The power of fiction, the beauty of words, and the God who made us to wield them for His glory.

Best of 2017 – The Emoji Files, Part IV: Got Me in the Feels

Welcome to Part IV of The Emoji Files. So far this week I’ve given you my best of 2017 in the following categories: šŸ˜Ā The Swoony Awards šŸ˜†Ā The LOL Awards šŸ˜®Ā The WOW Awards Today, I’m giving you a list of books that got me in the feels. Some books are great for escaping into and helping us to forget our daily worries and cares for a little while, and some books confront life’s big worries and cares head on. Perhaps not our specific worries and cares, but the kinds of worries and cares that couldĀ be ours one day, or the kinds


Intermission (Serena Chase) – Review

~ About the Book ~ We are starlight on snow. The reflection of something already beautifulā€”absorbed, reflected, and remade into something . . . more. And this kiss . . . This kiss is everything Iā€™ve needed to say . . . and longed to hear. Sixteen-year-old Faith Prescott eagerly awaits the day she will exchange her small Iowa hometown for the bright lights of Broadway, but her success-driven parents want her to pursue a more practical career, labeling ā€œartsyā€ peopleā€”including their daughterā€”as foolish dreamers worthy of little more than disdain. When Faith meets nineteen-year-old Noah Spencer she discovers someone


First Line Friday – 1 December 2017 – Intermission (Serena Chase)

Welcome to First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books. And welcome to December! We’re in the home stretch now! This week I picked up a book that’s been on my TBR pile for a whole year.Ā šŸ˜³Ā I knew I wanted to read it when it released, and so I requested it from Netgalley, but then things got busy and it sat there . . . and sat there . . . and sat there . . . It was very patient! And almost as soon as I started reading I was hooked. I loved this story so much, and you can