Happy Friday, book lovers, and welcome to First Line Friday hosted by Hoarding Books. My First Line pick for this week is a book I reviewed earlier this week. (You can find that review here.) Hidden Current by Sharon Hinck released last Tuesday, and I absolutely loved it, so make sure you check it out!
About the Book
The dancers of the Order direct their floating world of Meriel with their movement… but are they steering it toward destruction?
Calara spent her life learning dance patterns and seeking to become the perfect servant to her people. When she discovers the work of the Order is built on lies, she flees with a rough-edged herder, Brantley of Windswell. Pursued by soldiers, her journey through the suffering villages of the rim leads her to encounter a truth that sends ripples through her world—and through her soul.
As she seeks clues to her forgotten family, Calara discovers newfound courage in the face of danger, while her quest awakens a growing but forbidden affection for Brantley. Yet even his support can’t fully be trusted, since he’d rather destroy the Order than bring reform.
She is a lone woman facing opposition from rim villages and treachery from the all-powerful Order. Can she restore the dance to its true purpose and bring freedom and hope to her people?
First Line

I’d love it if you’d share the first line of whatever you’re currently reading in the comments. And don’t forget, you can find out what other bloggers are sharing for First Line Friday by going over to Hoarding Books blog and finding all the links. If you’ve got your own blog, why not join in and add your link over there. 🙂

This sounds like it was an interesting read! Happy Friday!!
This sounds like it was an interesting read! Have a great weekend. Happy Friday!!
Beautiful cover and great first line!
Mackenzie Wilder didn’t want to kill her brother in the true sense, just in the what-were-you-thinking, cartoon-wringing-of-the-neck sense. (The Bull Rider’s Secret by Jill Lynn). This is a Love Inspired book, and it is SO good and MUCH better than some full length novels I’ve read recently.
That’s a thought-provoking first line. On my blog, I’m sharing the first line from Winter’s Awakening by Shelley Shepard Gray. Here, I will share the first line in chapter thirteen of my current read, Give Me Thine Heart, by Andrea Boeshaar. “Three days and three nights.” Have a great weekend!
What an intriguing and unique premise! I couldn’t resist. I just hopped over to Amazon and bought my copy. 🙂
I am currently reading The Duke’s Refuge by Lorri Dudley. Here’s the first line:
Nevis, British Leeward Islands
…Why did you not mention your illness sooner?
Yay! I don’t think you’ll be sorry!
Happy Friday!
Today on my blog I am sharing the first line from Waltz in the Wilderness by Kathleen Denly: https://christianfictiongirl.blog/2020/01/31/first-line-friday-121/. I am just getting into the novel, so I will share the first line from chapter 2 here.
“Daniel thanked the postman and stepped away from the window. Tapping the single envelope against his palm, he strode past the long line of men who, like him, had been waiting hours for news from home.”
Hope you have an excellent weekend!
Happy Friday! Today I’m sharing the first line from The Camera Never Lies by David Rawlings: “Eighty-eight years of life reduced to a vintage, cracked briefcase sat before Daniel Whiteley.”
My first line comes from On Wings of Devotion by Rosanna White
Charing Cross Hospital, London, England 1 February, 1918
A stranger stalking down the street shouldn’t make her hands tremble in anticipation.
Roseanna White at her best!
Happy Friday! I’m sharing the first lines from The Rebel Bride by Shannon McNear on my blog today. This is the first line from Chapter 3:
“Standing at the top of the porch steps, Pearl clenched her hands inside her wadded-up apron and glared at her cousin, who faced her from beside the wagon holding more wounded soldiers.”
Happy Weekend! My first line is from “This Healing Journey” by Misty Beller:
“Meeting a stranger shouldn’t make him so nervous.”