First Line Friday – 22 June 2018 – Among the Poppies (J’nell Ciesielski)

Posted 22 June 2018 by Katie in Romance / 0 Comments


Welcome to First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books! If you’re a historical fiction lover, make sure you grab yourself a copy of the book I’m featuring today—even more so if you love historical fiction set during the time of either of the World Wars. J’nell Ciesielski’s Among the Poppies released on 11 June, and having just finished reading it myself, I can promise it’s a great read. You can read my review here.

~ About the Book ~

The ideal lady wears lace, speaks quietly, and never—under any circumstances—fixes an automobile. But Gwyn Ruthers has never cared two snaps about being the ideal lady. With the war to end all wars exploding across the English Channel, she leaves behind her restrictive life as a chauffer’s daughter to serve in an all-female ambulance unit in France. She’s not about to let her social status or gender prevent her from serving her country. Not even a handsome captain can distract her from her mission. Most of the time.

Captain William Crawford wouldn’t wish the ravages of war on any man, much less the captivating woman who insists on driving into battle instead of staying safely at home. He can’t deny that the troops need more medical help, but not when it puts innocent women in danger. How can he lead his men against the Jerries while worrying about Gwyn’s safety?

Bound together by circumstances, Gwyn and William can’t stop the love growing between them. Can their relationship survive, or will it become another casualty of war?

Amazon US  //  Goodreads

~ First Line ~

“No, no. Like this. You must tie it off with a bow.”
“Oh, yes. You are quite correct, Edith. The bow is indeed what this bandage needs.”

Yes, that’s more than one line, but I think you’ll agree it’s warranted! 😉

I’d love it if you’d share the first line of whatever you’re currently reading in the comments. And don’t forget, you can find out what other bloggers are sharing for First Line Friday by going over to Hoarding Books blog and finding all the links. If you’ve got your own blog, why not join in and add your link over there. 🙂

0 responses to “First Line Friday – 22 June 2018 – Among the Poppies (J’nell Ciesielski)

  1. I love those lines! Here’s the first line from the next book in my TBR pile — A Rebel Heart by Beth White. “Selah could hear the horses thundering closer, oncoming hell and destruction.” Happy Friday!

  2. Great first lines! They put a smile on my face. Tie the bandage with a bow, indeed. 🙂 The book I’m featuring on my blog is “The Country House Courtship” by Linore Rose Burkard. Since I’m still reading this novel, I will share the first line in Chapter Seventeen here. “Mrs. Royleforst finally made her public entrance among the guests after taking breakfast in her room and spending much of the day abed.” Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  3. I absolutely loved reading this story!! I look forward to reading more from J’nell in the future! She has such a smooth flow to her story that you almost forget you are reading.
    Over on my blog I’m sharing the first line from Karen Whitemeyer’s More Than Meets the Eye. There is also a giveaway running on the Author Interview post with Karen on my blog. Please stop by and enter to win an author autographed print copy!

  4. I’m sharing this one on my blog too! Such a good read.

    Here’s the first line of The Road to Magnolia Glen by Pam Hillman (I hope to finish this one this weekend):

    The Lady Gallant in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean – January 1792
    “Keep your brother away from my sister!”

    Happy Friday!

  5. I’m sharing about “Just Let Go” by Courtney Walsh on my blog today, but I have “The Hawaiian Discovery” by Wanda Brunstetter and Jean Brunstetter waiting for me to read next.

    Middlebury, Indiana

    Ellen Lambright finished sweeping the kitchen floor and paused from her work to brew a cup of tea.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Happy Friday!!!

    Today on my blog, I’m sharing the first line from As The Tide Comes In by Cindy and Erin Woodsmall. Here I will share the first line from a short story I’m currently reading. It’s called “A Lady of Scandal” by Heather B. Moore. It’s very good.

    “Hugh couldn’t help but think of his biggest question about Anthony and Lady Bridget. Why had Anthony offered to marry her?”

    Hope you have an excellent weekend filled with good reading time!

  7. MrsTina Rice

    Happy Friday!
    My first line is from My Heart Belongs in Shenandoah Valley: Lily’s Dilemma by Andrea Boeshaar

    Middletown, Virginia, 1816
    So what do you think, Cap’n?


  8. carylkane

    It was going to be a fine day. Behold, Here’s Poison by Georgette Heyer

    Happy Weekend, Katie!

  9. Happy Friday!
    The book I’m sharing this week is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte but I’ll share here the book I’m currently reading which is Blind Spot by Dani Pettrey: “Luke crouched behind an orange shipping container, dreading to think what it held. Have a great weekend and happy reading!

  10. lelandandbecky

    Happy Friday! My first line is from Light My Fire by Susan May Warren:

    “His knee had turned into a melon, achy and soft, and Tucker Newman’s entire body throbbed, right down to the marrow.”

  11. Happy Friday!😊

    My FLF comes from Claiming Her Cowboy by Tina Radcliffe

    If Lucy Maxwell had learned one thing, it was that when life appeared to be going smoothly, it was time to listen closely for the other boot to drop!

    Have a great weekend and happy reading!📚😎

  12. I just finished reading The Love Letter by Rachel Hauck today…

    You see, love stories never worked for her. She never got the guy.

    Happy reading!

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