Happy Friday, and welcome to First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books. I love Sharon Hinck’s Hidden Current when it released last year, so I’m looking forward to diving into the second in the series, Forsaken Island, very shortly. It’s a great read for the YA readers in your circle too—my fourteen-year-old really enjoyed it, and I’m pretty sure she’ll be diving into it once I’ve finished!
About the Book
On an uncharted world, happiness is effortless and constant … but can true joy exist without sacrifice?
The people of Meriel have long believed their island world floats alone in the vast ocean universe, so they are astonished when another island drifts into view. With resources becoming scarce, Carya and Brantley quickly volunteer to search the new land for supplies.
After navigating a barrier of menacing trees, the pair encounter a culture of perpetually happy people who readily share their talents and their possessions. But all is not what it seems. At the core of the island is a horror that threatens everyone, including Brantley and Carya.
Freeing the villagers of the bondage they’ve chosen may cost Carya and Brantley more than they could have imagined. Even if the two succeed, they’ll have to find a way to return to Meriel quickly … or be cut off from their home forever.
First Line

I’d love it if you’d share the first line of whatever you’re currently reading in the comments. And don’t forget, you can find out what other bloggers are sharing for First Line Friday by going over to Hoarding Books blog and finding all the links. If you’ve got your own blog, why not join in and add your link over there. 🙂

Dying on the toilet was not how I envisioned leaving the world. – The Corruptible by Mark Mynheir (HILARIOUS mystery)
Happy Friday!
Over on my blog I shared the first line of Something Worth Doing by Jane Kirkpatrick.
“Her dreams of late had been of books with maps of unknown places.”
Have an amazing weekend!
I’m sharing the first line from Huckleberry Hill by Jennifer Beckstrand on my blog today: “Anna Helmuth eased herself into the wooden rocker where she once cuddled each of her thirteen babies and took up her needles.”
Happy Friday!
My first line comes from Jocelyn by Sarah Monzon: “I was eight years old when I saw the movie Gone With the Wind for the first time.”
Hope you have a great weekend. 🙂❤📚
Happy Friday! My first line is from “In an English Vintage Garden” by Marion Ueckermann:
“Just how stupid do people think I am?”
My first line is from ALMOST A BRIDE by Jody Hedlund
Cariboo, British Columbia. August 1863
“Hello, Beautiful. Will you marry me?”