Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday! When I saw today’s topic from That Artsy Reader Girl—Favourite Couples—my first thought was “Woohoo!” My second thought was, “Uh-oh.” I mean, how does one even begin to choose?!
But choose I must, and so here are ten of my favourite couples (because it is impossible to work out my ten most favourite couples!).

Lucy & Alex
Lucy & Alex from Jenny B. Jones's Save the Date make my list thanks to their fantastic banter and chemistry.

Suzanna & Paul
I love this couple from Jennifer Rodewald's Reclaimed for the way Paul reaches out to the wounded and defensive Suzanna and befriends her, and for the way she slowly relaxes into their friendship. But mostly because he calls her "Pickle".

Piper & Jay
These two, from Turtles in the Road by Rhonda and Kaley Rhea, are just made for each other. Any guy who can go with the flow when a crazed woman goes on a homicidal terrapin rampage is my kinda guy!

Astadia & Tili
Man, do these two have sparks! Ronie Kendig's Fierian is the third book in her Abiassa's Fire series, but this is the book where Tili and Astadia really come into their own. She's a spitfire of an assassin, and he's just the man to take her on!

Rowena & Brice
I love a well-done marriage of convenience story, and The Reluctant Duchess by Roseanna M. White is one of my favourites for the way Brice loves his wife in action even as he waits for his heart to catch up. And Rowena's circumstances make this especially poignant at times.

Anne & Gilbert
Does this one really need any explanation?

Camdyn & Cole
I first met Camdyn & Cole in Christina Coryell's Camdyn Series. They're so down to earth and, well, Camdyn is a little adorkable in all the right ways. I just love spending time with them. And they're back in The Ways We Fall Apart. Doozy of a title, huh?

Margaret & John
This is another one that probably needs little explanation, but I would like to say that I fell in love with this couple before Richard Armitage brought John Thornton to a wider audience. And if I thought I was in love with John Thornton before...

Rose & Oliver
I've already said I love a well-done marriage of convenience story, and Rose in Three Quarter Time by Rachel McMillan is another one of those. Even better, Rose and Oliver are musicians. How could I NOT love them?

Willow & Corbin
Willow and Corbin from Becky Wade's Falling for You are another couple who jump off the page with their banter and chemistry. So much fun!
Nice!!!! I kept thinking of more and needed to stop 🙂 I could have easily added some of yours to my list, too.
Yes! And I was also trying to think of favourites that I don’t feature every second week. Or so it seems. 😂
I don’t know any of these! I think my favourite couple is Kate and Curran from Ilona Andrew’s Kate Daniels series.
I’ll have to check them out! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I plan to read North and South this year. I’m glad to hear there is a wonderful romance in that book.
It’s a long road for them, but so satisfying in the end. 🙂
Fun post! Anne and Gilbert are one of my favorite couples.
I don’t know how anyone could NOT love Anne and Gilbert!
Anne and Gilbert were on my list this week as well.
This is my Top Ten Tuesday post.
They’re a pretty popular couple. And I saw The Blue Castle on your list as well. I’ll have to read that again and remind myself!
Oh, I also have Rowena & Brice and Margaret & John on my list! :high five: The rest are here: https://reviewsbyerin.dreamwidth.org/110546.html
Yay! And I saw you have Julia and Henry, as well as one of Melissa Tagg’s Enchanted novellas. Also very good picks! I have a particular soft spot for Julia and Henry <3
Piper & Jay! <3 Anne & Gilbert! <3 Camdyn & Cole! <3 Margaret & John! <3 Rose & Oliver! <3 OH, and also, Paul and the Pickle. Yeah. 😉 And now, Tom and Dre… Love this, Katie. Thanks for including Paul and Suzanna.
Haha! We may have similar tastes in books 😉 And I’m looking forward to reading Tom and Dre’s story!
Rose and Oliver are on my list, too! And I heartily agree that Suzanna and Paul are a special couple (as are Margaret and John; and Willow and Corbin!) There are some I still need to *meet* on your list!
My TTT Favorite Couples in Books