First Line Friday – Kings Falling (Ronie Kendig)

Posted 20 March 2020 by Katie in Christian Fiction, First Line Fridays, Suspense, Thriller / 17 Comments

Happy Friday, book lovers, and welcome to First Line Friday hosted by Hoarding Books. Guys! I’m finally getting to read one of my most anticipated reads for 2020! Kings Falling by Ronie Kendig is the second in her Book of the Wars series and releases on 31 March. If you enjoy thrillers you NEED to read this series. Start with Storm Rising (there’s still time before Kings Falling releases) and hold on for the thrilling ride!

About the Book

Leif Metcalfe and his team, dubbed Reaper, need to recover the stolen, ancient Book of the Wars if they hope to stop the Armageddon Coalition and their pursuit of global economic control. But their attention has been diverted by a prophecy in the book that foretells of formidable guardians who will decimate the enemies of ArC. While Iskra Todorova uses her connections in the covert underworld to hunt down the Book of the Wars, Leif and Reaper attempt to neutralize these agents but quickly find themselves outmaneuvered and outgunned.

The more Reaper tries to stop the guardians, the more failure becomes a familiar, antagonistic foe. Friendships are fractured, and the team battles to hold it together long enough to defeat ArC. But as this millennia-old conspiracy creeps closer and closer to home, the implications could tear Leif and the team apart.

First Line

I’d love it if you’d share the first line of whatever you’re currently reading in the comments. And don’t forget, you can find out what other bloggers are sharing for First Line Friday by going over to Hoarding Books blog and finding all the links. If you’ve got your own blog, why not join in and add your link over there. 🙂

17 responses to “First Line Friday – Kings Falling (Ronie Kendig)

  1. Jen@GracetoGrow

    I’ve preordered this one and I can’t wait to read it!!

    Today on my blog I’m featuring Before I Called You Mine by Nicole Deese. I’m just about to start The Jerusalem Assassin by Joel C. Rosenberg, so I’ll share the first line here:

    “Washington, D.C. – 15 November

    They were coming, and he knew they were coming, and he knew why – they were coming to kill him and to kill the president and to kill anyone else who got in their way.”

    Hope you stay healthy and well, and have lots of reading time this weekend! 🙂

    • Before I Called You Mine is coming up very shortly on my TBR. I’ve heard so many good things! And that’s quite a first line from The Jerusalem Assassin!

  2. Amy M.

    I’ve recently discovered Sibella Giorello’s Raleigh Harmon series. I’m currently on book #2 “The Rivers Run Dry”. The first sentence is: It was early October when I drove east toward the mountains outside Seattle with tainted emeralds on my mind.

    Can. Not. Wait. To read King’s Falling.

    • I’ve only read the first book in Sibella’s series, but I loved it! I really need to find time to read the others in her series!

  3. Kirby preppybookprincess

    Happy Friday!

    Ronnie Kendig is an author I’ve actually never read before, and I really need to change that. This one sounds amazing!

    On my blog today, I’m sharing the first line from The Inheritance by Michael Phillips:

    “On a late afternoon of a surprisingly warm day, a small lad sat on a large stone with the blue of sky and water spreading out before him.”

    Hope you stay safe and healthy, and have a great rest of your weekend 🙂

  4. Happy Friday! I hope you and your family are all doing OK in this crazy time. God’s got us all!
    Today on my blog, I’m sharing from The Gift of Forgiveness by Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt: I’m currently reading Carolina Breeze by Denise Hunter. It is SO good. I’ll share a line from there.
    “Levi was a genius.”
    I hope you have an excellent weekend. Happy reading! 🙂❤️📖

  5. lelandandbecky

    Happy Friday! My first line is from “The Jerusalem Assassin” by Joel C. Rosenberg:

    “They were coming, and he knew they were coming, and he knew why – they were coming to kill him and to kill the president and to kill anyone else who got in their way. They were coming to settle scores.”

  6. Happy Friday! I’m sharing from my current read, Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge by Ruth Logan Herne. Here is the first line of chapter four:

    “Three new fairy houses found their way to Fairy Trail Lane the following week.”

    Hope you stay healthy and have a great weekend!

  7. This week on my blog I shared the first line from One Little Lie but I’m just about to dig into Silent Shadows by Natalie Walters so I’ll share that first line here: “Pecca Gallegos never thought she’d be turning down a marriage proposal–much less four of them.” Hope you are doing well and can enjoy some quality reading time during all this social distancing!

  8. Paula Shreckhise

    I’m featuring Runaway Bride by Jody Hedlund
    Vancouver Island. September 18, 1862
    Today she might meet the man she’d marry.

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