New Releases for 2019
Would you like to know when your favourite Christian authors are releasing their next books? Are you planning your book budget for 2019? Or maybe you just love looking at all the pretty covers and dreaming about all the wonderful new stories you’d like to read in 2019. If so, you’re in the right place.

Check out which books are releasing in any given month by clicking one of the tabs below!
Not sure when your favourite author is releasing their next book? Search the alphabetised list below!
AARSEN, Carolyne | The Cowboy’s Family | March 2019 |
ABBOTT, Hannah Jo | Remind Me | October 2019 |
ADAMEK, Dorothy | Carry Me Away | November 2019 |
ALEXANDER, Johnnie | Match You Like Crazy | April 2019 |
ALEXANDER, Tamera | With This Pledge | January 2019 |
ANDERSON, Brenda | Home Another Way | February 2019 |
ANDREWS, Mesu | Of Fire and Lions | March 2019 |
ARDOIN, Sandra | A Love Most Worthy | February 2019 |
ARDOIN, Sandra | Unwrapping Hope | October 2019 |
BAILEY, Jodie | Mismatched Melody | April 2019 |
BARNETT, Karen | Ever Faithful | June 2019 |
BARRATT, Amanda | My Dearest Dietrich | June 2019 |
BARRITT, Christy | Home to Chestnut Grove | October 2019 |
BARTELS, Erin | We Hope For Better Things | January 2019 |
BARTELS, Erin | The Words Between Us | September 2019 |
BASHAM, Pepper | My Heart Belongs in Blue Ridge | January 2019 |
BASHAM, Pepper | A Match for Emma | November 2019 |
BATZEL, Laurie | With My Soul | September 2019 |
BAYARR, Samantha | Blizzards & Blessings | September 2019 |
BECKSTRAND, Jennifer | Andrew | June 2019 |
BECKSTRAND, Jennifer | Abraham | November 2019 |
BEERS, Laura | The Reluctant Guardian | November 2019 |
BEERS, Laura | A Clever Alliance | August 2019 |
BELLER, Misty M. | This Homeward Journey | January 2019 |
BELLER, Misty M. | This Daring Journey | March 2019 |
BELLER, Misty M. | Hope's Highest Mountain | October 2019 |
BENNETT, Taylor | Sand Castle Dreams | April 2019 |
BENTON, Lori | The King's Mercy | June 2019 |
BERGREN, Lisa | Verity | April 2019 |
BERGREN, Lisa T. | Once Upon an Alaskan Summer | November 2019 |
BISCHOF, Joanne | Daughters of Northern Shores | March 2019 |
BISCHOF, Joanne | Something New | September 2019 |
BLACK, C. F. E. | Mind of Mine | August 2019 |
BLACKBURN, Lynn | One Final Breath | September 2019 |
BLACKSTOCK, Terri | Smoke Screen | November 2019 |
BOYD, Andrea | Love's Redemption | January 2019 |
BRADFORD, Laura | A Daughter's Truth | May 2019 |
BRADLEY, Patricia | Justice Delivered | April 2019 |
BRANDES, Nadine | Romanov | May 2019 |
BREAKEY, Caleb | String | July 2019 |
BRESLIN, Kate | Far Side of the Sea | March 2019 |
BRITTON, Barbara | Lioness: Mahlah's Journey | October 2019 |
BRITTON, Sally | Saving Miss Everly | November 2019 |
BRITTON, Sally | Discovering Grace | August 2019 |
BROWN, Michelle Lynn | Unspoken | October 2019 |
BRUCE, Brandy | After the Rain | February 2019 |
BRUNSTETTER, Wanda | The Healing Jar | August 2019 |
BRUNSTETTER, Wanda | The Forgiving Jar | February 2019 |
BRUNSTETTER, Wanda | The Brides of the Big Valley | June 2019 |
BRUNSTETTER, Wanda & Jean | The Amish Hawaiian Adventures | October 2019 |
BUNN, Davis | Outbreak | April 2019 |
BUNN, Davis | Unscripted | October 2019 |
BUSSE, Morgan L. | Flight of the Raven | April 2019 |
BYLIN, Victoria | When He Found Me | March 2019 |
CABOT, Amanda | A Tender Hope | March 2019 |
CAMBRON, Kristy | Castle on the Rise | February 2019 |
CAMBRON, Kristy | The Painted Castle | October 2019 |
CAMDEN, Elizabeth | A Desperate Hope | February 2019 |
CAMDEN, Elizabeth | The Spice King | September 2019 |
CAMDEN, Elizabeth | Christmas at Whitefriars | October 2019 |
CAMERON, Barbara | Summer's Promise | June 2019 |
CANTORE, Janice | Cold Aim | July 2019 |
CARLSON, Melody | Courting Mr. Emerson | March 2019 |
CARLSON, Melody | Christmas in Winter Hill | September 2019 |
CAROBINI, Julie | Windswept | January 2019 |
CAROBINI, Julie | Beneath a Billion Stars | August 2019 |
CAROLL, Robin | Darkwater Lies | March 2019 |
CARR, Patrick W. | The End of the Magi | November 2019 |
CARTER, Lisa | A Sound of Falling Leaves | June 2019 |
CASTELNERO, Gordon | Staying on the Vine | April 2019 |
CAVANAUGH, Jack | Heavenly Mortal | February 2019 |
CAVANAUGH, Jack | Halo of Brimstone | May 2019 |
CHIAVAROLI, Heidi | The Edge of Mercy | April 2019 |
CHYNOWETH, Michele | The Jealous Son | August 2019 |
CIESIELSKI, J'Nell | The Songbird and the Spy | February 2019 |
CLIPSTON, Amy | Welcome at Our Door | May 2019 |
CLIPSTON, Amy | The Bake Shop | November 2019 |
COBLE, Colleen | Secrets at Cedar Cabin | January 2019 |
COBLE, Colleen | Strands of Truth | September 2019 |
COLLINS, Richard | House of Souls | May 2019 |
COMER, Valerie | Raindrops on Radishes | February 2019 |
CONNEALY, Mary | The Unexpected Champion | March 2019 |
CONNEALY, Mary | Aiming for Love | October 2019 |
CONNEALY, Mary | Thankful for the Cowboy | September 2019 |
CONNOLLY, Rebecca | Spinster and Spice | May 2019 |
COSSETTE, Connilyn | Until the Mountains Fall | July 2019 |
COVEL, Kaitlin | Atoning for Ashes | February 2019 |
CROSSWHITE, J. L. | Special Assignment | August 2019 |
CROSSWHITE, J.L. | Flash Point | January 2019 |
CURRIE, Hannah | Heart of a Royal | October 2019 |
DEAREN, Tamie | Wrangled by the Watchful Cowboy | April 2019 |
DEKKER, Ted & DEKKER, Rachelle | The Girl Behind the Red Rope | September 2019 |
DEL BOCCIO, Jarm | The Heart Changer | April 2019 |
DELAMERE, Jennifer | The Artful Match | April 2019 |
DENTON, Lauren K. | Glory Road | March 2019 |
DICKEN, Angie | The Yellow Lantern | August 2019 |
DICKERSON, Melanie | The Warrior Maiden | February 2019 |
DICKERSON, Melanie | The Piper's Pursuit | December 2019 |
DIETRICH, Sean | Stars of Alabama | July 2019 |
DOBSON, Melanie | Memories of Glass | September 2019 |
DREXLER, Jan | The Roll of the Drums | October 2019 |
DYKES, Amanda | Up From the Sea | April 2019 |
DYKES, Amanda | Whose Waves These Are | April 2019 |
DYLAN, Rachel | Breach of Trust | February 2019 |
EASON, Lynette | Vow of Justice | August 2019 |
EASON, Lynette | Code of Valor | January 2019 |
EIDE, Camille | Wings Like a Dove | December 2019 |
ELLA, Sara | Coral | November 2019 |
EVANS, Marianne | The Stronghold | January 2019 |
EVANS, Marianne | The Journey | March 2019 |
FARIS, Tari | You Belong With Me | September 2019 |
FERGUSON, Melissa | The Dating Charade | December 2019 |
FICK, Candee | Stepping Into the Light | January 2019 |
FICK, Candee | Sing a New Song | May 2019 |
FINKBEINER, Susie | All Manner of Things | June 2019 |
FISHER, Suzanne Woods | On a Summer Tide | April 2019 |
FISHER, Suzanne Woods | Mending Fences | February 2019 |
FISHER, Suzanne Woods | Stitches in Time | October 2019 |
FORDHAM, Rachel | Yours Truly, Thomas | July 2019 |
FRANKLIN, Lindsay A. | The Story Raider | April 2019 |
FRANTZ, Laura | A Bound Heart | January 2019 |
FRASER, Kristen M. | Dawn of Mercy | March 2019 |
FULLER, Kathleen | The Farmer’s Bride | June 2019 |
GABHART, Ann H. | Refuge | April 2019 |
GARDINER, April | Beautiful in His Sight | May 2019 |
GARRETT, Mike | Innocence Denied | February 2019 |
GILBERT, Heather Day | Belinda Blake and the Snake in the Grass | June 2019 |
GILBERT, Heather Day | Belinda Blake and the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing | October 2019 |
GIORELLO, Sibella | The Wind Will Howl | January 2019 |
GODDARD, Elizabeth | Never Let Go | February 2019 |
GODDARD, Elizabeth | Always Look Twice | October 2019 |
GOHLKE, Cathy | The Medallion | June 2019 |
GOOD, Rachel J. | The Amish Widow's Rescue | May 2019 |
GOODWIN, Bobi Gentry | Revelation | November 2019 |
GOULD, Leslie | A Faithful Gathering | February 2019 |
GRAHAM, Cliff | Shadow of the Mountain: Wilderness | December 2019 |
GRAY, Marguerite Martin | Bring Me Near | February 2019 |
GRAY, Shelley Shepard | The Patient One | April 2019 |
GRAY, Shelley Shepard | The Loyal One | August 2019 |
GRAY, Shelley Shepard | Friends to the End | February 2019 |
GRAY, Shelley Shepard | A Precious Gift | November 2019 |
GREEN, Jocelyn | Between Two Shores | February 2019 |
GRIEP, Michelle | Ladies of Intrigue | February 2019 |
GRIEP, Michelle | The Noble Guardian | June 2019 |
GRIMM, S.D. | Black Blood | January 2019 |
GUNN, Robin Jones | Becoming Us | May 2019 |
GZRY, Sarah Grace | Live Without You | January 2019 |
HANNIBAL, James R. | The Gryphon Heist | September 2019 |
HANNON, Irene | Driftwood Bay | April 2019 |
HANNON, Irene | Dark Ambitions | October 2019 |
HARREL, Lindsay | The Secrets of Paper and Ink | February 2019 |
HARREL, Lindsay | Like a Winter Snow | October 2019 |
HARRIS, Kathy | Deadly Commitment | October 2019 |
HARRIS, Lisa | Deadly Intentions | August 2019 |
HARTT, Rebecca | Returning to Eden | October 2019 |
HATCHER, Robin Lee | Cross My Heart | June 2019 |
HAUCK, Rachel | The Memory House | April 2019 |
HAVIG, Chautona | Christmas on Breakers Point | November 2019 |
HAYES, Christy | Maybe It's You | February 2019 |
HEDLUND, Jody | A Reluctant Bride | June 2019 |
HEDLUND, Jody | Hereafter | October 2019 |
HEDLUND, Jody | Foremost | September 2019 |
HEDLUND, Jody | Always | August 2019 |
HEDLUND, Jody | Evermore | August 2019 |
HENRIE, Stacy | Among Sand and Sunrise | October 2019 |
HERRON, Cynthia | Her Hope Discovered | January 2019 |
HILLMAN, Pam | The Crossing at Cypress Creek | June 2019 |
HILTON, Laura V. | The Amish Candymaker | February 2019 |
HILTON, Laura V. | Married to a Stranger | July 2019 |
HITCHCOCK, Grace | The White City | March 2019 |
HO, Liwen Y. | Falling for the Younger Cowboy | April 2019 |
HOFF, B.J. | When Strangers Meet | August 2019 |
HUBBARD, Charlotte | New Beginnings at Promise Lodge | September 2019 |
HUGGINS, T. A. | Bodies and Bridges | October 2019 |
HUNT, Angela | King's Shadow | August 2019 |
HUNTER, Denise | Finding Faith | March 2019 |
HUNTER, Denise | Mending Places | March 2019 |
HUNTER, Denise | Saving Grace | March 2019 |
HUNTER, Denise | Summer by the Tides | May 2019 |
HUNTER, Denise | Lake Season | November 2019 |
HUNTER, Kristi Ann | A Return of Devotion | February 2019 |
HUNTER, Kristi Ann | A Pursuit of Home | November 2019 |
IRVIN, Kelly | With Winter's First Frost | February 2019 |
IRVIN, Kelly | Over the Line | June 2019 |
IRVIN, Kelly | Mountains of Grace | August 2019 |
ISAAC, Kara | One Thing I Know | February 2019 |
JAMES, Carol | The Waiting | January 2019 |
JAMES, Steven | Synapse | October 2019 |
JARNAGIN, Julie | Rematched | April 2019 |
JEBBER, Molly | Ellie's Redemption | January 2019 |
JENNINGS, Regina | The Major's Daughter | December 2019 |
JOHNS, Patricia | The Bishop's Daughter | April 2019 |
JOHNSON, Liz | A Glitter of Gold | August 2019 |
JONES, Jenny B. | Fanatically in Trouble | October 2019 |
KATE, Jessica | Love and Other Mistakes | July 2019 |
KEMERER, Jill | A Meddled Match | February 2019 |
KENDIG, Ronie | Storm Rising | July 2019 |
KENDIG, Ronie | Brand of Light | December 2019 |
KEYES, Martha | Isabel | August 2019 |
KIMBALL, Heidi | A Guarded Heart | March 2019 |
KIMBALL, Heidi | The Marriage Bargain | August 2019 |
KINGSBURY, Karen | Two Weeks | April 2019 |
KINZER, Dawn | By All Appearances | November 2019 |
KIRKPATRICK, Jane | One More River to Cross | September 2019 |
KLASSEN, Julie | The Bridge to Belle Island | December 2019 |
KNIGHT, Kristina | Moonlight Match | March 2019 |
KRAAK, Sondra | Four Dreams of You | August 2019 |
KRUMM, Christen | It Happened at Christmas | October 2019 |
LADD, Sarah E. | The Governess of Penwyth Hall | April 2019 |
LANDFRIED, Eric | Solitary Man | March 2019 |
LAUREANO, Carla | Brunch at Bittersweet Cafe | February 2019 |
LAUREANO, Carla | London Tides | July 2019 |
LEE, Tosca | The Line Between | January 2019 |
LEE, Tosca | A Single Light | September 2019 |
LEIGH, Tamara | Nameless | October 2019 |
LESSMAN, Julie | A Gift Like No Other | October 2019 |
LEUSSE, Valerie Fraser | Almost Home | March 2019 |
LEWIS, Beverly | The Tinderbox | April 2019 |
LEWIS, Beverly | The Timepiece | September 2019 |
LILLARD, Amy | A Family for Gracie | July 2019 |
LINDEN, Rachel | The Enlightenment of Bees | July 2019 |
LIVINGSTONE, Bree | Inspired by the Creative Cowboy | May 2019 |
LOWE, T.I. | Until I Decide | January 2019 |
LOWE, T.I. | Lulu’s Cafe | June 2019 |
MADDREY, Elizabeth | A Heart Redirected | February 2019 |
MANGUM, Erynn | The Last Drop | October 2019 |
MANNERS, Mary | Proven Love | February 2019 |
MARKERT, James | Midnight at the Tuscany Hotel | April 2019 |
MARTIN, Elva Cobb | Marisol: Spanish Rose | November 2019 |
MASON, Susan Anne | The Highest of Hopes | March 2019 |
MATAYO, Amy | The Waves | April 2019 |
MATAYO, Amy | The Aftermath | September 2019 |
MAYNE, Debby | Out of Pocket | June 2019 |
McADOO, Caryl | Texas My Texas | January 2019 |
McADOO, Caryl | Texas Tears | September 2019 |
McCAHAN, Heidi | Sweet Melody | August 2019 |
McDANIEL, Rachel Scott | Above the Fold | December 2019 |
McGEE, Stephenia H. | Missing Mercy | October 2019 |
McGOWAN, April | Shine the Light | April 2019 |
McMILLAN, Rachel | Murder in the City of LIberty | May 2019 |
McMURRAY, Sean | The Truth About Romantic Comedies | January 2019 |
McNEAR, Shannon | The Rebel Bride | December 2019 |
MEHL, Nancy | Fire Storm | August 2019 |
MILLER, Carolyn | Underestimating Miss Cecilia | July 2019 |
MILLER, Carolyn | A Hero for Miss Haverleigh | March 2019 |
MILLER, Carolyn | Misleading Miss Verity | November 2019 |
MILLER, Judith | A Perfect Silhouette | August 2019 |
MILLS, DiAnn | Long Walk Home | June 2019 |
MILLS, DiAnn | Fatal Strike | September 2019 |
MITCHELL, Siri | State of Lies | August 2019 |
MONCADO, Carol | Small Town Girls Don't Marry Hollywood Hunks | December 2019 |
MONCADO, Carol | It's (Royally) Complicated | October 2019 |
MONSON, Stacy | When Mountains Sing | August 2019 |
MONZON, Sarah | Novelly Upon a Time | January 2019 |
MONZON, Sarah | With You Here | September 2019 |
MORRILL, Stephanie | Within These Lines | March 2019 |
MUSSER, Elizabeth | When I Close My Eyes | November 2019 |
NEMETH, J. Carol | Mountain of Peril | January 2019 |
NEWPORT, Olivia | The Inn at Hidden Run | May 2019 |
NEWPORT, Olivia | In the Cradle Lies | November 2019 |
Novella Collection | An Amish Reunion: Four Amish Stories | April 2019 |
Novella Collection | The Lady and the Lawman: 4 Historical Stories | August 2019 |
Novella Collection | Love at Last: Three Historical Novellas | August 2019 |
Novella Collection | The Coffee Club Mysteries | February 2019 |
Novella Collection | Finding Ever After | February 2019 |
Novella Collection | The Runaway Brides Collection | January 2019 |
Novella Collection | Stitched With Love Collection | January 2019 |
Novella Collection | Amish Sweethearts | January 2019 |
Novella Collection | Seasons of an Amish Garden | January 2019 |
Novella Collection | The Reluctant Brides | July 2019 |
Novella Collection | Thimbles and Threads: 4 Love Stories | July 2019 |
Novella Collection | The Farmer’s Daughter Romance Collection | July 2019 |
Novella Collection | Cameo Courtships | June 2019 |
Novella Collection | The Erie Canal Brides Collection | March 2019 |
Novella Collection | Mail-Order Mishaps | May 2019 |
Novella Collection | Crinoline Cowboys | November 2019 |
Novella Collection | Protecting Tanner Hollow | November 2019 |
Novella Collection | Serving Up Love | November 2019 |
Novella Collection | Lessons on Love | October 2019 |
Novella Collection | Christmas Next Door | September 2019 |
Novella Collection | Treasured Christmas Brides | September 2019 |
Novella Collection | Sew in Love | December 2019 |
Novella Collection | Christmas at Star Inn | November 2019 |
Novella Collection | The Highlanders | November 2019 |
Novella Collection | An Amish Christmas Bakery | October 2019 |
Novella Collection | An Amish Second Christmas | October 2019 |
Novella Collection | Once Upon a Christmas | October 2019 |
Novella Collection | An Amish Homecoming | October 2019 |
Novella Collection | The Farmer's Daughter Romance Collection | August 2019 |
OHAGWU, Joy | Their Sister's Rescue | September 2019 |
PARKER, Samuel | Border Son | March 2019 |
PARKS, Carrie Stuart | Fragments of Fear | July 2019 |
PATCH, Jessica R. | A Messed-Up Match | February 2019 |
PATCHEN, Robin | Beauty in Battle | April 2019 |
PATCHEN, Robin | Beauty in Flight | January 2019 |
PATCHEN, Robin | Beauty in Hiding | March 2019 |
PATCHEN, Robin | Legacy Restored | October 2019 |
PETERSHEIM, Jolina | How the Light Gets In | March 2019 |
PETERSON, Tracie | Whevever You Go | June 2019 |
PETERSON, Tracie | When You Are Near | March 2019 |
PETERSON, Tracie | What Comes My Way | October 2019 |
PETERSON, Tracie & WOODHOUSE, Kimberley | Under the Midnight Sun | January 2019 |
PETTREY, Dani | The Killing Tide | August 2019 |
PHILLIPS, Constance | Unexpected Match | March 2019 |
PHILLIPS, Krista | Match Me If You Can | April 2019 |
PHILLIPS, Lisa | Fourth Day | October 2019 |
PITTMAN, Allison | The Seamstress | February 2019 |
PITTMAN, Allison | These Great Gifts | September 2019 |
POLITANO, Joanna Davidson | Finding Lady Enderly | August 2019 |
POTTS, Faith | Freedom | September 2019 |
PRICE, Sarah | The Amish Cookie Club | May 2019 |
PRICE, Sarah | An Amish Cookie Club Christmas | September 2019 |
RAE, Olivia | Devoted | January 2019 |
RANEY, Deborah | Chasing Dreams | October 2019 |
RAWLINGS, David | The Camera Never Lies | December 2019 |
RAWLINGS, David | The Baggage Handler | March 2019 |
RAWLINGS, Naomi | Tomorrow's First Light | February 2019 |
REAY, Katherine | The Printed Letter Bookshop | May 2019 |
RECHTIN, J.E. | Horizons Collide | March 2019 |
RIMBEY, Kari | Six Houses Down | March 2019 |
ROSENBERG, Joel C. | The Persian Gamble | March 2019 |
ROSS, Michael | Across the Great Divide | May 2019 |
RUBART, James L. | The Pages of Her Life | May 2019 |
SAWYER, Kim Vogel | A Silken Thread | April 2019 |
SCOTT, Regina | A Distance Too Grand | October 2019 |
SHILOH, Toni | Risking Love | June 2019 |
SHIRK, Jennifer | A Match for Mr. Wright | April 2019 |
SKATVOLD, Rachel | Lady Airelle's Choice | January 2019 |
SLEEMAN, Susan | Dead Ringer | April 2019 |
SLEEMAN, Susan | Seconds to Live | December 2019 |
SLEEMAN, Susan | Cold Dawn | January 2019 |
SLEEMAN, Susan | Dead Silence | July 2019 |
SLEEMAN, Susan | Dead End | September 2019 |
SMELTZER, Regina | Light of Logan | March 2019 |
SMITH, Heather Norman | Grace and Lavender | March 2019 |
SMITH, Jill Eileen | The Heart of a King | April 2019 |
SMUCKER, Shawn | Light from Distant Stars | July 2019 |
SNELLING, Lorraine | A Song of Joy | August 2019 |
SNELLING, Lorraine | Half Finished | March 2019 |
SNITKER, Melanie D. | Charmed by the Daring Cowboy | May 2019 |
SPENCER, Davalynn | Mail-Order Misfire | September 2019 |
STEPHENS, Naomi | Shadow Among Sheaves | April 2019 |
SUNDIN, Sarah | The Sky Above Us | February 2019 |
TAGG, Melissa | Now and Then and Always | May 2019 |
TAYLOR, Diana Wallis | Hadassah, Queen of Persia | July 2019 |
THOMAS, Sarah Loudin | When Silence Sings | November 2019 |
THRASHER, Travis | American Omens | February 2019 |
TOLSMA, Liz | The Pink Bonnet: True Colors | June 2019 |
TOLSMA, Liz | September 2019 | |
TRUMBO, Kari | Check Out Crush | August 2019 |
TRUMBO, Kari | Central Park Paradise | August 2019 |
TURANO, Jen | Flights of Fancy | January 2019 |
TURANO, Jen | Diamond in the Rough | September 2019 |
TURANSKY, Carrie | Seeking His Love | February 2019 |
TURANSKY, Carrie | No Ocean Too Wide | June 2019 |
TURNER, Bethany | Wooing Cadie McCaffrey | May 2019 |
TUTTLE, Susan L. | Met Her Match | March 2019 |
TYERS, Kathy | One Mind's Eye | September 2019 |
UNGER, Erin | Practicing Murder | March 2019 |
VALENTINE, Annette | Eastbound from Flagstaff | September 2019 |
VERDE, Alexa | Heart Restored | January 2019 |
VOGT, Beth K. | Moments We Forget | May 2019 |
WADE, Becky | Sweet on You | April 2019 |
WALSH, Rae | A Jar Full of Light | October 2019 |
WALTERS, Natalie | Living Lies | May 2019 |
WALTERS, Natalie | Deadly Deceit | November 2019 |
WALTON, Crystal | Romancing the Conflicted Cowboy | March 2019 |
WARREN, Susan May | Tate | July 2019 |
WARREN, Susan May | Knox | March 2019 |
WARREN, Susan May | Wyatt | October 2019 |
WARREN, Susan May | Ford | September 2019 |
WEAVER, Jaycee | What Makes a Home | April 2019 |
WEBER, Mary | To Best the Boys | March 2019 |
WELBORN, Gina & WHITHAM, Becca | Anywhere With You | March 2019 |
WELBORN, Gina & WHITHAM, Becca | The Telegraph Proposal | October 2019 |
WELLS, Allison | War-Torn Heart | March 2019 |
WEST, Catherine | As the Light Fades | September 2019 |
WHITE, Beth | A Reluctant Belle | June 2019 |
WHITE, Roseanna M. | The Number of Love | June 2019 |
WILLIAMSON, Jill | Thirst | November 2019 |
WILSON, Abigail | In the Shadow of Croft Towers | January 2019 |
WILSON, Abigail | Midnight on the River Grey | July 2019 |
WINTERS, Celeste | A White Christmas Wedding | October 2019 |
WISEMAN, Beth | An Amish Year | June 2019 |
WISEMAN, Beth | Hearts in Harmony | March 2019 |
WISEMAN, Beth | Listening to Love | September 2019 |
WITEMEYER, Karen | More Than Words Can Say | June 2019 |
WOODHOUSE, Kimberley | The Golden Bride | April 2019 |
WOODHOUSE, Kimberley | The Express Bride | July 2019 |
WOODSMALL, Cindy | A Christmas Haven | September 2019 |
WRIGHT, Jaime Jo | Echoes Among the Stones | December 2019 |
WRIGHT, Jaime Jo | The Curse of Misty Wayfair | January 2019 |
Y’BARBO, Kathleen | The Alamo Bride | February 2019 |
YOUNTS, Elizabeth Byler | The Bright Unknown | October 2019 |
YTTRUP, Ginny | Convergence | March 2019 |