Welcome to First Line Friday, hosted by Hoarding Books! The book I’m sharing with you today is hot off the press, released just three days ago! Tamera Alexander’s With This Pledge is the first book in her new Carnton series, and is based on a real-life love story set amidst the aftermath of the Battle of Franklin.
~ About the Book ~
What can a woman–a mere governess–do against the scourge of slavery?
Elizabeth “Lizzie” Clouston’s quietly held principles oppose those of the Southern Cause–but when forty thousand soldiers converge on the fields of Franklin, Tennessee, the war demands an answer. The Carnton home, where she is governess, is converted into a Confederate hospital, and Lizzie is called upon to assist the military doctor with surgeries that determine life or death. Faced with the unimaginable, she must summon fortitude, even as she fears for the life of Towny, her fiancé and lifelong friend.
As a young soldier lies dying in Lizzie’s arms, she vows to relay his final words to his mother, but knows little more than the boy’s first name. That same night, decorated Mississippi sharpshooter Captain Roland Ward Jones extracts a different promise from Lizzie: that she intervene should the surgeon decide to amputate his leg.
Lizzie is nothing if not a woman of her word, earning the soldiers’ respect as she tends to the wounded within Carnton’s walls. None is more admiring than Captain Jones, who doesn’t realize she is pledged to another. But as Lizzie’s heart softens toward the Confederate captain, she discovers his moral ground is at odds with her own. Now torn between love, principles, and pledges made, she struggles to be true to her own heart while standing for what she knows is right–no matter the cost.
From the pages of history and the personal accounts of those who endured the Battle of Franklin, Tamera Alexander weaves the real-life love letters between Captain Roland Ward Jones and Miss Elizabeth Clouston into a story of unlikely romance first kindled amid the shadows of war.
~ First Line ~
“And this, children, is a drawing of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Which is a very long way from Franklin, Tennessee.”
It’s a great read so far!
I’d love it if you’d share the first line of whatever you’re currently reading in the comments. And don’t forget, you can find out what other bloggers are sharing for First Line Friday by going over to Hoarding Books blog and finding all the links. If you’ve got your own blog, why not join in and add your link over there. 🙂

I’m currently reading this one and am absolutely loving it. Makes me a little sad I have a day job because I want to just sit and finish it!
Happy Friday!
Today on my blog I’m sharing the first few lines of Who I Am with You by Robin Lee Hatcher. It’s such a good book. I’m just beginning chapter 25, so I will share the first line from there.
“Feeling elated by his day down in the valley, meeting with a financial advisor and a Realtor, Ridley rapped on Jessica’s back door.”
Hope you have a great weekend filled with relaxing reading time. 😀❤📚
Happy Friday!😉
My first lines come from Restaurant Weeks are Murder by Libby Klein…….
“I don’t care how good Dr. Oz says it is, I’m not eating vegan cheese.” Aunt Ginny took the last stuffed pheasant off the Fraser fir, wrapped it in tissue paper, and placed it in an old Woolworth’s hat box to store until next Christmas.
Have an awesome weekend and happy reading!💕
I cannot wait to read this book! The first book in this series was wonderful. Happy reading Katie!
Hi! Happy Friday.
I shared the first couple of lines from one of my recent reads, The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi, on my blog. I loved this book so much and to celebrate its coming release (January 15) I will be sharing the first couple of lines from its prologue chapter here.
The matriarch of House Kore was running late for a dinner. In the normal course of things, she did not care for punctuality. Punctuality, with its unseemly whiff of eagerness was for peasants. And she was neither a peasant nor eager to endure a meal with the mongrel heir of House Nyx.
Hope you enjoy that. Happy weekend!
I’ve already finished reading it and LOVED it! Hope you enjoy the rest of it!
Today on my blog I’m featuring Romancing the Bride by Melissa Jagears but I’m currently reading The Watch on the Fencepost by Kay DiBianca so I’ll share the first line from my current chapter (38) here: “Kate parked her car in the corner lot and strolled down the sidewalk toward Café Rouge.” Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend with plenty of reading time!
Happy Friday! Happy Weekend! My first line is from “Marry Me Katie (Whispers in Wyoming Book 7)” by Lisa Prysock:
“Flight #753 to Rockport Regional, come in Rockport Regional Airport… repeat… requesting permission to make an emergency landing… repeat… Flight #753 requesting permission to make an emergency landing. Low on fuel.”
My first line is from Dead Drift by Dani Pettery:
Luke extricated himself from the vehicle to find shattered convoy debris littering the ground.
Looking forward to reading Tamera’s new book.
I need to get a copy of this! I’m sharing the first paragraph from a non-fiction book today, Code Name: Lise by Larry Loftis. Here is the line that follows:
“If his instincts were right, this was a girl who would throw herself headlong into danger.”
Happy Friday!