Weekend Book Buzz – 19/20 August 2017
Welcome to another edition of the Weekend Book Buzz. Hopefully yours is shaping up to be a good one! If not, maybe some bookish news will make you feel better? 🙂
Welcome to another edition of the Weekend Book Buzz. Hopefully yours is shaping up to be a good one! If not, maybe some bookish news will make you feel better? 🙂
Top Ten Tuesday is back! The girls at The Broke and the Bookish have given us a certain amount of free rein this week with the topic of Ten Book Recommendations for . . .  After much umming and ahhing I decided I would do some series recommendations for those readers who lover small-town settings. Because when you find a place you really like, you want to be able to keep visiting, don’t you?
Many apologies for the late edition of this week’s Book Buzz. Life has definitely been throwing me some curve balls lately, but there is such a lot of great news to buzz about that I figured it was a case of ‘better late than never’. It’s a new month, with new ebook bargains, some great pre-order deals, some exciting new releases, and a whole lot more besides, so let’s get buzzing!
Happy First Line Friday! I have a first line AND a pre-order special for you today from author Christina Coryell. She has a new series releasing on 22 August—Backroads—and you can pre-order the first in the series for $0.99! See?! It’s true! My review will be coming soon, but I can assure you I was sucked into this book and the lives of these characters from the first page.
Eek! It’s July! How did that happen? Did I blink for too long? I don’t know, but we’d better get right down to it before Christmas arrives, eh? 😉
Well, I said things would be back to normal around here this week, and boy have I hit the ground running! There are so many wonderful bookish things to be buzzing about, and some fabulous bookish things I’m getting ready for you it’s a wonder I haven’t grown my own set of wings. Actually, that might be handy, come to think of it…