Meet the Writer (+ Giveaway!): Sara Davison
Welcome to the blog tour and giveaway for The Seven Trilogy, romantic suspense novels by Sara Davison, hosted by JustRead tours!
Welcome to the blog tour and giveaway for The Seven Trilogy, romantic suspense novels by Sara Davison, hosted by JustRead tours!
This interview is part of a TLC Book Tour for Murder at the Flamingo I’m very excited to welcome Rachel McMillan to my blog today—particularly as her character Hamish DeLuca has become one of my favourite fictional characters. <3 If you want to find out why I love him so much, be sure to check out my review.
If you’re looking for a unique contemporary romance, look no further than The Esther Paradigm. I had the pleasure of reviewing this novel earlier this year, and I was absolutely entranced—firstly by the hero, Karim Al-Amir, 😊 but also by the way in which Hannah and her family immersed themselves in the Muslim culture in order to reach the Bedouins for Christ. You can read my review here, but today we’re going to meet the author, Sarah Monzon.
In light of the recent devastation caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, yesterday’s release of Janet Ferguson’s latest novel, Magnolia Storms, is very timely. I shared the first line of this novel yesterday in my weekly First Line Friday post, but today I thought it would be fun to learn a little bit more about the story and its author, Janet Ferguson. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end! ~ About the Author ~ Janet W. Ferguson grew up in Mississippi and received a degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Mississippi. She has served her church
Greetings book lovers! In case you haven’t heard, Courtney Walsh has a new novel out: Just Look Up. (And if you haven’t seen the great little promo for the novel, then you should check that out here.) So I thought it would be a great time to get to know a little bit about Courtney Walsh and her writing habits. 🙂
If you have ever met Mikal Dawn, either in real life or online, you’ll know she’s a bundle of fun, so I’m super excited to have her on my blog today letting us get to know her as a writer! ~ About the Author ~ Mikal Dawn is an inspirational romance author, wedding enthusiast and proud military wife. By day she works for an international sports ministry, and by night she mutters to imaginary friends, performs sketchy Google searches, and procrastinates (like any good writer!). When she isn’t writing about faith, fun, and forever, she is obsessively scouring Pinterest (with