Welcome, book lovers! We’re already halfway through May, if you can believe that! Must be time to introduce you to my debut author for this month: Natalie Walters. Romantic suspense is one of my favourite genres, and I’m pleased to say her upcoming release, Living Lies, is getting very close to the tippy-top of my TBR pile!
About the Author
Natalie Walters is a military wife of 22 years and currently resides in Hawaii with her soldier husband and their three kids. She writes full-time and has been published in Proverbs 31 magazine and has blogged for Guideposts online. In addition to balancing life as a military spouse, mom, and writer, she loves connecting on social media, sharing her love of books, cooking, and traveling. Natalie comes from a long line of military and law enforcement veterans and is passionate about supporting them through volunteer work,
races, and writing stories that affirm no one is defined by their
Connect with Natalie: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
What’s the first story you remember writing?
I don’t remember ever writing a story as a child, though I’m sure I might’ve. I do remember in my 12th grade English class that we had to study various authors writing styles and try to emulate them. I remember reading Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel and writing a chapter that started with a family recipe. I wrote about my family’s tradition of Sunday morning blueberry muffins.
Yum! Great family tradition!
When did you begin to pursue writing seriously?
In 2010, my kids were a little older and I read a book, For the Write Reason, which was written by authors, agents, and publishers in the writing industry. It inspired me to think that maybe I could write stories with characters, plots, and themes that would not only entertain readers but maybe encourage them. I looked up online writing programs and found the Christian Writers Guild and signed up for their apprenticeship writing program and started that year.
Who or what has influenced you most as a writer?
Other authors!! I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many amazingly talented authors who have generously encouraged me through this journey. Whether it’s through a chat, brainstorm session, mentoring, or prayer, these writers continually inspire me.
What genre do you write, and what is it that draws you to this genre?
I write romantic suspense and what I love most about this genre is the thrill of unpredictability in the plot, twists and turns that challenge the hero and heroine to rise to the occasion. I also LOVE writing strong female leads who value and appreciate the chivalrous role of the male lead—those are the kind of romances I find swoon-worthy.
It sounds like we’re going to get on just fine. 😉
What would you say has been your steepest learning curve on your path to publication?
Balance. Writing is hard and deadlines come quickly. I didn’t realize all of the behind-the-scenes pieces that have to come together to put that book on a shelf. Managing that while trying to be wife, mom, human, left me falling short some days. Life is unexpected and I almost didn’t sign my contract because there were things happening in my life beyond my control, but if there’s one thing I’m learning as I move forward in this career, it’s how to lean into God. He more than makes up for my shortcomings and is actually quite good at making things work out just the way they should!
What is the most daunting thing about being a debut author?
Meeting expectations. I know this is a business, but I’m such a relationship oriented person that the idea of trying to sell myself—or my book—has been a little overwhelming. I wake up wondering what kind of social media posts I need to do and if they’re pretty enough or witty enough; did I respond to all of the emails, comments, questions; am I being authentic, genuine, relational, and intentional in all of my engagements; and oh by the way, am I even good enough?
At the end of the day I love to read. I love books. And I love those who do too. I even love those who don’t (*ahem, that would be my family I’m talking about). What I want more than anything is to build relationships with this community and if they happen to like my book—awesome!!
What has been the most encouraging thing you’ve experienced as a debut author?
Reader support! Oh my goodness, readers are AWESOME!! Without having a single book out, I’ve been enveloped in support, encouragement, and excitement that it literally pulls me through some of my hardest days behind the keyboard. I love readers, and their generous, story loving hearts motivate me to give them my best.
Briefly share your book’s life story. When was the story conceived, and how long as its journey been to release day?
Living Lies began with the character, Lane Kent. Her story developed as a result of our family’s introduction to the stigma and heartbreaking effects surrounding depression. I began writing her story as a cathartic outlet for what we were going through at the end of 2013. I finished her story and pitched it to agents and publishers in 2015. I received positive feedback and signed with my agent in 2016. I spent another year polishing the manuscript and had it ready to submit to publishers in 2017. Six weeks after submission, I received two separate offers before signing a three book contract with Revell in early 2018.
What will you be doing to celebrate release day?
I’ll actually be in Texas for Living Lies release celebrating my oldest daughter’s graduation from Baylor Nursing School. I imagine we’ll probably go to dinner and maybe slip into a bookstore to prove all those nights eating cereal for dinner were worth it.
Lol! Thanks for chatting with me today, and congratulations on your release!
Readers, don’t forget to enter the giveaway below for your chance to win a copy of Living Lies.
About the Book
In the little town of Walton, Georgia, everybody knows your name–but no one knows your secret. At least that’s what Lane Kent is counting on when she returns to her hometown with her five-year-old son. Dangerously depressed after the death of her husband, Lane is looking for hope. What she finds instead is a dead body.
Lane must work with Walton’s newest deputy, Charlie Lynch, to uncover the truth behind the murder. But when that truth hits too close to home, she’ll have to decide if saving the life of another is worth the cost of revealing her darkest secret.
Debut novelist Natalie Walters pulls you to the edge of your seat on the first page and keeps you there until the last in this riveting story that will have you believing no one is defined by their past.

Natalie is graciously giving away a paperback copy of Living Lies to one lucky commenter! (US only, sorry.) Comment below and let us know, if you were on deadline, what would be your go-to, quick-fix meal for the family? (Or you can just say hi and tell us how much you love us! Lol!)
Giveaway ends at 11:59pm on 22 May 2019. For full terms and conditions, see Disclaimers & Privacy Policy.
Pizza delivery is great whether on a deadline or not.
I’m so excited for this book! I’ve been hearing great things. And I live in Georgia, so that’s a plus. AND I write romantic suspense myself. Love supporting debut authors! 😀
This book looks intriguing. Love the cover!
My go to meal is any grilled meat with a side of rice or potatoes and veggies. My husband does the grilling and I do the veggies LOL. Sharing the work load works the best in our busy schedule.
I love romance suspense. Just pop a pizza in the oven or make boxed mac and cheese. Dinner done. This book sounds great and would love to read it. I live in a little town in Central California on the way to Yosemite.
I’d pull out my crockpot in the morning and let my meal cook all day.
When I am bus I always put a meal in my crockpot. Congrats on the release of your book and for your daughter graduating from Baylor University.
Hi, I am always excited to find new authors and new websites that promote Christian authors! I am from Georgia and can’t wait to read Natalie’s new book!
I love reading Romantic Suspense! And, most of my family lives in Northwest GA, so that’s a plus, too, as Hope Welborn, said!! I love finding new authors!!!!
Mexican to go is a great dinner!
One quick meal is a tuna casserole made with macaroni and cream of mushroom soup. My aunt used cream of celery soup and put grated cheese in hers. Both are good.
I have been so excited to read Natalie’s book!!
Let’s be honest, I would probably do pizza like many of the other people on here. If I did something different it might be sloppy joes and veggies for a quick meal, you know, just in case we had pizza the day before! 😂