First Line Friday – 3 May 2018 – Storm Front (Susan May Warren)

Posted 4 May 2018 by Katie in Christian Fiction, First Line Fridays, New Releases, Romance, Suspense / 0 Comments


Welcome to First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books! There have been so many fabulous new releases this week it’s difficult to choose just one to share with you here, but since this one is next on my TBR (and I’m itching to pick it up right now!) I thought I would share it with you. It’s book number five in Susan May Warren’s Montana Rescue series: Storm Front.

~ About the Book ~

A tornado has destroyed a small Minnesota community and among the missing are not only a group of students but PEAK Rescue team leader Chet King. Ty Remington will stop at nothing to rescue his mentor, not even when the girl he loved–and lost–walks back into his life. But Brette needs his help more than he knows, despite her stubborn determination to push him away. And when he gets a second chance, loving her just might cost him more than he can imagine.

A blogger for Vortex Storm Chasers, Brette Arnold didn’t expect her adventures to land her in the same place as Ty, the guy who she walked–no, ran–from over a year ago. She had her reasons–good ones. The kind that tell her that falling for him again would only lead to heartache. But Ty isn’t the kind of man to give up–not on the missing students, or on her.

Life and love hang in the balance in Susan May Warren’s breathless story of holding on to hope during a deadly summer of storms.

Amazon  //  Goodreads

~ First Line ~

Ty Remington blamed the homemade orange marmalade cake for why he found himself huddled under an overhang off some faraway path in Glacier National Park, shivering, praying he might live through the night.

What’s the worst thing homemade orange marmalade cake has ever done to you? 😄

I’d love it if you’d share the first line of whatever you’re currently reading in the comments. And don’t forget, you can find out what other bloggers are sharing for First Line Friday by going over to Hoarding Books blog and finding all the links. If you’ve got your own blog, why not join in and add your link over there. 🙂

0 responses to “First Line Friday – 3 May 2018 – Storm Front (Susan May Warren)

  1. Winnie Thomas

    I loved Storm Front! Such an awesome series!
    “The what-ifs taunted me every time I visited my parents, but any hope of beginning again had vanished years ago–if there’d ever been one.” From Things I Never Told You by Beth K. Vogt

  2. Over on my blog I’m sharing the first line from Mary Connealy’s The Accidental Guardian. Here I’ll share the first line from chapter 8 of the same book.
    “A scream jerked Trace awake.”
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I’m listening to this one on audiobook now (best way to read at work!). Love this series from Susan May Warren!

    I’m currently reading His Surprise Son by Allie Pleiter: “Here comes the bride. For Jean Matrim, the arrival of Matrimony Valley’s first bride was a victory.”

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  4. lelandandbecky

    Happy Friday! Great minds think alike, because my first line is from Storm Front (Montana Rescue Book #5) by Susan May Warren:

    “Ty Remington blamed the homemade orange marmalade cake for why he found himself huddled under an overhang off some faraway path in Glacier National Park, shivering, praying he might live through the night.”

  5. I usually read books set in Montana, I am guessing the reason it a romance and I don’t often read them. Today I am showcasing Joanne Pence ‘s Rebecca Mayfield series, a police procedural.

  6. I really need to read this series.

    I’m featuring Pepper Basham’s, “A Twist of Faith” on my blog today. Since I have Lindsay Harrel’s, “The Heart Between Us” in front of me, I’ll share my first line from here.

    “Amy says in order to move forward, I have to stop clinging to past.”

    Have a great weekend and happy reading!

  7. Sounds fascinating! On my blog today, I’m featuring “The Substitute Wife” by Dorothy Clark. Here, I will share the first line of Chapter Three in “A Civil Contract” by Georgette Heyer, the book I’m currently reading. “When Adam left Mount Street Lord Oversley suffered some qualms of conscience, fearing that he had raised hopes that he might presently be obliged to dash to earth.” I love this authors writing style. Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. My first lines come from A.L. Jackson’s Lead Me Home.

    “I’d always wondered why people set themselves up for disaster. Why they put their heart on the line when they knew it would only be crushed. Why they led themselves toward the slaughter like a blind, ignorant lamb. Willingly.”

    I’m featuring lines from Tess Thompson’s Deleted: Jackson and Maggie on my blog. I’m about half way through and absolutely in love with this story and the characters. Stop by and take a look!

  9. The book I’m sharing on my blog is The Road Home by Beverly Lewis but here I’ll share the book I just finished today called A Higher Ransom by Aleigha C Israel: “Anna Haddington took a deep breath of the salty air.”

  10. I fell in love with Ty in this book. I can’t believe there is only one book left of this wonderful series.

    I just finished reading Charming the Troublemaker by Pepper Basham, and since I have not started another book yet, I am going to share the first like of the last chapter. “Rainey didn’t know he was awake.”

  11. I’m sharing from my current read, No Less Days by Amanda G. Stevens, on my blog today, so here is the first line from an upcoming read, Reclaiming Shilo Snow by Mary Weber:

    “The moment Earth’s United World Council officially placed seventeen-year-old Sofi Snow at the top of their Imminent Terrorist Threat list, a siren went off in the circular downtown building, and she became the most wanted teenager alive.”

    Happy Friday!

  12. I know it’s totally off topic, but I love orange marmalade! 🙂 Of course, that was also Paddington Bear’s favorite too. 🙂 Happy Saturday!

  13. MrsTina Rice

    My first line Friday line is from The Sea Before Us by Sarah Sundin.

    Kerryville, Texas
    Saturday, June 14, 1941
    Wyatt Paxton never realized coming home could be as bittersweet as leaving.

    Blessings, Tina

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