First Line Friday – 7 July 2017 – Egypt's Sister (Angela Hunt)

Posted 7 July 2017 by Katie in First Line Fridays, Historical, New Releases / 0 Comments

Welcome to First Line Friday! So glad you could join me. 🙂 Today, I’m bringing you the first line from a new series I’m quite excited about, written by Angela Hunt: The Silent Years. Many of you probably realize that there are 400 years between the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament, often referred to as the intertestamental period, and that is when the books in this series will be set. The first book in the series, Egypt’s Sister, released on Tuesday, and you can read more about that below. I’m even more excited about the second book in the series, Judah’s Wife, which will tell the story of the Maccabees and the rebellion against Antiochus IV. But we have to wait until 2018 for that one…

~ About the Book ~

Five decades before the birth of Christ, Chava, daughter of the royal tutor, grows up with Urbi, a princess in Alexandria’s royal palace. When Urbi becomes Queen Cleopatra, Chava vows to be a faithful friend no matter what–but after she and Cleopatra have an argument, she finds herself imprisoned and sold into slavery.
Torn from her family, her community, and her elevated place in Alexandrian society, Chava finds herself cast off and alone in Rome. Forced to learn difficult lessons, she struggles to trust a promise HaShem has given her. After experiencing the best and worst of Roman society, Chava must choose between love and honor, between her own desires and God’s will for her life.

Amazon US  //  Goodreads

~ First Line ~

Though I was as close as a shadow to many of the greatest men and women in human history, no historian ever recorded my name.

I can’t wait to dive into this one!

Don’t forget to share your first line in the comments, and then hop on over and find out what the other First Liners have for you today:
Jessica ~ A Baker’s Perspective  //  Sarah ~ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken
Bree ~ Bibliophile Reviews  //  Rachel ~ Bookworm Mama  //  JaneReads ~ C Jane Read
Heather ~ Encouraging Words from the Tea Queen  //  Beth ~ Faithfully Bookish
Trisha ~ Joy of Reading  //  Kathleen ~ Kathleen Denly  //  Lauraine ~ Lauraine’s Notes
Molly ~ Cafinated Reads  //  CJ ~ Moments Dipped in Ink  //  Andi ~ Radiant Light
Carrie ~ Reading is my Superpower  //  Robin ~ Robin’s Nest  //  Sydney ~ Singing Librarian
Amanda ~ With a Joyful Noise

If you would like to join us for First Line Friday, contact Carrie at Reading is my Superpower.

0 responses to “First Line Friday – 7 July 2017 – Egypt's Sister (Angela Hunt)

  1. “Egypt’s Sister” sounds very good. 🙂 My first line is from the prologue of “The Shell Seekers,” by Rosamunde Pilcher.
    “The taxi, an old Rover smelling of old cigarette smoke, trundled along the empty, country road at an unhurried pace.”
    Happy Reading!

  2. On my blog this week I’m excited to be teaming up with Carrie Turansky and sharing the first line & cover reveal for her new book “Across the Blue” scheduled to be released early 2018! I wanted to share another great line on the comments, so I’ve borrowed the book that my 9 year old son is currently reading.
    “Charlie Scott leaned against the corner of the garage, every inch of him spelling boredom.” — Some Summer by: Jean Vandevenne
    1987 Bob Jones University Press, Greenville, SC

  3. carylkane

    MAY 1, 1774
    Jeremiah Ring had witnessed death as often as the next man on the Allegheny frontier, but in all his thirty years he had encountered no deaths more dismaying than those confronting him now. – Many Sparrows by Lori Benton

  4. Paula

    Jody Hedlund,An Uncertain Choice:My slippered feet slapped the dirt road and my heart hammered against my chest like a battering ram. Medieval romance of young people , first of a trilogy!

  5. Sounds really good!!!
    Dutch Whitney hit the bog hard, tumbling forward to smack facedown into the muck. – Grounded Hearts by Jeanne M. Dickson

  6. Biblical fiction is my go-to genre but I was a little disappointed by Delilah. I’ll be waiting to hear what you think of Angela’s new series.

  7. Sounds interesting.
    Here’s mine. “Ross Springer knew he was going into the drink the second Abby Cushman stepped up to the mark, fixed those intelligent blue eyes on the bull’s-eye, and let the beanbag zip.” Hook, Line, and Sinker by Susan May Warren

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