First Line Friday – 13 Jan 2017 – A Noble Masquerade

Posted 13 January 2017 by Katie in Romance / 0 Comments


It’s First Line Friday again! 🙂

Earlier this week I went to a Facebook party for the release of Kristi Ann Hunter’s latest novel, An Uncommon Courtship.  Regency romance was one of my first loves in fiction (I have a shelf full of Georgette Heyer!) but my reading in the genre has dropped off in recent years – in large part because there are so many other great genres and books!  But as I got caught up in all the Facebook fun, I thought, “Hang on a minute.  I think I have one of Kristi’s books on my iPad…”

And now I’m remembering why I love Regency romance so much!

So, my first line this week is taken from the first in Kristi Ann’s Hawthorne House series, A Noble Masquerade:


“It is never a happy day when an eight-year-old girl’s cheesecake lands in the dirt, and she certainly doesn’t take kindly to the laughing little boy who put it there.”

Incidentally, now is the perfect time to pick up a copy of this book if you’re an eBook reader, because it’s on a super sale!

Amazon (US)  |  Amazon (AU)  |  iBooks  |  Goodreads

Don’t forget to share your first line below, and then hop on over to visit my friends and share with them too!  We love to know what you’re reading  🙂

Carrie – Reading is my SuperPower

Beth – Faithfully Bookish

Rachel – Bookworm Mama

Heather – Encouraging Words from the Tea Queen

Sydney – The Singing Librarian

Andi – Radiant Light

Sarah – All the Book Blog Names are Taken

Robin – Robin’s Nest

If you’d like to join the First Line Friday fun, send Carrie a message!

0 responses to “First Line Friday – 13 Jan 2017 – A Noble Masquerade

  1. “On a late afternoon of a surprisingly warm day, a small lad sat on a large stone with the blue of sky and water spreading out before him.” ~The Inheritance, by Michael Phillips~

  2. lelandandbecky

    I have A Noble Masquerade and it’s on my TBR list. My first line is:

    “Heavy metal music blared through paper-thin walls.” From Time Search by Danele J. Rotharmel

  3. carylkane

    Aren’t the Facebook parties fun?! I have A Noble Masquerade in my TBR.


    Samuel Mason sat parked in his white DeSoto across the street from Centerville Christian Church. – and the Shofar Blew by Francine Rivers


  4. 1bgpayne

    Facebook parties are so much fun! until Facebook freezes up on you and you miss half the posts. My first line is from an upcoming book due out Feb. 1.
    Folks said Thomas Beaufort could track a housefly through a hurricane, and though he admitted that it might be a slight exaggeration, he felt it wasn’t too far off.
    ~The Bounty Hunter’s Baby by Erica Vetsch

  5. I love Regency novels too! They are some of my favorite books to read. 🙂 I actually have this book sitting on my bookshelf–I still need to read it. 🙂

    Here is my first line:

    Kit Kat and Lucy by Lonnie Hull DuPont

    You will always by lucky if you know how to make friends with strange cats. Colonial American Proverb

    “To say moving from San Francisco to rural Michigan was not easy for me would be an understatement.”

    Happy reading and Happy Friday!

  6. I LOVE Kristi’s series! Reading book three right now! This week my first line comes from The Bomber War: The Allied Air Offensive Against Nazi Germany by Robin Neillands “This is the story of a machine.” I haven’t started it yet, but looking forward to it!

    • Lol! I can hear that line spoken as a dramatic voiceover at the beginning of a cartoon or something! I might need to send my sense of humour in for a service 😂

      Enjoy Kristi’s book 🙂

  7. singinglibrarian2015

    Wiltshire, England–1867

    ​Amala sat on a particularly uncomfortable chair at the edge of the crowded and stuffy ballroom.

    ~Color of Love by Anita Stansfield

  8. “They share the truth of an experience that only those who were there can truly know. As part of a regiment of southwestern cowpunchers, Oklahoma Indians, Ivy League football stars, and champion polo players, they had faced death boldly and defeated the enemy.

    They had been Rough Riders.”

    Rough Riders: Theodore Roosevelt, His Cowboy Regiment, and the Immortal Charge Up San Juan Hill by Mark Lee Gardner.

    Happy Friday!!!

  9. Winnie Thomas

    “Many a man has been inspired by a great father or a noble brother, and young six-year-old Lord Trent Hawthorne had been blessed with both.” An Uncommon Courtship by Kristi Ann Hunter.
    I just got this in the mail, and I’m sooooo excited to read it.

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