Character Spotlight + Giveaway: Maude Welling from My Heart Belongs on Mackinac Island (Carrie Fancett Pagels)

Posted 24 July 2017 by Katie in Character Spotlight, Christian Fiction, Historical, Romance / 0 Comments

Welcome book lovers! Today I’m introducing you to Maude Welling, the heroine from Carrie Fancett Pagels’ new release My Heart Belongs on Mackinac Island.

Maude Welling

Age: 21
Brief physical description: Long wavy golden-brown hair, a little above average height, pretty with a beautiful sweet smile and is average build.
Five words that describe Maude’s personality: Determined, hard-working, naïve, loyal, practical

BFM Grand Hotel 1 pm tent
The Grand Hotel

Inspiration for Maude: The original character for Maude was much different. I had a consultant advise me to make her “less crazy” – her words, not mine! She was a much more imaginative person, more nervous, more OCD and influenced by others. So I had to back away from her and make her a version more toned down. I’d say there is a lot of normal Yooper woman in her!
Background: Her grandmother, Jacqueline Cadotte Swaine, was from a very long line of Islanders and people from the Straits of Mackinac. But Jacqueline’s husband, Maude’s grandfather, was from the South. Their two sons fought on either side of the Civil War – one dead, one presumed dead. She created provisions in her codicil that she thought would prevent that happening to her descendants.
Is passionate about: Music! Loves music, especially the piano!
Strengths/weaknesses: She’s fantastic with numbers. Accounting comes easily to her. She’s asthmatic but doesn’t really want to “think” about it too much and consequently her father does the worrying for her.
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Inspiration for the Winds of Mackinac Inn

Greatest struggle: Her mother died the previous year and she’s struggling with her father’s odd entrenched behavior and his lack of supervision over her brother – so she’s stepped in to watch Jack more.
Greatest accomplishment: She’s a high school graduate and she knows some German.
Most embarrassing moment: I can’t say, but it involves her asthma.
Regrets: She wishes she’d been honest with Greyson and with herself – on the other hand she’d not really known what mature love looked like.
Her most admirable quality: She’s generous and she helps the needy and infirm but she never talks about it.
The thing that attracts people to Maude is: She’s normally pretty wide open – honest. So that makes her subterfuge at the Grand Hotel all the harder on her.
Spends her free time: Chasing down her brother, engaged in church activities, playing piano, and reading.
Saying to live by: Live and forgive.
Favourite Bible verse:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” ~ John 16:33
Most influential person in her life: Her mother had been.
Maude is most relaxed when… Ben is playing the piano – he’s a virtuoso.
Maude’s idea of a good time is… A picnic somewhere scenic on the island.
In a room full of strangers, Maude would… Try to make everyone else feel comfortable.
If Maude could talk to the author, she would say… thanks for bringing me to life, Mom!

~ About the Book ~

Although the Winds of Mackinac Inn has been in her mother’s family for generations, Maude Welling’s father refuses to let her run it without the guidance of a husband. So she seeks to prove her worth and independence by working incognito as a maid at the Grand Hotel.
Undercover journalist Ben Steffans, posing as a wealthy industrialist, pursues a story about impoverished men chasing heiresses at the famed hotel.  While undercover, he becomes attracted to an intriguing maid. By an act of heroism Ben endears himself to the closed-mouthed islanders—including Maude—and he digs deep for his story.
But when scandal threatens, will the growing love between Maude and Ben be scuttled when truths are revealed?

Barbour Publishing // Amazon // Barnes & Noble // CBD // Book Depository // Goodreads

~ About the Author ~

Carrie headshot colonial PMECPA-bestselling author Carrie Fancett Pagels, Ph.D., is the award-winning author of a dozen Christian historical romances. Twenty-five years as a psychologist didn’t “cure” her overactive imagination! A self-professed “history geek,” she resides with her family in the Historic Triangle of Virginia but grew up as a “Yooper.” Carrie loves to read, bake, bead, and travel – but not all at the same time!

Connect with Carrie
Website // Overcoming With God // Colonial Quilts
Facebook // Twitter // Pinterest // Goodreads

~ Giveaway ~

Mackinac Giveaway
Carrie has graciously offered to send one lucky winner a copy of My Heart Belongs on Mackinac Island. Click here to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway:
Do you speak a second second language? If so, which language? If not, which language do you wish you could speak?

0 responses to “Character Spotlight + Giveaway: Maude Welling from My Heart Belongs on Mackinac Island (Carrie Fancett Pagels)

  1. I keep seeing this book EVERYWHERE. It shows up in my newsfeed, on my twitter, in my INBOX as one of my readers says, “Did you read…?”
    *bangs head on desk*
    I do NOT have time to read another fabulous book! I’m behind on two reviews as it is.
    *book plops in my Amazon cart* Oh! How’d that get there?
    I love the sound of this character as a person and the cool beans plot line? SQUEE! I have a feeling she and my Madeline would get along quite well!

  2. Vivian Furbay

    Beautiful area and the large hotel is beautiful. Would be an ideal vacation to be able to sit on the porch, drink tea, and take in the scenery.

  3. Danielle Hammelef

    don’t speak another language but have always wanted to. Now i’m trying to learn Japanese on my own because someday I want to visit Japan and I’m fascinated by the Japanese culture and art.

  4. I don’t speak a second language and I admire people who are bilingual. I would like to speak Italian, it’s such a pretty sounding language. Looking forward to reading about the early day on Mackinac Island. I’m from Michigan and have visited the Island many times. It’s one of my favorite vacation destinations.

    • Hi Dianne! My second language is French but just this morning I was talking with someone from Serbia about how its so much easier to read and understand French than to speak it or to hear and understand. Mackinac Island is one of my fave places, too — where my heart belongs!

      • I took a semester of French in my first year at university and met a guy whose parents were French. He could understand spoken French, but couldn’t speak it himself or read/write it, which was why he was taking the course. I thought that was really odd (not to mention a missed opportunity by those parents!)

  5. Trixi

    I don’t speak anything but English. I did take Spanish and German in High School but it’s been so long ago, lol!
    I love character spotlights,they’re always fun and informitive! Thank you for the giveaway!

  6. Michele Hayes

    I do not speak a second language, unless you count pig latin and gibberish. The books sounds wonderful.

  7. Lynne M Feuerstein

    What a fun blog! Thanks Carrie for sharing so much about Maude! Unfortunately I don’t speak a second language,but would like to. Would like to speak German because of my heritage or French,I like the sound of that language. 🙂

  8. I took some french in high school and remember a few words, but not a lot. Love the “getting to know Maude” and loved the book! The setting is beautiful and though I’ve never been anywhere near Michigan, the pics Carrie has shared are so pretty.

  9. Trixi

    I just found out this morning that I won a copy of this book on a different blog!! Please take my name our of the drawing, thanks so much 🙂
    Can’t wait to meet Maude!!

  10. Lori Smanski

    I speak English with a few words of German and a few words of Spanish because these are languages my kiddos took. and to help them speak it at home I studied with them. It has been a number of years now and a lot has dwindled away. If I could learn a language it would be Spanish.
    oh our daughter speaks Spanish fluently now. It is wonderful listening to her with both a Spanish/mid western accent. so pretty on her.

    • Teaching your kids is a wonderful excuse for learning things you always wanted to learn when you were younger. The only problem is, they tend to pick it up more quickly! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  11. I would very much like to re-hone my ASL skills. It’s been too many years but I do remember my alphabet and some basic signs. I also took a couple years of Spanish in Jr High and High School but cannot say that I ‘speak’ it. Garble it and jumble it, yes! 🙂
    I would like to win a copy for a friend of mine.

  12. lorsna

    I took Spanish in High School but I don’t really remember much. I don’t speak any foreign languages but if I did, realistically I’d probably pick that one because it would come in the most useful in my life.

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