Top Ten Tuesday – New-To-Me Authors in 2020
Happy Tuesday, reading friends! It’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday post, thanks to That Artsy Reader Girl, and this week’s topic is New-To-Me Authors I Read in 2020. When I went back through my Goodreads list, I discovered I could actually do almost three lists this week—that’s how many new-to-me authors I read in 2020! So I’ve decided to give you a two-for-one deal today. I’m giving you a list of ten Christian fiction authors who were new to me in 2020 AND a list of general market authors who were new to me in 2020.
Some of these authors have been around for many years, and I decided to finally see what all the fuss was about, others are as new to everyone else as they are to me, and others are somewhere in between. I wonder whether I will manage as many new-to-me authors in 2021!