Chasing Secrets (Lynette Eason) – Review

Posted 23 August 2017 by Katie in Christian Fiction, New Releases, Review, Romance, Suspense / 0 Comments

4 stars

~ About the Book ~

Elite Guardians bodyguard Haley Callaghan may be in South Carolina, but when a photo leads investigators in West Ireland to open a twenty-five-year-old cold case, her life is suddenly in danger. Haley knows how to take care of herself; after all, she’s made a career out of taking care of others. But after an uncomfortably close call, Detective Steven Rothwell takes it upon himself to stay with her–and the young client she has taken under her wing. A protector at heart, he’s not about to let Haley fight this battle alone.
In a sweeping plot that takes them into long-buried memories–and the depths of the heart–Haley and Steven will have to solve the mystery of Haley’s past while dodging bullets, bombs, and bad guys who just won’t quit.
Series:  #4 Elite Guardians
Genre:  Romantic Suspense
Release date:  1 August 2017
Pages:  338
Publisher:  Revell

Amazon US  //  Amazon AU  //  iBooks  //  Goodreads  //  Koorong

~ Excerpt ~

The spot between her shoulder blades had itched for the last three blocks. This was getting ridiculous.
She’d had a great morning at the center again yesterday. One week until the competition and the kids were looking like pros. Trent had behaved himself relatively well, she hadn’t seen the mysterious Camry since it had pulled away from the curb last Saturday, and all she wanted was a night to herself, tucked away in a dark movie theater. Just her and the story on the screen. And her large tub of popcorn and giant-sized M&Ms. And maybe a large coke. And yes, she planned to eat it all.
So she’d set up the date with herself and had planned to see the eight-thirty showing but now found herself plotting the best way to end this silly cat-and-mouse game.
She was done with being followed.
The hair on the back of her neck spiked to attention; however, her stride never faltered as she strode down the sidewalk. Downtown Columbia rocked on this gorgeous Sunday night in April. The weather was about as perfect as one could ask for and the crowd was out. People scurried past her to get to the theater before the previews started.
The movie had moved down on her priority list. It was time to confront her shadow. Hovering on the fringes, never getting too close, but always there.
She shifted the thin strap of the small purse to her other shoulder. She didn’t want it getting in the way if she had to reach across and pull her weapon.
Haley crossed the street and headed for the storefront that boasted plate glass windows. The person behind her kept pace. She got a glimpse of the figure as she passed the store and mentally took note of the dark hoodie with the hood pulled over his head, jeans, hands in the front pockets. He had to be roasting in that getup. She had on short sleeves, capri pants, and Converse tennis shoes, and she was warm.
He was about five feet ten inches tall. So he had three inches on her, but he was skinny. Wiry. He’d be strong. She reached across her chest and released the strap that held her Sig-Sauer P245 in the shoulder holster. With a quick step, she turned the corner, stepped up onto the small concrete porch of the business behind her, and used her purse to break the naked bulb above. Glass littered the area around her feet and she let her purse fall to the ground. She blinked in the sudden darkness, waited for her eyes to adjust. He would have seen her turn the corner and heard the bulb break. He wouldn’t be too far behind her. Haley shoved her back up against the wall, knowing she was almost invisible in the shadows of the small alley. The gun slid into her hand.
The man tracking her rounded the corner and came into view, his profile backlit by the streetlight. She knew he couldn’t see her. His head swiveled, looking for her. When he took two more steps into the alley, she quickly moved behind him and held her weapon on him.
“Who are you and why are you following me?”

~ Review ~

In true Lynette Eason style, the final book in the Elite Guardians series is fast-paced and danger-packed from beginning to end. In one night, Haley gets caught up in a domestic situation and then learns that she was supposed to have died twenty-five years ago along with the rest of her Irish family—a family she never knew she had. She’s not really Haley Callaghan, but Aileen Burke, and her life could still be in danger. She quickly learns her life most certainly IS in danger, but which direction the danger is coming from? Maybe both?
One of the things that makes this book fast-paced is the fact that Haley never gets a chance to be on the front foot. She’s constantly reacting to situations that are forced on her, right up to the end. The domestic situation throws quite a heart-tugging story into the mix, with teenager Zeke and his twelve year old brother Micah, who desperately needs heart transplant, and the way Haley becomes involved in their lives shows just what a heart she has for struggling youth.
Detective Steven Rothwell has moved back to South Carolina to be with his parents as his father battles cancer. It also forces him to confront the memory of his brother’s death, and eventually the man responsible for it, who is up for parole. Although it is a less prominent story line in the book, there are some wonderful truths about forgiveness incorporated into the story.
The romance here develops naturally and with little fuss. The focus is definitely on the suspense, so this is an ideal read for those who are only looking for a light romantic thread to go with their suspense. Definitely an action-packed end to the series!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. This has not influenced the content of my review, which is my honest and unbiased opinion.

~ Previous Books in the Series ~

~ About the Author ~

Lynette EasonAward-winning, best-selling author, Lynette Eason writes for Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense line and for Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group. Her books have hit the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists and have won numerous awards such as the prestigious Carol Award, the Selah, the Daphne, the IRCC award and more. Lynette is married, has two children, and lives in Greenville, SC.

Connect with Lynette:  Website  //  Facebook  //  Twitter

0 responses to “Chasing Secrets (Lynette Eason) – Review

  1. Winnie Thomas

    I love Lynette Eason’s books. I’m a few behind, though! So many great books, so little time! Thanks for the review!

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