About Me

Words have always fascinated me.  I was one of those ‘unusual’ children who actually read the dictionary for fun, mining its depths for gems previously undiscovered.  It is perhaps no surprise, then, that I have always been a voracious reader, for when all is said and done the true potential in words lies in the way they are arranged in order to convey ideas and experiences.

Of all the ways in which to convey ideas and experiences, a well-written novel has to be one of the most powerful:

What is unfamiliar becomes close and real in books.  What is ridiculous helps [us] see the humour in [our] own lives.  Sympathetic understanding is a generous byproduct of sharing the emotions of stories and standing in someone else’s shoes.  Books are no substitute for life, but a keener pleasure comes to life because of books.”  (Gladys Hunt, Honey for a Child’s Heart, pg 21)

There is a deep, visceral delight to be found in stories whose words are chosen and sculpted with the deftness of an artisan.  It is a delight that goes beyond the simple enjoyment of a story or its characters and teaches us to savour life and the richness of human experience; to mourn with those who weep, and rejoice with those who laugh; to appreciate beauty for beauty’s sake, and recognise ugliness even in its most seductive forms.

Books take us beyond our own experiences and open the door to a world outside of ourselves.  They can reinforce the rewards of courage, faith, kindness, honesty, and determination, and the consequences of dishonesty, unkindness, carelessness, selfishness, and laziness.

Of course, all of this is dependent upon which books you choose to read.

And that’s why this blog explores the power of fiction and the beauty of words, and acknowledges the God who created us to wield them for His glory.

0 responses to “About Me

  1. I too read the dictionary for fun! My dad and I created a game where he would pick a word and I would have to provide the meaning if I knew it. I thought I was the only one who was that nerdy. 😉 Nice to “meet” a fellow word-lover!

    • Hi! Thanks for stopping by. We used to play a great game called ‘Balderdash’ where each player took turns giving the other players a really obscure word to make up a definition for. The person who gave the word would write out the real definition, then collect them all and read them out. Everyone had to vote for what they thought was the real definition. Much hilarity had by all!

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