Fair as a Star (Mimi Matthews) – Review

Posted 16 July 2020 by Katie in Historical, Review, Romance / 4 Comments

Fair as a Star
Mimi Matthews
Historical Romance
#1 Victorian Romantics
Perfectly Proper Press
Release date: 
14 July 2020


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Fair as a Star (Victorian Romantics, #1)

About the Book

A Secret Burden…

After a mysterious sojourn in Paris, Beryl Burnham has returned home to the village of Shepton Worthy ready to resume the life she left behind. Betrothed to the wealthy Sir Henry Rivenhall, she has no reason to be unhappy–or so people keep reminding her. But Beryl’s life isn’t as perfect as everyone believes.

A Longstanding Love…

As village curate, Mark Rivenhall is known for his compassionate understanding. When his older brother’s intended needs a shoulder to lean on, Mark’s more than willing to provide one. There’s no danger of losing his heart. He already lost that to Beryl a long time ago.

During an idyllic Victorian summer, friends and family gather in anticipation of Beryl and Sir Henry’s wedding. But in her darkest moment, it’s Mark who comes to Beryl’s aid. Can he help her without revealing his feelings–or betraying his brother?


There’s a shortage of perfect novellas in the world, but it certainly isn’t the fault of this little gem. I adored it from beginning to end—hardly surprising, considering how much I’ve enjoyed the author’s full-length novels—and would happily have spent twice as long with these characters except that, by the conventions of story writing, that would have meant it took these characters twice as long to get to their happy ever after. That really would have been unnecessary (not to mention painful!), just one of the reasons I felt this novella was perfect exactly as it was.

But there’s a deeper reason this novella resonated so much with me, and that is the subject matter: mental health—specifically clinical depression, or as it was referred to at the time, melancholy. I have been exactly where Beryl was in this story (minus the engagement), struggled with exactly the same feelings (including the frustration of feeling that I had no legitimate reason to feel the way I did), and even suffered the pain inflicted, sometimes with the best of intentions, by those who don’t understand the condition. Matthews’ portrayal of each of these elements was beautifully done, giving the reader valuable—even illuminating—insight into Beryl’s struggle without allowing the subject matter to overwhelm the story.

And Mark… What can I say that will do justice to one of my new favourite heroes? His compassion, the generosity of his friendship—truly the best foundation for romance—everything about him endeared him to me, particularly that he didn’t try to “fix” her: He gave her a brief, lopsided smile. “Of course not,” he said. “You’re not broken.” He simply found ways to be with her and support her through the times when she struggled. I mean, the guy even read Dickens to her, for goodness’ sake! Be still my beating heart! (My mother reading aloud to me was actually one of my coping mechanisms, so double resonance for me.)

And as always, the way Matthews captures the depth and beauty of romantic love has left me counting down the days until her next release.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. This has not influenced the content of my review, which is my honest and unbiased opinion.

About the Author

Mimi-Matthews-Author-Photo-2-e1508456608164Mimi Matthews writes both historical non-fiction and traditional historical romances set in Victorian England. Her articles on nineteenth century history have been published on various academic and history sites, including the Victorian Web and the Journal of Victorian Culture, and are also syndicated weekly at BUST Magazine. In her other life, Mimi is an attorney. She resides in California with her family, which includes an Andalusian dressage horse, two Shelties, and two Siamese cats.

Connect with Mimi:  Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Pinterest  |  Goodreads

4 responses to “Fair as a Star (Mimi Matthews) – Review

  1. Winnie Thomas

    I need to read this! It’s on my wish list! Thanks for the review, Katie! Are you sure I can’t hire you to ghost write my reviews? We have much the same taste in books, and I find myself agreeing with the reviews you write.

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