Debut Author Spotlight + Giveaway: Patti Stockdale

Posted 11 February 2020 by Katie in Author Interview, Book Spotlight, Christian Fiction, Historical, Romance / 13 Comments

Welcome to my February debut author spotlight! Today I’m introducing you to Patti Stockdale, whose historical romance Three Little Things,released earlier this month on 4 February. Stick around to learn more about Patti and her book, and don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the end of the post. 🙂

About the Author

Patti Stockdale loves hope, history, and a good happily ever after. She can’t remember numbers, so she married a statistician. Thanks to him, she’s lived all sorts of places and worked all sorts of jobs. While employed by an NFL team, she once answered the phone by the wrong team name. She doesn’t work there anymore. For 11 years, she directed the programming at a nonprofit senior center and hosted an annual talent show, rocking a Dolly Parton wig, Annie Oakley boots, and a sweet—although snug—Batman costume. She no longer works there either. These days, Patti writes books and occasionally educational assessments and magazine articles.

Connect with Patti:  Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Instagram


What’s the first story you remember writing?

The first story I remember writing was a short story for a high school English class. My classmates turned in approximately five or six pages. Mine, centering on a slumber party, was 30–35 pages. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I threw it away long ago. I’d probably cringe if I read it today.

When did you begin to pursue writing seriously?

I returned to college at age 35 and attended a satellite campus near my home two nights a week. Due to low enrollment, the college dropped the class I originally signed up to attend. My only other option for that night was creative writing. Although I loved the subject, I worked full-time and had two young children. Would I find the time for all that writing? Yep! I’m forever grateful I took that class.

Who or what has influenced you most as a writer?

Terry Wallace, my first creative writing instructor. His encouragement and mentorship boosted my confidence. He believed in my writing long before I did. Every writer needs a Terry Wallace in his or her life.

What genre do you write, and what is it that draws you to this genre?

Although I never loved history in school, I love reading historical fiction. My mom and her sisters found a tin full of love letters their parents exchanged during WW I. While I rifled through those letters, an idea sparked. The letters inspired my debut novel, Three Little Things.

What would you say has been your steepest learning curve on your path to publication?

It’s hard to narrow it to one, but the historical research component probably challenged me the most. I felt ill-equipped to write about WWI and read dozens of fiction, nonfiction, and biographies about the era. I scoured the Internet, corresponded with representatives from relevant boot camps, and visited the WWI Museum in Kansas City. For the price of a cup of coffee, a military consultant answered my top ten burning questions.

What is the most daunting thing about being a debut author?

The most daunting thing about being a debut author is marketing. It’s kept me awake at night, but I’m trusting God to open the right doors. I’ll try my best and let God do the rest.

What has been the most encouraging thing you’ve experienced as a debut author?

The most encouraging thing I’ve experienced as a debut author was receiving endorsements from authors I admire. It’s hard to ask someone you barely know to take the time to read your book. Then, you ask them to say nice things about it. Ugh! But the authors in the Christian market are kind, generous, and approachable. What a blessing!

Briefly share your book’s life story. When was the story conceived, and how long has its journey been to release day?

I started my book in 2000 for a class project. I finished the first draft, dumped it in a box, and started a busy new job at a nonprofit. Sixteen years later, I unearthed it, researched for months, and rewrote it two more times. I’m shooting for one year max with book number two!

What will you be doing to celebrate release day?

What a great question. I don’t know, but I’m open to suggestions!

Thanks for chatting to me today, Patti!

About the Book

Three Little Things
Patti Stockdale
Historical Romance
Publisher:  Smitten Historical Romance
Release date: 
4 February 2020


Amazon US  |  Amazon AU

Three Little Things

One forbidden love. Two broken hearts. Three little things.

Hattie Waltz should forget the troubled neighbor leaving for boot camp in 1917. He forgot about her ages ago. It had always been the Waltzs verses the Kregers, his family pitted against hers. When she hands him a farewell gift, a chemistry lesson unfolds. The good kind.

Arno Kreger can’t leave Iowa or his old man fast enough. He’s eager to prove his worth on the battlefield and stop blaming himself for his brother’s death. Before entering the train, he bumps into Hattie. He’s loved her forever, always from the sidelines, because nobody crosses Hattie’s pa.

One innocent letter soon morphs into many. Arno and Hattie share three little secrets in each letter and grow closer together. But he’s on his way to a war across the ocean, and she’s still in her father’s house. Their newfound love will need to survive dangers on both fronts.


Patti is graciously giving away an AUTOGRAPHED copy of Three Little Things to one lucky commenter!  Comment below and let us know how you would celebrate the release of your debut book. Or you can just say hi and tell us how much you love us! 🙂

Giveaway ends at 11:59pm on 17 February 2020 (EST). For full terms and conditions, see Disclaimers & Privacy Policy.

13 responses to “Debut Author Spotlight + Giveaway: Patti Stockdale

  1. grammie27

    Like you I did not like history in school. Now I am learning so much as I read historic fiction. I favorite genre is Christian historic fiction.

    If I were you, I’d celebrate with a fudgy chocolate brownie with lots of nuts. If it’s cold where you are, add hot chocolate or tea.

  2. Liz

    I would celebrate with a month in Paris, staying at the Ritz Carlton. That’s at least as likely as my writing a book! I love reading Christian historical fiction.

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