’m already thinking about what I want to write next.

Magnolia Storms banner
Maggie Marovich couldn’t save her father or her home from Hurricane Katrina, but she’s dedicated her life to meteorology so she can warn others when the monster storms approach. Except…she works three hours inland and rarely risks returning to her childhood hometown of Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Both her single-parent sister and the ship pilot Maggie once loved refused to leave the Coast, despite Maggie’s requests. Now a hurricane’s headed toward Mississippi, and Maggie’s sister is seriously injured, leaving Maggie little choice but to head south—into the storm.

The water and tides flow through Josh Bergeron’s veins, and he can’t imagine giving up piloting—even for the love of his life, the infuriating Magnolia Marovich. He tried to move on without her, marrying and having a child. But after his wife abandons him and his little boy, his career choice is threatened by the weight of his parental responsibilities. Moving next door to Maggie’s sister and sharing their child care seems like the perfect set-up. Until Maggie blows back into town.

Being forced to lean on Josh for help washes up the wreckage in Maggie’s faith. Where was God during the destruction of Katrina? Why do some prayers seem to go unanswered? Between the hurricane looming in the Gulf and another gale raging in her heart, can Maggie overcome her past and find the trust to truly live?

Amazon US  //  Goodreads

Where did you get the inspiration for this story?

Hurricane Katrina destroyed so much of the South part of my state of Mississippi. I thought, what if someone became a meteorologist because the storm wrecked their life, and they never wanted to go back to the Mississippi Coast. So I make them have to go to the Coast right when a hurricane is predicted… because authors do mean things to their characters.

Where did you get your inspiration for these characters?

I was asking a college friend about the Port of Mobile while writing Blown Together, and he described his job as a ship pilot. I watched a few videos about it, and I knew my next hero would be a ship pilot.

What was the hardest part about writing this novel?

The hardest part was the spiritual thread. Maggie, the heroine, is wrestling with how to have faith in God when her prayers have been answered with a resounding no. We all have to deal with that at times.  We pound the doors of heaven for a mother, child, friend, sibling, country, church, and sometimes the answer is definitely not what we want. When this happens, we have to decide and determine to still have faith, to praise God in our storms.

What was the most interesting piece of research you did for this novel?

I watched a ton of piloting videos and ships sailing on rough seas. It’s amazing how brave some of these nautical people are.

~ Giveaway ~

Have you ever experienced a natural disaster, or some other kind of storm in your life? Let us know in the comments and then click here for a chance to win an eBook copy of Magnolia Storms!

Magnolia Storms Giveaway

0 responses to “Meet the Writer + Giveaway with Janet Ferguson

  1. MH

    We’ve been through Hurricane Sandy here and a pretty scary ice storm several years ago. My youngest was born right after Sandy and then turned one right after the ice storm.

  2. pamelamo

    In our area tornadoes are probably the biggest threat. My husband and I did witness a huge one headed our way during the first year of our marriage. It skirted our immediate area but it was much too close for comfort. We also missed most of the widespread damage from the well-remembered Hurricane Elvis that hit our area a number of years ago. Most recently our area had several roads flooded from the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey but once again we were spared on our hill.

    • Janet W. Ferguson

      Hi! Tornadoes make a lot of appearance in Mississippi. I haven’t written about one yet. They are scary! Glad you’ve been spared!

    • Flooding and bushfires are the main threats in our area, although we have had at least two storms in my lifetime that were similar in scope to a hurricane. We’re a little too far south for them to be technically classified as such, but they still did plenty of damage. Sounds like you’ve been lucky to have been spared the worst. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  3. I haven’t encountered any natural disasters, thank goodness. But I loved interview (the quick profile made me smile) and I can’t wait to read this story.

  4. All of my storms have been health related. It seem that all of a sudden our healthy family is being devoured by cancer. We have been relying on God to know that He is in control and that it is His plan in play.

  5. Janet W. Ferguson

    Hi Katie!! I’ve been MIA today, and I’m sorry. I had a book birthday party at the local bookstore, then I spoke to a writers group, but I AM SO HAPPY TO BE FEATURED ON YOUR BLOG! See those big letters? That’s not yelling, but happy squealing 🙂 Thank you!! I hope your readers like the new book baby!
    Blessings and hugs!

  6. Perrianne Askew

    I lived on the Louisiana gulf coast area until my early 20’s. We had hurricanes, but nothing like Katrina, Harvey or Irma. We gor a thump from Harvey, but all was well in central TX. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

  7. Peggi Billman

    We vacation at the outer banks in NC and have had to cut vacations short, evacuate for a while or ride them out if a storm can’t make up its mi d. For instance, Hurticane Dennis would hover out to sea, then approach land for four days! Back and forth. Hurricane Andrew in 1992 caused evacuation. I had flown to FL because my dad suffered a stroke. Husband and four children headed to vacation. My dad passed away so my family left before Andrew arrived. One year Irene caused us to head inland to Greenville mid-vacation to wait out the storm. Irene decided to head to Greenvill! My granddaughter called the hotel ‘the hurricane hotel’! What an adventure before we headed back to the beach where vacationers continued to play while locals cleaned up and assessed their damages. Emotional storms are a story for another day. All storms I’ve gone through have never been alone; Father is always there!

    • Janet W. Ferguson

      I love your faith, Peggi! You’ve been through it!! You might have a storm magnet in your suitcase? Sorry about your dad. Thank you for sharing 🙂

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