| ADDISON, R.E. | Yeshua's Thief | | Fictional, Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | AFHSAR, Tessa | Bread of Angels | -- | Lydia | New Testament | 11 |
  | AFSHAR, Tessa | Daughter of Rome | -- | Priscilla | New Testament | 11 |
  | AFSHAR, Tessa | In the Field of Grace | -- | Ruth | Old Testament | 5 |
  | AFSHAR, Tessa | Harvest of Rubies | #1 Harvest | Fictional (Nehemiah's cousin) | Old Testament | 9 |
  | AFSHAR, Tessa | Harvest of Gold | #2 Harvest | Fictional (Nehemiah's cousin) | Old Testament | 9 |
  | AFSHAR, Tessa | Land of Silence | -- | Woman who bled for twelve years | New Testament | 10 |
  | AFSHAR, Tessa | Pearl in the Sand | -- | Rahab | Old Testament | 5 |
  | AFSHAR, Tessa | Thief of Corinth | -- | Fictional (Apostle Paul as secondary character) | New Testament | 11 |
  | AFSHAR, Tessa | Jewel of the Nile | -- | Fictional (during the time of Acts) | New Testament | 11 |
  | ANDREWS, Mesu | Of Fire and Lions | -- | Daniel | Old Testament | 8 |
  | ANDREWS, Mesu | Isaiah's Daughter | -- | Isaiah, Hezekiah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | ANDREWS, Mesu | Isaiah's Legacy | -- | Manasseh | Old Testament | 7 |
  | ANDREWS, Mesu | Love Amid the Ashes | #1 Treasures of His Love | Job and Dinah | Old Testament | 2 |
  | ANDREWS, Mesu | Love's Sacred Song | #2 Treasures of His Love | Solomon | Old Testament | 7 |
  | ANDREWS, Mesu | Love in a Broken Vessel | #3 Treasures of His Love | Hosea and Gomer | Old Testament | 7 |
  | ANDREWS, Mesu | In the Shadow of Jezebel | #4 Treasures of His Love | Jehosheba and Jehoiada/Athaliah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | ANDREWS, Mesu | The Pharaoh's Daughter | #1 Treasures of the Nile | Moses | Old Testament | 4 |
  | ANDREWS, Mesu | Miriam | #2 Treasures of the Nile | Moses and Miriam | Old Testament | 4 |
  | ANDREWS, Mesu | By the Waters of Babylon | #2 Psalm Series | Babylonian exile (Ezekiel as secondary character) | Old Testament | 8 |
  | ANDREWS, Mesu | Potiphar's Wife | | Joseph (son of Jacob) | Old Testament | 3 |
  | ARTHUR, Kay | Israel, My Beloved | -- | Israel | Old Testament | 12 |
  | AUSTIN, Lynn | Gods and Kings | #1 Chronicles of the Kings | King Hezekiah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | AUSTIN, Lynn | Song of Redemption | #2 Chronicles of the Kings | King Hezekiah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | AUSTIN, Lynn | The Strength of His Hand | #3 Chronicles of the Kings | King Hezekiah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | AUSTIN, Lynn | Faith of my Fathers | #4 Chronicles of the Kings | Manasseh | Old Testament | 7 |
  | AUSTIN, Lynn | Among the Gods | #5 Chronicles of the Kings | Manasseh | Old Testament | 7 |
  | AUSTIN, Lynn | Return to Me | #1 Restoration Chronicles | Zechariah, King Cyrus, Return to Jerusalem | Old Testament | 9 |
  | AUSTIN, Lynn | Keepers of the Covenant | #2 Restoration Chronicles | Ezra, Return to Jerusalem | Old Testament | 9 |
  | AUSTIN, Lynn | On This Foundation | #3 Restoration Chronicles | Nehemiah, Rebuilding the Wall | Old Testament | 9 |
  | BAILEY, Dennis | Army of God | -- | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | BAKER, Greg S. | Anointed | #1 Davidic Chronicles | David, Saul, Goliath | Old Testament | 6 |
  | BAKER, Greg S. | Valiant | #2 Davidic Chronicles | David, Saul | Old Testament | 6 |
  | BAKER, Greg S. | Fugitive | #3 Davidic Chronicles | David, Saul | Old Testament | 6 |
  | BARNETT-GRAMCKOW, Kacy | Dawnlight | -- | Resurrection (tombs breaking open in Matt 27:52-53) | New Testament | 10 |
  | BARNETT-GRAMCKOW, Kacy | The Heavens Before | #1 Genesis Trilogy | Shem's Wife | Old Testament | 1 |
  | BARNETT-GRAMCKOW, Kacy | He Who Lifts the Skies | #2 Genesis Trilogy | Fictional (Nimrod, Babel) | Old Testament | 2 |
  | BARNETT-GRAMCKOW, Kacy | A Crown in the Stars | #3 Genesis Trilogy | Fictional (Nimrod, Babel) | Old Testament | 2 |
  | BENNETT, R. William | The Last Man at the Inn | -- | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | BLAKESLEE, Michael | The Exile | -- | Daniel | Old Testament | 8 |
  | BOGE, Bartholomew | Regarding Tiberius | -- | Fictional (mainly during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | BOYD, Mary Ellen | Temper the Wind | #1 Days of the Judges | Fictional (during the time of Jephtha | Old Testament | 5 |
  | BOYD, Mary Ellen | His Brother's Wife | #2 Days of the Judges | Fictional (during the time of the Judges) | Old Testament | 5 |
  | BOYD, Mary Ellen | Warrior of the Heart | #3 Days of the Judges | Fictional (Benjaminite women) | Old Testament | 5 |
  | BRITTON, Barbara | Defending David | Tribes of Israel | Ittai the Gittite, King David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | BRITTON, Barbara M. | Providence | #1 Tribes of Israel | Fictional | Old Testament | 6 |
  | BRITTON, Barbara M. | Building Benjamin | #2 Tribes of Israel | Fictional (Benjamites capturing brides) | Old Testament | 5 |
  | BRITTON, Barbara M. | Jerusalem Rising | #3 Tribes of Israel | Fictional (Nehemiah, building the wall) | Old Testament | 9 |
  | BRITTON, Barbara M. | Lioness: Mahlah's Journey | #1 Daughters of Zelophahad | Daughters of Zelophahad | Old Testament | 5 |
  | BRITTON, Barbara M. | Heavenly Lights: Noah's Journey | #2 Daughters of Zelophahad | Daughters of Zelophahad | Old Testament | 5 |
  | BRITTON, Barbara M. | Claiming Canaan: Milcah's Journey | #3 Daughters of Zelophahad | Daughters of Zelophahad | Old Testament | 5 |
  | BROUWER, Sigmund | The Weeping Chamber | -- | Fictional (encounters Christ during Passover week) | New Testament | 10 |
  | BROYLES, Janice | The Runaway Heir | | David and Michal | Old Testament | 6 |
  | BROYLES, Janice | The Secret Heir | | David and Michal | Old Testament | 6 |
  | BUNN, Davis (with Janette Oke) | The Centurion's Wife | #1 Acts of Faith | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | BUNN, Davis (with Janette Oke) | The Hidden Flame | #2 Acts of Faith | Fictional (during the time of Acts) | New Testament | 11 |
  | BUNN, Davis (with Janette Oke) | Damascus Way | #3 Acts of Faith | Fictional (during the time of Acts) | New Testament | 11 |
  | CADDICK, Linda | The Whitewashed Tomb | -- | Fictional (Gospel encounter) | New Testament | 10 |
  | CADDICK, Linda | Woman of Clay | #1 Woman of Spirit | Woman caught in adultery | New Testament | 10 |
  | CADDICK, Linda | Woman of Mettle | #2 Woman of Spirit | Continues the story from Woman of Clay | New Testament | 11 |
  | CANTER, Bryan | The Bethany Tales | -- | Gospel encounters, Mary, Martha, Lazarus | New Testament | 10 |
  | CARR, Patrick W. | The End of the Magi | -- | Wise Men | New Testament | 10 |
  | CHAFFEY, Tim | Noah: Man of Destiny | | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | CHAFFEY, Tim | Noah: Man of God | -- | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | CHAFFEY, Tim | Noah: Man of Resolve | -- | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | CHAPPELL, Alex | Daughters of Rome | #1 Children of Rome | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | CHAPPELL, Alex | Sons of Rome | #2 Children of Rome | Fiction (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | CONGER, Angelique | Eve, First Matriarch | #1 Ancient Matriarchs | Eve | Old Testament | 1 |
  | CONGER, Angelique | Into the Storms: Ganet, Wife of Seth | #2 Ancient Matriarchs | Seth | Old Testament | 1 |
  | CONGER, Angelique | Finding Peace: Rebecca, Wife of Enos | #3 Ancient Matriarchs | Enos | Old Testament | 1 |
  | CONGER, Angelique | Moving Into Light: Zehira, Wife of Enoch | #4 Ancient Matriarchs | Enoch | Old Testament | 1 |
  | CONGER, Angelique | Out of Darkness: Imma, Wife of Noah | #5 Ancient Matriarchs | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | CONSOLVER, Peggy Miracle | The Star Namer and the Unchosen | -- | Fictional (Joshua and Israel entering Promised Land) | Old Testament | 5 |
  | CONSOLVER, Peggy Miracle | Shepherd, Potter, Spy and the Star Namer | -- | Fictional (Joshua and Israel entering the Promised Land) | Old Testament | 5 |
  | COSSETTE, Connilyn | Counted with the Stars | #1 Out From Egypt | Fictional (Ten Plagues and Exodus) | Old Testament | 4 |
  | COSSETTE, Connilyn | Shadow of the Storm | #2 Out From Egypt | Fictional (Israel at Mount Sinai) | Old Testament | 4 |
  | COSSETTE, Connilyn | Wings of the Wind | #3 Out From Egypt | Fictional (Entering the Promised Land) | Old Testament | 4 |
  | COSSETTE, Connilyn | A Light on the Hill | #1 Cities of Refuge | Fictional (Israel in the Promised Land) | Old Testament | 5 |
  | COSSETTE, Connilyn | Shelter of the Most High | #2 Cities of Refuge | Fictional (Israel in the Promised Land) | Old Testament | 5 |
  | COSSETTE, Connilyn | Until the Mountains Fall | #3 Cities of Refuge | Fictional (Israel in the Promised Land) | Old Testament | 5 |
  | COSSETTE, Connilyn | Like Flames in the Night | #4 Cities of Refuge | Joshua | Old Testament | 5 |
  | COSSETTE, Connilyn | To Dwell Among Cedars | #1 The Covenant House | Fictional (time of Samuel) | Old Testament | 5 |
  | COSSETTE, Connilyn | Between Wild Branches | #2 The Covenant House | Fictional (time of Samuel) | Old Testament | 5 |
  | CRAIG, Naomi | Rahab's Courage | #1 Yahweh's Legacy | Rahab | Old Testament | 5 |
  | DEKKER, Ted | A.D. 30 | #1 A.D. | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | DEKKER, Ted | A.D. 33 | #2 A.D. | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | DIAZ, Debra B. | Woman of Sin | #1 Woman of Sin Trilogy | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | DIAZ, Debra B. | Man of God | #2 Woman of Sin Trilogy | Fictional (during apostolic period) | New Testament | 11 |
  | DIAZ, Debra B. | Child of the King | #3 Woman of Sin Trilogy | Fictional (during apostolic period) | New Testament | 11 |
  | DORR, Roberta Kells | Abraham and Sarah | -- | Abraham and Sarah | Old Testament | 3 |
  | DORR, Roberta Kells | David and Bathsheba | -- | David and Bathsheba | Old Testament | 6 |
  | DORR, Roberta Kells | Honored | -- | Mary, Mother of Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | DORR, Roberta Kells | Queen of Sheba | -- | King Solomon | Old Testament | 7 |
  | DORR, Roberta Kells | Solomon's Song | -- | King Solomon | Old Testament | 7 |
  | DORR, Roberta Kells | Sons of Isaac | -- | Isaac, Jacob, Esau | Old Testament | 3 |
  | DRESSEL, Willow | The Golden Strand of Shinar | #2 Sign of the Oath | Fictional (Nimrod, Tower of Babel) | Old Testament | 2 |
  | DRESSEL, Willow | Of One Tongue | -- | Fictional (Tower of Babel) | Old Testament | 2 |
  | ELLIS, Dale | A King to Rule | #1 Empire of Israel | Fictional (Achish, time of King Saul) | Old Testament | 6 |
  | ELLIS, Dale | A King to Fight | #2 Empire of Israel | Fictional (Achish, time of King Saul) | Old Testament | 6 |
  | ELLIS, Dale | A King to Die | #3 Empires of Israel | Fictional (Achish, time of King Saul) | Old Testament | 6 |
  | FISH, Susan | Seeker of Stars | -- | Wise Men, Birth of Christ | New Testament | 10 |
  | FIVASH, Terri | Dahveed: Yahweh's Chosen | #1 Dahveed | King David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | FIVASH, Terri | Dahveed: Yahweh's Warrior | #2 Dahveed | King David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | FIVASH, Terri | Dahveed: Yahweh's Fugitive | #3 Dahveed | King David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | FIVASH, Terri | Dahveed: Yahweh's Soldier | #4 Dahveed | King David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | FIVASH, Terri | Dahveed: Yahweh's General | #5 Dahveed | King David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | FIVASH, Terri | Joseph | -- | Joseph | Old Testament | 3 |
  | FIVASH, Terri | Ruth & Boaz | -- | Ruth and Boaz | Old Testament | 5 |
  | GABRIEL, Justin | Kings of the Promised Land | -- | Saul, David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | GABRIELE, Michael | In the Flesh: My Story | -- | Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | GARRETT, Ginger | Chosen: Lost Diaries of Queen Esther | #1 Lost Loves of the Bible | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | GARRETT, Ginger | Desired: Untold Story of Samson & Delilah | #2 Lost Loves of the Bible | Samson and Delilah | Old Testament | 5 |
  | GARRETT, Ginger | Reign: Chronicles of Queen Jezebel | #3 Lost Loves of the Bible | Jezebel | Old Testament | 7 |
  | GARRETT, Ginger | Dark Hour: Serpent Moon Trilogy | -- | Athaliah (Jezebel's Daughter) | Old Testament | 7 |
  | GILLILAND, Debbie | To Comfort a King | -- | Abishag (and King David) | Old Testament | 6 |
  | GIRE, Ken | The Centurion | -- | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | GOULD, Nina | Eagle to the Son | #1 Heroes and Heroines of the Old Testament | Isaiah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | GOULD, Nina | Abigail: a Home for God | #2 Heroes and Heroines of the Old Testament | Abigail and David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | GRAHAM, Cliff | Benaiah (eShort) | #1 Hall of the Mighty Men | Fictional (one of King David's elite warriors) | Old Testament | 6 |
  | GRAHAM, Cliff | David (eShort) | #2 Hall of the Mighty Men | King David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | GRAHAM, Cliff | Ittai (eShort) | #3 Hall of the Mighty Men | Fictional (one of King David's elite warriors) | Old Testament | 6 |
  | GRAHAM, Cliff | Eliahba (eShort) | #4 Hall of the Mighty Men | Fictional (one of King David's elite warriors) | Old Testament | 6 |
  | GRAHAM, Cliff | Gareb (eShort) | #6 Hall of the Mighty Men | Fictional (one of King David's elite warriors) | Old Testament | 6 |
  | GRAHAM, Cliff | Day of War | #1 Lion of War | Fictional (one of King David's elite soldiers) | Old Testament | 6 |
  | GRAHAM, Cliff | Covenant of War | #2 Lion of War | Fictional (one of King David's elite soldiers) | Old Testament | 6 |
  | GRAHAM, Cliff | Song of War | #3 Lion of War | Fictional (one of King David's elite soldiers) | Old Testament | 6 |
  | GRAHAM, Cliff | Exodus | #1 Shadow of the Mountain | Joshua and Caleb | Old Testament | 5 |
  | GREGORY, Texie Susan | Slender Reeds: Jochabed's Hope | -- | Jochabed (mother of Moses) | Old Testament | 4 |
  | GROOT, Tracy | The Brother's Keeper | -- | James (brother of Jesus) | New Testament | 10 |
  | GROOT, Tracy | Madman | -- | Gerasene Demoniac (Gospels of Mark and Luke) | New Testament | 10 |
  | GROOT, Tracy | Stones of My Accusers | -- | Sister of Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | GUSTAFSON, Eleanor | The Stones | -- | King David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | HADDAD, Katheryn Maddox | Lazarus: The Samaritan | #1 Intrepid Men of God | The Good Samaritan | New Testament | 10 |
  | HADDAD, Katheryn Maddox | Paul: The Unstoppable | #2 Intrepid Men of God | Paul | New Testament | 11 |
  | HADDAD, Katheryn Maddox | Luke: Slave and Physician | #3 Intrepid Men of God | Luke | New Testament | 11 |
  | HADDAD, Katheryn Maddox | Mefiboset: Crippled Prince | #4 Intrepid Men of God | Mephibosheth | Old Testament | 6 |
  | HADDAD, Katheryn Maddox | Joseph: The Other Father | #5 Intrepid Men of God | Joseph (husband of Mary) | New Testament | 10 |
  | HADDAD, Katheryn Maddox | Michel: The Fourth Wise Man | #6 Intrepid Men of God | A wise man | New Testament | 10 |
  | HADDAD, Katheryn Maddox | Stephen: Unlikely Martyr | #7 Intrepid Men of God | Stephen (first martyr) | New Testament | 11 |
  | HADDAD, Katheryn Maddox | Titus: The Aristocrat | #8 Intrepid Men of God | Titus | New Testament | 11 |
  | HAMEL, Katrina D. | As the Stars | -- | 45 biblical fiction short stories | Old and New Testament | 12 |
  | HAMEL, Katrina D. | Dividing Sword | -- | Fictional (Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | HANEGRAAFF, Hank | The Last Disciple | #1 The Last Disciple | Fictional (early churhc, letter of Revelation) | New Testament | 11 |
  | HANEGRAAFF, Hank | The Last Sacrifice | #2 The Last Disciple | Fictional (early church, letter of Revelation) | New Testament | 11 |
  | HANEGRAAFF, Hank | The Last Temple | #3 The Last Disciple | Fictional (Christian persecution, letter of Revelation) | New Testament | 11 |
  | HARDER, David | Persuaded: The Story of Nicodemus | -- | Nicodemus, Apostle John | New Testament | 11 |
  | HAVEL, Carlene & FAUCHEUX, Sharon | Daughter of the King | -- | Michal | Old Testament | 6 |
  | HAVEL, Carlene & FAUCHEUX, Sharon | Daughter of the King | -- | Michal | Old Testament | 6 |
  | HAVEL, Carlene & FAUCHEUX, Sharon | The Scarlet Cord | -- | Rahab | Old Testament | 5 |
  | HAVEL, Carlene & FAUCHEUX, Sharon | The Scarlet Cord | -- | Rahab | Old Testament | 5 |
  | HAVEL, Carlene & FAUCHEUX, Sharon | Song of the Shepherd Woman | -- | Fictional (Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | HAVEL, Carlene & FAUCHEUX, Sharon | Song of the Shepherd Woman | -- | Fictional (life of Christ) | New Testament | 10 |
  | HAWKINS, Kathy | Heart of a Stranger | #1 Heart of Zion | Fictional (David's "Mighty Men") | Old Testament | 6 |
  | HAWKINS, Kathy | The Desires of the Heart | #2 Heart of Zion | Fictional (David's "Mighty Men") | Old Testament | 6 |
  | HAWKINS, Kathy | The Heart of a Lion | #3 Heart of Zion | Fictional (David's "Mighty Men") | Old Testament | 6 |
  | HENDERSON, Lois T. | Abigail | -- | Abigail and King David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | HENDERSON, Lois T. | Hagar | -- | Hagar and Abraham | Old Testament | 3 |
  | HENDERSON, Lois T. | Lydia | -- | Lydia | New Testament | 11 |
  | HENDERSON, Lois T. | Miriam | -- | Miriam and Moses | Old Testament | 4 |
  | HENDERSON, Lois T. | Priscilla & Aquila | -- | Priscilla & Aquila | New Testament | 11 |
  | HENDERSON, Lois T. | Ruth | -- | Ruth | Old Testament | 5 |
  | HIGLEY, Tracy L. | Garden of Madness | -- | Fictional (King Nebuchadnezzar's madness) | Old Testament | 8 |
  | HIGLEY, Tracy L. | The Incense Road | -- | Wise Men | New Testament | 10 |
  | HIGLEY, Tracy L. | So Shines the Night | -- | Fictional (during the time of Acts) | New Testament | 11 |
  | HITES, Rich | God's Centurion | -- | Centurion | New Testament | 10 |
  | HITES, Rich | Prophet of Corinth | -- | Chloe (Corinthian Church) | New Testament | 11 |
  | HOEFLING, Jean | Ashes Like Bread | #1 Thrones of Genesis | Lamech's wives | Old Testament | 1 |
  | HOEFLING, Jean | Gold in Havilah | -- | Cain's wife | Old Testament | 1 |
  | HOLMBERG, K.D. | The Egyptian Princess | #1 Women of Valor | Hagar, Sarai | Old Testament | 3 |
  | HOLMES, Marjorie | The Messiah | -- | Jesus (ministry to crucifixion) | New Testament | 10 |
  | HOLMES, Marjorie | Three From Galilee | -- | Jesus (from age 12 until ministry) | New Testament | 10 |
  | HOLMES, Marjorie | Two From Galilee | -- | Mary and Joseph | New Testament | 10 |
  | HOUSE, M. D. | I Was Called Barabbus | -- | Barabbus | New Testament | 10 |
  | HUDSON, Jill Francis | The Last Queen of Sheba | -- | Solomon, Queen of Sheba | Old Testament | 7 |
  | HUGHSON, Sharon | A Pondering Heart | #1 Reflections | Mary (Mother of Jesus) | New Testament | 10 |
  | HUNT, Angeal | Journey | #3 Legacies of the Ancient River | Ephraim and Manasseh | Old Testament | 3 |
  | HUNT, Angela | Dreamers | #1 Legacies of the Ancient River | Joseph | Old Tesetament | 3 |
  | HUNT, Angela | Brothers | #2 Legacies of the Ancient River | Simeon (Joseph's brother) | Old Testament | 3 |
  | HUNT, Angela | Esther | #1 Dangerous Beauty | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | HUNT, Angela | Bathsheba | #2 Dangerous Beauty | Bathsheba and David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | HUNT, Angela | Delilah | #3 Dangerous Beauty | Samson and Delilah | Old Testament | 5 |
  | HUNT, Angela | Daughter of Cana | #1 Jerusalem Road | Wedding at Cana | New Testament | 10 |
  | HUNT, Angela | The Shepherd's Wife | #2 Jerusalem Road | Sister of Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | HUNT, Angela | A Woman of Words | #3 Jerusalem Road | Matthew (Tax Collector and Gospel writer) | New Testament | 10 |
  | HUNT, Angela | Magdalene | -- | Mary Magdalene | New Testament | 10 |
  | HUNT, Angela | The Shadow Women | -- | Miriam, Zipporah, Pharaoh's Daughter (Moses) | Old Testament | 4 |
  | HUNT, Angela | Paul, Apostle of Christ | Novelization of Movie | Apostle Paul | New Testament | 11 |
  | HUNT, Angela | Risen | Novelization of Movie | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | INGERMANSON, R. S. | Son of Mary | #1 Crown of Thorns | Jesus, Mary (mother of Jesus) | New Testament | 10 |
  | INMAN, Melinda Viergever | Fallen | -- | Adam & Eve | Old Testament | 1 |
  | INMAN, Melinda Viergever | Refuge | -- | Cain | Old Testament | 1 |
  | JENKINS, Jerry | Empire's End | -- | Apostle Paul | New Testament | 11 |
  | JENKINS, Jerry | I, Saul | -- | Saul/Paul | New Testament | 11 |
  | JENNINGS, Jenifer | Midwives of Moses | #1 Faith Finders | Puah (during time of Moses) | Old Testament | 4 |
  | JENNINGS, Jenifer | Wilderness Wanderer | #2 Faith Finders | Miriam and Moses | Old Testament | 4 |
  | JENNINGS, Jenifer | Crimson Cord | #3 Faith Finders | Rahab | Old Testament | 5 |
  | JENNINGS, Jenifer | A Stolen Wife | #4 Faith Finders | Bathsheba and David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | JENNINGS, Jenifer | At His Feet | #5 Faith Finders | Mary (annointed Jesus' feet) | New Testament | 10 |
  | JENNINGS, Jenifer | Lasting Legacy | #6 Faith Finders | Timothy | New Testament | 11 |
  | JENNINGS, Jenifer | The Stranger | #1 The Rebekah Series | Rebekah & Isaac | Old Testament | 3 |
  | JENNINGS, Jenifer | The Journey | #2 The Rebekah Series | Rebekah & Isaac | Old Testament | 3 |
  | JENNINGS, Jenifer | The Hope | #3 The Rebekah Series | Rebekah & Isaac | Old Testament | 3 |
  | JENNINGS, Jenifer | James | #1 Servant Siblings | James (brother of Jesus) | New Testament | 10 |
  | JENNINGS, Jenifer | Joseph | #2 Servant Siblings | Joseph (brother of Jesus) | New Testament | 10 |
  | JENNINGS, Jenifer | Assia | #3 Servant Siblings | Sister of Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | JOHNSON, Grace | The Rebel | -- | Barabbas | New Testament | 10 |
  | KANNER, Rebecca | Esther | -- | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | KANNER, Rebecca | Sinners and the Sea | -- | Noah's wife | Old Testament | 1 |
  | KOELKER, Cynthia J. | The Legacy of Job's Wife | -- | Job | Old Testament | 2 |
  | LAHAYE, Tim | John's Story | #1 The Jesus Chronicles | John (Gospel) | New Testament | 10 |
  | LAHAYE, Tim | Luke's Story | #3 The Jesus Chronicles | Luke (Gospel) | New Testament | 10 |
  | LAHAYE, Tim | Mark's Story | #2 The Jesus Chronicles | Mark (Gospel) | New Testament | 10 |
  | LAHAYE, Tim | Matthew's Story | #4 The Jesus Chronicles | Matthew (Gospel) | New Testament | 10 |
  | LAMBERT, Chris | Among All Nations | #5 Brother James | James, brother of Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | LAMBERT, Chris | Growing Up with the Messiah | #1 Brother James | James, brother of Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | LAMBERT, Chris | Toward Jerusalem | #2 Brother James | James, brother of Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | LAMBERT, Chris | Anticipation | #3 Brother James | James, brother of Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | LAMBERT, Chris | Underground | #4 Brother James | James, brother of Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | LANDORF, Joyce | I Came to Love You Late | -- | Martha | New Testament | 10 |
  | LANDORF, Joyce | Joseph | -- | Joseph | Old Testament | 3 |
  | LANDSEM, Stephanie | The Thief | #2 Living Water | Centurion at the Cross | New Testament | 10 |
  | LANDSEM, Stephanie | The Tomb | #3 Living WAter | Martha | New Testament | 10 |
  | LANDSEM, Stephanie | The Well | #1 Living Water | Woman at the Well | New Testament | 10 |
  | LANGDON, Robyn | Consuming Fire | -- | King Josiah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | LEE, Tosca | Havah | -- | Eve | Old Testament | 1 |
  | LEE, Tosca | Iscariot | -- | Judas Iscariot | New Testament | 10 |
  | LEE, Tosca | The Legend of Sheba | -- | Queen of Sheba | Old Testament | 7 |
  | LEMMONS, Thom | He Who Wept | -- | Jeremiah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | LEMMONS, Thom | Once Upon a Cross | -- | Fictional (crucifixion) | New Testament | 10 |
  | LEMMONS, Thom | Daughter of Jerusalem | #1 Daughters of Faith | Mary Magdalene | New Testament | 10 |
  | LEMMONS, Thom | Daniel: The Man Who Saw Tomorrow | -- | Daniel | Old Testament | 8 |
  | LEMMONS, Thom | Mother of Faith | #3 Daughters of Faith | Fictional (based on 2 John) | New Testament | 11 |
  | LEMMONS, Thom | Woman of Means | #2 Daughters of Faith | Lydia | New Testament | 11 |
  | LEMMONS, Thom | Jabez | -- | Jabez (mentioned in 1 Chronicles 4:10) | Old Testament | 5 |
  | LEWIS, E. G. | Disciple | #2 Seeds of Christianity | Fictional (early church) | New Testament | 11 |
  | LEWIS, E. G. | Apostle | #3 Seeds of Christianity | Fictional (early church, Paul) | New Testament | 11 |
  | LEWIS, E. G. | Martyr | #4 Seeds of Christianity | Fictional (early church) | New Testament | 11 |
  | LEWIS, E. G. | Road to Bethlehem | #0.5 Seeds of Christianity | Mary and Joseph | New Testament | 10 |
  | LEWIS, E. G. | Witness | #1 Seeds of Christianity | Fictional (life of Christ) | New Testament | 10 |
  | MACNAB, Jonathan | Adam's Reign | #1 The Hidden Kingdom | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | MAGIA, Catherine | The Fisherman's Bride | #1 The Fisherwoman | Wife of Simon Peter | New Testament | 10 |
  | MAGIA, Catherine | A Fisher of Women | #2 The Fisherwoman | Wife of Simon Peter | New Testament | 10 |
  | MAIER, Paul | The Flames of Rome | -- | Apostle Paul | New Testament | 11 |
  | MAIER, Paul | Pontius Pilate | -- | Pilate | New Testament | 10 |
  | MAKI, Nathan D. | The Keeper's Crown | -- | Fictional + Paul | New Testament | 11 |
  | MARASCO, Ron | The Dog Who Was There | -- | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | MARSH, David | The Confessions of Adam | -- | Adam | Old Testament | 1 |
  | MATLOCK, Carl | Jerusalem Crucible | #2 Many Infallible Proofs | Fictional (Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | MATLOCK, Carl | Rebels, Romans, and the Rabbi | #1 Many Infallible Proofs | Fictional (Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | McADOO, Caryl | Children of Eber | #4 Generations | Abram | Old Testament | 3 |
  | McADOO, Caryl | I AM My Beloved's | -- | Abishag | Old Testament | 6 |
  | McADOO, Caryl | A Little Lower Than the Angels | #1 Generations | Cain and Abel | Old Testament | 1 |
  | McADOO, Caryl | Replenish the Earth | #3 Generations | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | McADOO, Caryl | The Deluge Comes | #2 Generations | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | McNEELY, Dana | Rain | #1 Whispers on the Wind | Fictional, Elijah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | McPHERSON, Brennan | Babel | #3 Fall of Man | Babel | Old Testament | 2 |
  | McPHERSON, Brennan S. | Cain | #1 Fall of Man | Cain and Abel | Old Testament | 1 |
  | McPHERSON, Brennan S. | Flood | #2 Fall of Man | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | McPHERSON, Brennan S. | The Valley of the Shadow of Death | #1 Psalm series | Psalm 23 | Old Testament | 6 |
  | McPHERSON, Brennan S. | Abram | #4 Fall of Man | Abram | Old Testament | 3 |
  | MOORE, H. B | Deliverance | #2 The Moses Chronicles | Moses | Old Testament | 4 |
  | MOORE, H. B. | Deborah: Prophetess of God | -- | Deborah | Old Testament | 5 |
  | MOORE, H. B. | Eve: In the Beginning | -- | Eve | Old Testament | 1 |
  | MOORE, H. B. | Bondage | #1 The Moses Chronicles | Moses | Old Testament | 4 |
  | MOORE, H. B. | Exodus | #3 The Moses Chronicles | Moses | Old Testament | 4 |
  | MOORE, H. B. | Anna the Prophetess | -- | Anna | New Testament | 10 |
  | MOORE, H. B. | Esther the Queen | -- | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | MOORE, H. B. | Ruth | -- | Ruth | Old Testament | 5 |
  | MORGAN-COLE, Trudy J. | Esther: A Story of Courage | -- | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | MORGAN-COLE, Trudy J. | James, The Brother of Jesus | -- | James and Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | MORGAN-COLE, Trudy J. | Lydia: A Story of Phllippi | -- | Lydia | New Testament | 11 |
  | MORRIS, Gilbert | Daughter of Deliverance | #6 Lions of Judah | Rahab | Old Testament | 5 |
  | MORRIS, Gilbert | The Gate of Heaven | #3 Lions of Judah | Jacob and Esau | Old Testament | 3 |
  | MORRIS, Gilbert | Heart of a Lion | #1 Lions of Judah | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | MORRIS, Gilbert | Till Shiloh Comes | #4 Lions of Judah | Joseph | Old Testament | 3 |
  | MORRIS, Gilbert | By the Way of the Wilderness | #5 Lions of Judah | Moses | Old Testament | 4 |
  | MORRIS, Gilbert | No Woman So Fair | #2 Lions of Judah | Sarah and Abraham | Old Testament | 3 |
  | NEAL, Rachel S. | Blood of Adam | #1 Generations of Noah | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | NEAL, Rachel S. | Bones of Rebellion | #2 Generations of Noah | Babel | Old Testament | 2 |
  | NEAL, Rachel S. | Breath of Knowledge | #3 Generations of Noah | After Babel | Old Testament | 2 |
  | NEAL, Rachel S. | When Jonah Ran | -- | Jonah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | NOBLE, John | The Days of Elijah | -- | Elijah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | NTIHEMUKA, Patty Froese | Mary: Call Me Blessed | -- | Mary (Mother of Jesus) | New Testament | 10 |
  | NTIHEMUKA, Patty Froese | Zacchaeus | -- | Zaccheus | New Testament | 10 |
  | OSHIRO, Paul | Ignition: Inception of Christian Faith | -- | Simon Peter | New Testament | 10 |
  | OVERDORF, Daniel | A Death Well Lived | -- | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | PARKER, Paula | Glory Revealed | #2 Sisters of Lazarus | Mary & Martha | New Testament | 10 |
  | PARKER, Paula | Grace Extended | #3 Sisters of Lazarus | Mary & Martha | New Testament | 10 |
  | PARKER, Paula | Beauty Unveiled | #1 Sisters of Lazarus | Mary & Martha | New Testament | 10 |
  | PARSONS, Golden Keyes | Alone: The Woman at the Well (novella) * | #2 Hidden Faces | Woman at the well | New Testament | 10 |
  | PARSONS, Golden Keyes | Broken: The Woman Who Anointed Jesus' Feet (novella) * | #3 Hidden Faces | Woman who anointed Jesus' feet | New Testament | 10 |
  | PARSONS, Golden Keyes | Hopeless: The Woman with the Issue of Blood * | #4 Hidden Faces | Woman who bled | New Testament | 10 |
  | PARSONS, Golden Keyes | Trapped: The Adulterous Woman (novella) * | #1 Hidden Faces | Adulterous woman | New Testament | 10 |
  | RAY, Brenda | The Midwife's Song | -- | Puah (midwife during time of Moses) | Old Testament | 4 |
  | REZAB, Jean | In This Place Together | | Fictional, Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | RICH, Christina | His Master's Daughter | #1 Royal Guardians | Athaliah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | RICH, Christina | A Warrior's Heart | #2 Royal Guardians | Athaliah's daughter | Old Testament | 7 |
  | RIVERS, Francine | The Priest: Aaron | #1 Sons of Encouragement | Aaron and Moses | Old Testament | 4 |
  | RIVERS, Francine | The Prince: Jonathan | #3 Sons of Encouragement | Jonathan and David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | RIVERS, Francine | The Prophet: Amos | #4 Sons of Encouragement | Amos | Old Testament | 7 |
  | RIVERS, Francine | The Scribe: Silas | #5 Sons of Encouragement | Paul and Silas | New Testament | 11 |
  | RIVERS, Francine | Unafraid: Mary | #5 Lineage of Grace | Mary, mother of Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | RIVERS, Francine | Unashamed: Rahab | #2 Lineage of Grace | Rahab | Old Testament | 5 |
  | RIVERS, Francine | Unshaken: Ruth | #3 Lineage of Grace | Ruth | Old Testament | 5 |
  | RIVERS, Francine | Unspoken: Bathsheba | #4 Lineage of Grace | Bathsheba | Old Testament | 6 |
  | RIVERS, Francine | Unveiled: Tamar | #1 Lineage of Grace | Tamar | Old Testament | 3 |
  | RIVERS, Francine | The Warrior: Caleb | #2 Sons of Encouragement | Caleb and Joshua | Old Testament | 5 |
  | ROTH, L. M. | Battleground: Elijah and the War with Jezebel | -- | Elijah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | ROTH, L. M. | A Dance in the Desert: The Story of Leah, Jacob, and Rachel | -- | Jacob, Leah, Rachel | Old Testament | 3 |
  | ROTH, L. M. | Dominion: Joshua the Enforcer | #2 Chronicles of Israel | Joshua | Old Testament | 5 |
  | ROTH, L. M. | A Star in the Darkness: Esther and the King of Persia | -- | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | ROTH, L. M. | Deliverance: Moses the Lawgiver | #1 Chronicles of Israel | Moses | Old Testament | 4 |
  | ROTH, L. M. | A Hope in the Dead of Night: The Story of Ruth | -- | Ruth | Old Testament | 5 |
  | RUSHING, R. | Seal of the Sand Dweller | #1 The Servant Ruler | Joseph | Old Testament | 3 |
  | SCOTT, Latayne C. | A Conspiracy of Breath | -- | Priscilla and Aquila | New Testament | 11 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | Sarai | #1 Wives of the Patriarchs | Abraham and Sarah | Old Testament | 3 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | Rebekah | #2 Wives of the Patriarchs | Rebekah and Isaac | Old Testament | 3 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | Rachel | #3 Wives of the Patriarchs | Rachel and Jacob | Old Testament | 3 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | Michal | #1 Wives of King David | Michal and David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | Abigail | #2 Wives of King David | Abigail and David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | Bathsheba | #3 Wives of King David | Bathsheba and David | Old Testament | 6 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | The Crimson Cord | #1 Daughters of the Promised Land | Rahab | Old Testament | 5 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | The Prophetess | #2 Daughters of the Promised Land | Deborah | Old Testament | 5 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | Redeeming Grace | #3 Daughters of the Promised Land | Ruth | Old Testament | 5 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | A Passionate Hope | #4 Daughters of the Promised Land | Hannah and Samuel | Old Testament | 6 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | The Heart of a King | -- | Solomon | Old Testament | 7 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | Star of Persia: Esther's Story | -- | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | Miriam's Song | -- | Miriam, Moses | Old Testament | 4 |
  | SMITH, Jill Eileen | The Prince and the Prodigal | | Joseph (son of Jacob) | Old Testament | 3 |
  | SMITH, Virginia | The Days of Noah | -- | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | STEPHENS, William H. | Prophet of Fire | -- | Elijah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | STOKELY, Kim | Woman of Flames | -- | Deborah | Old Testament | 5 |
  | STONE, Andrew | Son of the Father | -- | Barabbas | New Testament | 10 |
  | STORM, Buck & PERKINS, Bill | The List | -- | Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus | New Testament | 10 |
  | SZEDLAK, Joanne | From Heaven Fought the Stars | -- | Deborah and Jael | Old Testament | 5 |
  | TAYLOR, Diana Wallis | Claudia, wife of Pontius Pilate | -- | Wife of Pontius Pilate | New Testament | 10 |
  | TAYLOR, Diana Wallis | Hadassah, Queen Esther of Persia | -- | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | TAYLOR, Diana Wallis | Journey to the Well | -- | Samaritan woman | New Testament | 10 |
  | TAYLOR, Diana Wallis | Lydia, Woman of Philippi | -- | Lydia | New Testament | 11 |
  | TAYLOR, Diana Wallis | Martha | -- | Martha | New Testament | 10 |
  | TAYLOR, Diana Wallis | Mary, Chosen of God | -- | Mary, mother of Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | TAYLOR, Diana Wallis | Mary Magdalene | -- | Mary Magdalene | New Testament | 10 |
  | TAYLOR, Diana Wallis | Ruth, Mother of Kings | -- | Ruth | Old Testament | 5 |
  | TAYLOR, Diana Wallis | Rahab, Woman of Jericho | -- | Rahab | Old Testament | 5 |
  | TAYLOR, Jack A. | The Cross Maker | #1 Cross Maker | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | TAYLOR, Jack A. | The Cross Maker's Guardian | #2 Cross Maker | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | TENNEY, Tommy | The Hadassah Covenant | -- | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | TENNEY, Tommy | Hadassah: One Night with the King | -- | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | THIMELL, Joel | Long Road Out of Ur | #1 Saga of the Patriarchs | Lot | Old Testament | 3 |
  | THIMELL, Joel | Where Your Treasure Lies | #2 Saga of the Patriarchs | Lot | Old Testament | 3 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Behold the Man | #3 Jerusalem Chronicles | Wife of Pontius Pilate (leading up to Crucifixion) | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Eighth Shepherd | #8 A.D. Chronicles | Zacchaeus (Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Eleventh Guest | #11 A.D. Chronicles | Fictional (lepers in the Gospels) | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Fifth Seal | #5 A.D. Chronicles | Birth of Christ | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | First Light | #1 A.D. Chronicles | Fictional (Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Fourth Dawn | #4 A.D. Chronicles | Birth of Christ | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | The Jerusalem Scrolls | #4 The Zion Legacy | Mary Magdalene | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Jerusalem's Hope | #6 The Zion Legacy | Fictional (Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Ninth Witness | #9 A.D. Chronicles | Fictional (twelve-year-old Yeshua as secondary character) | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Second Touch | #2 A.D. Chronicles | Fictional (Leper colony, Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Seventh Day | #7 A.D. Chronicles | Fictional (Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Sixth Covenant | #6 A.D. Chronicles | Birth of Christ | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Stones of Jerusalem | #5 The Zion Legacy | Mary Magdalene | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Take This Cup | #2 Jerusalem Chronicles | Fictional (leading up to the Last Supper) | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Tenth Stone | #10 A.D. Chronicles | Fictional (based on the parable of the prodigal son) | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Third Watch | #3 A.D. Chronicles | Fictional (Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | Twelfth Prophecy | #12 A.D. Chronicles | Fictional (Samaritan woman) | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOENE, Bodie & Brock | When Jesus Wept | #1 Jerusalem Chronicles | Lazarus | New Testament | 10 |
  | THOMPSON, Terry | Daniel: Prophet at the King's Command | | Daniel | Old Testament | 8 |
  | TOWRISS, Carole | Deep Calling Deep | #3 Psalm series | Psalm 42 (set during Apostolic period) | New Testament | 11 |
  | TOWRISS, Carole | Prize of War | -- | Caleb, Othniel | Old Testament | 5 |
  | TOWRISS, Carole | In the Shadow of Sinai | #1 Journey to Canaan | Moses | Old Testament | 4 |
  | TOWRISS, Carole | Sold Into Freedom | #1 Planting Faith | Fictional (Apostolic Period) | New Testament | 11 |
  | TOWRISS, Carole | The Walls of Arad | #3 Journey to Canaan | Entering Canaan | Old Testament | 4 |
  | TOWRISS, Carole | By the Waters of Kadesh | #2 Journey to Canaan | Israelites in the Wilderness | Old Testament | 4 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Song of Abraham | -- | Abraham | Old Testament | 3 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Esther: The Story of a Woman Who Saved a Nation | -- | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Gabriel: The War in Heaven | #1 God's Hero | Archangel Gabriel (based on Revelation) | New Testament | 12 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Jerusalem the City of God | -- | Story of Jerusalem | Old and New Testament | 12 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | John, Son of Thunder | -- | John (disciple) | New Testament | 11 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Jonah | -- | Jonah | Old Testament | 7 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Joseph: Dreamer of Dreams | -- | Joseph | Old Testament | 3 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Joshua: God's Warrior | -- | Joshua | Old Testament | 5 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Mark: Eyewitness | -- | Mark (Gospel writer) | New Testament | 10 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Mary Magdalene | -- | Mary Magdalene | New Testament | 10 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Melchizedek | -- | Melchizedek, Nimrod (post flood) | Old Testament | 2 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Moses: The Deliverer | -- | Moses | Old Testament | 4 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Noah | -- | Noah | Old Testament | 1 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Ruth: A Love Story | -- | Ruth and Boaz | Old Testament | 5 |
  | TRAYLOR, Ellen Gunderson | Samson | -- | Samson | Old Testament | 5 |
  | VALLES, Susan | Zimrah: Dream Walker | #2 Zimrah Chronicles | Fictional (Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | VALLES, Susan | Zimrah: Dream Singer | #1 Zimrah Chronicles | Fictional (Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | VAN MOURIK, Jenna | Jerusalem's Daughter | #1 Generations of Faith | Fictional | New Testament | 10 |
  | VAN VOLKENBURGH | The Anointed One | #2 Trilogy of Kings Saga | Saul, David, Jonathan | Old Testament | 6 |
  | VAN VOLKENBURGH, Susan | The Stone of Ebenezer | #1 Trilogy of Kings Saga | Fictional (war against Philistines) | Old Testament | 6 |
  | VELEZ, Rebecca | Such a Time as This | #1 Such a Hope | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | VELEZ, Rebecca | Such Deliverance as This | #2 Such a Hope | Fictional, Ezra | Old Testament | 9 |
  | VELEZ, Rebecca | Such Redemption as This | # Such a Hope | Fictional, Nehemiah | Old Testament | 9 |
  | WALLER, John M. | Heir of the World: The Story of Abraham | -- | Abraham | Old Testament | 3 |
  | WHITE, Roseanna M. | Jewel of Persia | -- | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | WHITE, Roseanna M. | A Soft Breath of Wind | -- | Fictional (Gospel and Acts) | New Testament | 11 |
  | WHITE, Roseanna M. | A Stray Drop of Blood | -- | Fictional (Gospel era) | New Testament | 10 |
  | WILLIAMS, Cindy | The Silk Merchant of Sychar | -- | Woman at the Well | New Testament | 10 |
  | WILSON, S. A. | The Carpenter | -- | Joseph, father of Jesus | New Testament | 10 |
  | WINN, Adam | Killing a Messiah | -- | Gospel period | New Testament | 10 |
  | WINTER, Kenneth A. | Through the Eyes of a Shepherd | -- | Fictional (during Gospel period) | New Testament | 10 |
  | WINTER, Kenneth A. | Through the Eyes of a Spy | -- | Caleb | Old Testament | 4 |
  | WINTER, Kenneth A. | Little Did We Know | #1 Eyewitnesses to the Advent | Birth of Christ | New Testament | 10 |
  | WOLF, Joan | Daughter of Jerusalem | -- | Mary Magdalene | New Testament | 10 |
  | WOLF, Joan | A Reluctant Queen | -- | Esther | Old Testament | 8 |
  | WOLF, Joan | This Scarlet Cord | -- | Rahab | Old Testament | 5 |