First Line Friday – 9 March 2018 – Fierian (Ronie Kendig)

Posted 9 March 2018 by Katie in Christian Fiction, First Line Fridays, New Releases / 0 Comments

Welcome to First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books! There have been some fabulous books releasing this week, but none has been anticipated by me quite so long as the one I’m sharing today: Fierian, the final book in Ronie Kendig’s Abiassa’s Fire series. Even if you don’t normally read fantasy, this series will hook you. These characters—I love them! You can read my full review here.

~ About the Book ~

The hour has come to set the world alight.
Abiassa’s people fall. Her Deliverers wait as Poired Dyrth marches unchecked through the Nine Kingdoms. He’s taken the Embers of countless Accelerants. He’s taken Zaethien and Hetaera, the mightiest cities of the Nine. He’s taken the blood of the royal family. Now Dyrth is after Haegan’s power—the Fierian’s power. And after that, he wants the world.
But Dyrth will not take it unopposed. Battered and outnumbered, the remnant of the Nine forge new alliances, make friends of enemies, and prepare to stand against the last great press of evil. In faith, they wait. The Fierian will come.
While war rages without and within, Abiassa’s people face their greatest need. But before the Fierian can fulfill his destiny, he has to defeat the enemy in his own mind.

Amazon US  //  Goodreads

~ First Line ~

Darkness crouched heavily, ambushing them in the night.

Doesn’t that give you goosebumps?!
I’d love it if you’d share the first line of whatever you’re currently reading in the comments. And don’t forget, you can find out what other bloggers are sharing for First Line Friday by going over to Hoarding Books blog and finding all the links. If you’ve got your own blog, why not join in and add your link over there. 🙂


0 responses to “First Line Friday – 9 March 2018 – Fierian (Ronie Kendig)

  1. Ellie

    Fierian is definitely not something I’d normally gravitate to. Thanks for the recommendation!
    I’m currently reading The Amish Nanny’s Sweetheart by Jan Drexler. The first line is “You’re sure you want to do this?”
    I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Great line! My blog is featuring Beneath The Surface by Lynn H. Blackburn, but here I will share from As Bright As Heaven by Susan Meissner. “Morning light shimmers on the apricot horizon as I stand at the place where my baby boy rests.”

  3. nashpredsfan27

    Love Ronie Kendig’s books! I need to get to this series soon.
    I’m currently reading “My Heart Belongs in San Francisco, California: Abby’s Prospects” by Janice Thompson. The first line is: “Never underestimate the power of coffee, Neville.”
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Over on my blog today I’m sharing the first line from Michelle Griep’s newest book “The Innkeeper’s Daughter”. Drop on by if you get the chance and let me know if you are a fan of numbers. Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Okay, I’m hooked. I haven’t read that series of hers yet, but I think I need to 🙂
    I’ll share a first line from the new release by Jessica Patch.
    “Do you ever feel like sometimes the sunshine is deceiving because the day is going to be ominous regardless of how bright it is?”
    Happy Friday!

  6. carylkane

    I love Ronie’s books! I can’t wait to read this series!
    Father Brian Flynn, the curate at St. Augustine’s, Rossmore, hated the Feast Day of St. Ann with a passion that was unusual for a Catholic priest. – Whitethorn Woods by Maeve Binchy
    Happy Friday! 🙂

  7. I don’t think I’ve heard of this series before – I will have to check it out! 🙂
    Over on my blog, I’m sharing the first line of a wonderful new book about the Maccabees, Judah’s Wife, but here I’ll share the first line of the nonfiction book I’m reading now, Our Unmet Needs by Charles Stanley: “Do you have a nagging, gnawing feeling that something isn’t quite right in your life? Do you feel overwhelmed by a need you can’t meet, a problem you can’t solve, or a question you can’t answer? Are you able to identify the real need that underlies your feelings of uneasiness, fear, worry, or restlessness?”

  8. lelandandbecky

    Happy Friday! I always love seeing what everyone is reading when I get to stop by! My first line is from A Refuge Assured by Jocelyn Green:
    “Propping open the door to her shop, Vivienne Rivard listened to a distant rumble that vibrated the windows and shivered in her chest.”

  9. Happy Friday! On my blog, I’m featuring The Healer by Beverly Joy Roberts. It’s an amazing fiction that moved me deeply. I hope you will take the time to check it out. Here, I will share the first line from a book by C.H. Spurgeon that I’m currently reading. “‘Thou has visited me in the night.’ –Psalm 18:3. ‘Tis a theme for wonder that the glorious God should visit sinful man.” Wishing you a blessed weekend.

  10. Sounds like a really cool series! Is it young adult?
    Happy Friday!
    Over on my blog today, I am sharing the first line from Kristi Ann Hunter’s new novella, A Search for Refuge. I’m just on chapter two, so I will share the first line from that chapter here:
    “Nash slid the tin of peppermints into his coat pocket and reached beneath the counter to pull out Mrs. Lancaster’s log book.”

  11. Hi! I am a huge fan of Ronie Kendig. I have Olivia Twist on my blog but I’ll share the first line from The Man He Never Was by James Rubart. Toren Daniels rolled over in bed and light pierced his closed eyelids, which meant five a.m. had come and gone.

  12. Beware Of The Reader

    Just wow! I love the cover, the blurb and the lines! Happy Friday! My lines are: “Face it Eric. You’re a f@ckboy”. I turned away from the shapely a@ss I’d been checking out, and frowned”.
    These lines come from an ARC of Chaser by Kylie Scott and it’s sweet, fun and nostalgic so far.

  13. I really need to read Ronie’s fantasy series!
    My current first line is from Robin E. Mason’s The Silent Song of Winter: “The sounds of the swamp in winter would scare another person but not me. I grew up here.”

  14. Happy Friday!
    Over on my blog, I am sharing the first line from Michelle Griep’s The Innkeeper’s Daughter which I will review soon.
    Here, I will share one of my favorite lines from that book:
    “It might’ve been a cozy inn at some point, but now the walls leaned in toward the soot-blackened ceiling, giving the impression the entire building wanted to lie down and rest.”

  15. I’m not a fantasy fan, but that is an awesome first line!
    I’m featuring The Heart Between Us by Lindsay Harrel on my blog today (brilliant novel!), and I’m currently reading Grace Restored by Toni Shiloh. Here’s the first line of Chapter One:
    Victory was hers. The judge had sentenced Brett Donn to twenty years in prision for operating a vehicle while intoxicated

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