Hi there, book lovers. Do you like surprises? I guess that depends on what the surprise is, doesn’t it? 😄 Well, we’re all about surprises for today’s Top Ten Tuesday with That Artsy Reader Girl. Today’s books surprised me for different reasons. Perhaps I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it, perhaps they had plot twists I didn’t see coming. Whatever the reason, here are ten books that surprised me.
The Hunger Games Trilogy ~ Suzanne Collins
Based on its description, I was never going to read this series. But then little bits and pieces I heard about it began to pique my interest from an intellectual point of view. So I decided to give it a go. And what do you know? I loved it!
No Less Days ~ Amanda G. Stevens
It’s probably not fair to include this in my list, since it’s not releasing until May, but I’ve been fortunate enough to read an early copy and let me tell you, I got to one point in the story and my jaw just dropped. And then I think my brain kind of spun out of control thinking it through as the rest of the story played out. And then it just kept spinning, even after I finished. Make sure you check it out! It’s available for pre-order. (Hint, hint. 😉 )
Jerusalem Scrolls ~ Bodie & Brock Thoene
I absolutely devoured the Zion Chronicles and the Zion Covenant as a teenager, and was stoked when the Zion Legacy series began coming out. Until they got to this one. Because suddenly, they were going back to the time of Christ and leaving all my favourite characters behind. When I got over my little pout and picked up the book, I was totally captivated, of course, but the best moment came when the penny dropped and I realised who the main character actually was. I might have been a bit slow, but it was my first experience of what was essentially Biblical fiction (presenting a Biblical character’s story in a fiction novel), and it wasn’t immediately obvious. I was captivated!
Rebecca ~ Daphne du Maurier
You have to admire an author who can write an entire novel about an eponymous character you never actually meet. That’s right. Rebecca doesn’t actually appear anywhere in this novel, but she casts a long shadow. And just wait until you find out why! Great read if you like suspense with a gothic feel to it.
Until I Knew Myself ~ Tammy L. Gray
This book surprised me in more ways than one, because the plot takes some turns I definitely wasn’t expecting. And I’m tempted to say that I was surprised by how much I fell in love with this story and these characters, but after My Hope Next Door and My Unexpected Hope, I’m not as surprised as I could have been. 🙂 But what really surprised me was what a powerful parable it was of our deep need to belong and the gift of a Father’s love freely given.
The Evaporation of Sofi Snow ~ Mary Weber
I can think of few things that interest me less than gaming. And that’s the only reason I didn’t pick this book up sooner. (Well, an overflowing TBR may have contributed slightly… 😊) But once again, I proved to myself that setting doesn’t really matter to me if the characters and the story are compelling. I should have known Mary Weber wouldn’t let me down!

Mowed Over ~ Christina Coryell
This one surprised me simply because it was so different. There’s nothing monumental about the story, but the characters and the writing were so fresh and out-of-the-box it was love at first read. It was one of those times when you look up an author’s entire backlist once you’re finished. 😉
Then There Was You ~ Kara Isaac
Oh boy, that ending! This book wins the award for “The Most Number of Times I’ve Read the End.” I can’t help myself. Even now, I’m tempted to stop typing and go and reread. Even if the rest of the book wasn’t great it would be worth reading it for the final scenes. I can’t say anything else without potentially spoiling it, but it is so. much. fun! And I’m really struggling not to reread it again right now. Must…Resist…

True to You ~ Becky Wade
This is one of those stories that has a reveal that you’re totally not expecting. And wow, what a reveal it is. It took an already great story and put it in the ‘unforgettable’ category.
A Season to Dance ~ Patricia Beal
I had no idea what to expect when I picked up this novel. We’re given a tantalizing glimpse at where the story is going in the first few chapters, but the pieces don’t quite make a complete picture, and then we go back to the ‘beginning’ of the story. For me, the surprise was in how it all came together in the end, and the emotional impact of it. I cried. In a good way. The best kind of surprise. 🙂
Rebecca sounds like an interesting read. It’s one of those classics I’ve always meant to read but haven’t gotten around to yet.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
It really sucked me in! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Wonderful list!
Thank you!
Then There Was You surprised me. I knew it would be good. Kara Isaac is amazing. What surprised me is how funny the book is. I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe some moments! Love that book. It is on my re-read pile for sure!!!
Yep! Love those kinds of books!
” This book wins the award for “The Most Number of Times I’ve Read the End.” I can’t help myself.” – YES!! hahaha me too! Love it!
Oh, great list! I haven’t read The Hunger Games, but you may have convinced me I should.
LOVED No Less Days. Amazingly original premise and a beautifully executed REAL depiction of genuine, liveable faith. Beautiful.
Rebecca is a genuine masterpiece. Wonderfully done. Beward the later so-called sequels or “reimaginings.” Pleh.
How did I not know about Then There Was You? I loved her first two books. Must get this one.
Thank you!!!
You’re welcome. I’m so glad you’ve had a chance to enjoy No Less Days!
Oh yay, I’m so glad The Hunger Games was a pleasant surprise for you!
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/03/13/top-ten-tuesday-150/
So am I!
Rebecca is one of my favorites. 🙂
Lauren @ Always Me
It’s a great one, isn’t it? Thanks for stopping by. 🙂