First Line Fridays – 6 Jan 2017 – The Scarlet Coat

Posted 6 January 2017 by Katie in Romance / 0 Comments


I’m very excited to be joining some of my best book-blogging buddies for First Line Fridays this year.  If you’re not familiar with these posts, it’s pretty simple.  Open the book nearest to you (or go and pick up the book you’re currently reading – fiction or non-fiction) and share the first line in the comments.  Then you can visit some of my friends (see the links below) and share your first line with them, too.  Let’s share the book love!

For this first post of the year, I’m posting the first line from a book that will be releasing later this month: The Scarlet Coat, by Angela K. Crouch:


“The last rays of sun faded into twilight, and the wind whispered through the trees, as if warning Rachel to turn back.”

Amazon (US)  |  Amazon (AU)  |  iBooks  |  Goodreads

Don’t forget to share your first line below, and then hop on over to visit my friends and share with them too!  We love to know what you’re reading  🙂

Rachel – Bookworm Mama
Andi – Radiant Light
Robin – Robin’s Nest

If you’d like to join the First Line Friday fun, send Carrie a message!

0 responses to “First Line Fridays – 6 Jan 2017 – The Scarlet Coat

  1. Jen

    “I have always been one to play it safe.” -The Magnolia Story. I am nearly done reading, and I adore Chip and Joanna Gaines’ story! 🙂

  2. carylkane

    Hello Katie!

    My first line is from Inside Story by Susan Page Davis.

    3:00 P.M., MARCH 7

    “Uh, Claudia? That gorilla is looking at me.”

  3. Welcome to First Line Fridays Katie! Here is my first line for the week:

    My first line is from Surround Me: Revolutionary Faith by Marguerite Martin Gray:

    Atlantic Ocean
    May 1773

    “His hands tightly gripped the railing, turning his knuckles a startling white compared to his wind-chapped tanned skin.”

    Happy reading and happy Friday!

  4. Yay! A Revolutionary War read, enjoy! So happy to have you on board with First Line Fridays, Fici!!! 😍

    After I catch up on blogging and reviewing, I’m diving into A Moonbow Night by Laura Frantz…
    April 1777
    What cannot be cured must be endured.

    • I’m very excited to be joining in with the First Line Friday fun 😀 I’ve heard lots of good things about A Moonbow Night so far. Good luck with the catch up, and enjoy!

  5. Winnie Thomas

    Yay! Welcome to First Line Friday, Katie!
    “Wounded soldiers returned from war as heroes. Wounded nurses returned as old maids.” The Thorn Healer by Pepper Basham. I just received the autographed copy I won! Yay! It’s so gorgeous. I read it quite a while ago as an ebook, but there’s just something about an actual print book you can hold in your hands! Love, love, love!

  6. Welcome to First Line Friday!

    My paragraph this week is from Tracy Borman’s amazing and wonderful new book, The Private Lives of the Tudors.

    ” ‘I do not live in a corner. A thousand eyes see all I do.’ This telling lament by Elizabeth I begs the question: did the Tudors have a private life at all? As monarchs, they were constantly surrounded by an army of attendants, courtiers, ministers, and place-seekers. Even in their most private moments, they were accompanied by a servant specifically appointed for the task.”

    Happy Reading!

    • Welcome Sarah 🙂 So pleased to be joining you all for First Line Friday.

      I guess invasion of privacy isn’t as new a phenomenon as we’d like to think! Sounds like an interesting read. My non-fiction shelf has been a bit neglected of late…

      Have a blessed week 🙂

  7. Welcome to the club Katie! So happy to have you with us! My first line today….There is a distinct difference between a heroine with a promised happy ending and a prodigal who must design her own. Pepper Basham – The Thorn Keeper

    • Thanks for the welcome, Rachel! Very excited to be joining the First Line Friday fun 🙂

      And as for your first line? ❤️❤️❤️ Are there enough hearts for that book? 😍

  8. Janet W. Ferguson

    I missed commenting here on the Friday, but I’m excited to see one of my critique partners books as your first line! I enjoyed Angela’s story, and I hope you do, too!

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