Title: Like Flames in the Night
Author: Connilyn Cossette
Genre: Biblical Fiction
Series: #4 Cities of Refuge
Publisher: Bethany House
Release date: 3 March 2020
Pages: 380
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About the Book
Strong-willed Tirzah wants to join her people in driving the enemy from the land of Israel and undergoes training for a secret mission inside the stronghold of Shechem. But soon after she has infiltrated the ruthless Aramean commander’s kitchen, she makes a reckless decision that puts her and her allies in grave danger.
Fresh off the battlefield, Liyam returns home to discover his beloved daughter is dead. After his vow to hunt down her killer leads to months of fruitless pursuit, his last hope is in a family connection that comes with strings attached. Strings that force him to pose as a mercenary and rescue an infuriating woman who refuses to leave her mission uncompleted.
When an opportunity to pave a path to a Hebrew victory arises, can Tirzah convince Liyam to fight alongside her in the refuge city of her birth? Or will Liyam’s thirst for vengeance outweigh his duty to his people, his God, and the woman he’s come to love?
“All right,” sighed Malakhi. “Now what is this absurdity about Shechem? I thought you were spying on us that night around the fire, and now I now why.”
Feeling gooseflesh prickle on my now-wobbly legs, I unwound my tunic hem from my belt and brushed the fabric back down over my knees. “You said you need someone who can get close. Much closer than the men you’ve already sent in. I have a plan.”
He shook his head. “I am not sending my sister into a hornet’s nest. Forget this.”
“I won’t.” I gritted my teeth. “I spent all of my younger years practically training alongside you. Running. Shooting. Wrestling. Sword-fighting. I may not be a man, but for a woman I am more than capable. I’ve wasted a few years, of course, but it won’t take long for me to get back into the form I was in before I married.”
He opened his mouth to protest, but I was quicker.
“I have much to learn, I know. But I am the daughter of one of the most talented spies our people have ever had. You may have noticed me listening the other night because I was not trying to be that careful, but next time you won’t know I am there, I guarantee it. I will train hard. I will do anything you ask of me—anything, without argument. But I can do this, Malakhi.”
With his chin tilted to the side, he kept his one good eye pinned on me, searching my face intently—for what I could not guess—but I could tell that he was wavering by the softening of his mouth and the contemplative expression on his face.
“You have plenty of men in your company who can get into Shechem,” I continued. “But for this task you need something different. You need a cook who can go into the high commander’s home every single day without suspicion, who can serve at the Aramean’s table and keep her ears and eyes wide open as she does so. You need a woman who understands the importance of this mission and yet is unmarried and without children. You need me.“
Since the day I’d spoken to my father about remarriage, I’d only become more convinced that since Yahweh had not seen fit to give me children, this was the path he’d determined for me. I may never be a mother, but I could fight to ensure that Imri and the rest of my nieces and nephews lived without fear, and that future generations would enjoy the Land of Promise in freedom and peace.
“Let me be of service to Israel, Malakhi. Let me fight against the monsters who slaughtered Eliya and tossed his body into a ditch with the refuse.” My voice quavered, but I swallowed the emotion and forged ahead. “Like you said, the time is now to take a stand against Kushan. Now, when Othniel has been making so much progress. If our generation does not throw off these chains soon there will be nothing left of us. I may be a woman, but I am ready and willing to stand for Yahweh.”Download a longer excerpt at Baker House Publishing
What a wonderful way to bring this series full circle and therefore to a close! This series has drawn together three of my fiction-reading sweet spots—biblical fiction, romance, and suspense. Four sweet spots, really, when you consider that biblical fiction is also historical fiction by default. I’ve loved the opportunity to learn more about the cities of refuge, to explore the tension between justice and mercy, and to think about the beautiful way in which the existence of these cities pointed to Christ. And I love that we’ve been able to do all this from the perspective of both the manslayer and the blood avenger.
The level of suspense has varied with each book, depending on the plot, but this final one in the series hit a high point with a healthy dose of espionage as Tirzah and Liyam worked to undermine their enemies from within. Tirzah’s strength and her determination to not only serve Yahweh herself but exhort her fellow Israelites to do the same was inspiring, although I confess to hoping I don’t need to go to quite the same extremes she did!
In Liyam’s story we get our first full experience of the blood avenger’s perspective—the devastation, the driving need to avenge. As a parent, it was easy to understand his feelings, and yet having walked the journey of Moriyah’s family throughout the previous books of the series, it was also possible to see the other side of the scenario, not to mention the way in which bitterness hardens a person, even as they remain honourable in so many other aspects.
And once again, Cossette weaves a strong thread of romance through the story that, while never overshadowing the main story, will definitely satisfy romance-lovers’ hearts.
I’ll be sad to leave these characters behind, but I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next from this talented author!
I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. This has not influenced the content of my review, which is my honest and unbiased opinion.
Previous Books in the Series
About the Author
Connilyn Cossette is the CBA-Bestselling, Christy Nominated author of the Out from Egypt Series and the Cities of Refuge Series. When she’s not engulfed in the happy chaos of homeschooling two teenagers, devouring books whole, or avoiding housework, she can be found digging into the rich ancient world of the Bible. She delights in discovering new gems of grace that point to Jesus and weaving them into an immersive fiction experience. Although she and her husband have lived all over the country in the last twenty-plus years, they currently call North Carolina home.
Connect with Connilyn: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest
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